X Art Truth Or Dare

X Art Truth Or Dare


X Art Truth Or Dare
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Truth or Dare. Your least favourite game. It wasn't like you had wanted to play in the first place. Hanji had come barging into your room, shouting about how a certain someone had collapsed in the Mess hall. Of course, you being the caring person you were, had immediately rushing into the Mess hall, slamming the door open with all your might; only to find Reiner, who had been hidden behind the door the entire time (and now had a nosebleed thanks to the door), grabbed you and flung you into your friends while you were still dazed about what was going on. The Hanji had rushed and slammed the door shut, from there, you wished your mere chance of survival goodbye. You, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Berthold, Reiner, Annie, Ymir, Christa, Sasha, Connie and Hanji and sat round in a circle, awaiting for the Hunge- oh, I mean the Truth and Dares to start. "Right, the one rule is, anyone who refuses to do as they are told has to go up to Hanji and ask about her newest titan couple without throwing up." As Ymir stated these rules, everyone shuddered at the thought of the last naming ceremony. "Alright, I'll go first as I made the rule up. Connie, truth or dare?" "Truth." "Have you ever kissed a boy?" "N-no." "Okay, your turn." Connie seemed to relax and a grin worked it's way up his face. Oh god. "Jean, Truth or Dare?" "pfft, Dare of course!" Poor Jean, he had never experienced one of Connie's dares. "I dare you to take your shirt off, put a horse mask on and run into Commander Erwin's office and shout as loud as you can 'I'm a horse and I'm proud!' And of course jump out the window." At this, you burst out into fits of laughter, with everybody staring at you as if you were crazy. You immediately stopped however, when you saw the shit-eating grin plastered to Jean's face. Oh god what have you done? "If I don't come back, make sure you kick Connie in the balls please." With a proud look, Jean took off his shirt and shoved the horse mask on and galloped off into battle. A few minutes later, you heard a loud neigh and a shout of "I'M A HORSE AND I'M PROUD!!!!" followed by a "WHAT THE FUCK!" from the other side of the building. Once Jean came back and Connie was in a corner scrunched up in pain, they resumed the game. "(y/n), Truth or Dare?" "T-truth?" "Who do you lik-" "DARE! DEFINATELY DARE!!!" "Ok then, I dare you to go into the corporal's office and steal his shirt without getting caught. I heard he takes a shower at this time of day, and you have to get the shirt he is wearing today and bring it back for proof." "Fuck you Jean." "Unless you want to help Hanji." "Fine! I'll do it." You turned around and stalked out the door, and just as you were about to leave, you said, "Jean, if I don't make it back alive, I will punch you in the balls as a ghost and haunt you for the rest of your life." Jean seemed to visibly pale at this. As you reached the Corporal's office you could hear the sound of water running, good. Very slowly, you opened the door and tiptoed in, looking around for the shirt. You suddenly found the door to his private quarters and very stealthily, snuk around the room to find said shirt. Soon you found it hanging from the back of a chair, and as carefully as you could, lifted it off. ' And we have Takeoff, mission success, I repeat, mission success!' Or so you thought. As soon as you took the shirt, the sound of the water stopped, you froze. Quick as lightning you bolted out the door and ran down the halls to the Mess hall. Slamming the door behind you, gasping for air as if it were life. Everyone looked at you expectantly, walking over to Jean, you waved the shirt in front of his and as if on cue, a "CADET (Y/N), GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE WITH MY SHIRT!", Jean just looked shocked at the fact you actually did it. However, your glory was short-lived. "Cadet, you have 5 seconds to run." Behind you stood the short man who haunted nightmares, shirtless. Shit. And boy did you run. You ran down the halls and through the training grounds, Levi practically on your tail the whole time. He was about to catch up, but he didn't know about your secret weapon! You put on a burst of speed while letting out a high-pitched manic laugh-scream, you called this the make-them-think-you're-crazy-and-they'll-slow-down technique, and it worked. Levi, had indeed thought you'd gone nuts. While he slowed down, you used this to speed up and run into the commander's office. Slamming the door open and quickly shutting it again, you leant against the door, panting heavily. "(y/n), would this happen to have anything with the horse that came in here and screamed earlier?" "No time to explain, Erwin hide me." You said and showed him Levi's shirt. He just nodded in understanding and pointed to behind the door, which you gratefully jogged to. You were glad you did, because moments later, a shirtless, out of breath Levi appeared. "oi, Eyebrows, have you seen (y/n)? that brat has my shirt." "I can tell, no I haven't seen her, sorry Levi." Once Levi had walked out, you quickly thanked Erwin and ran in the opposite direction from Levi, soon hearing fast-paced steps behind you, you chased up and down the stairs and through the halls until you lost him. Finding your way outside, you went to your favourite spot, under a cherry blossom tree. You slumped down, exhausted, you finally closed your eyes and fell into a light slumber. You opened your eyes, only to find a certain man. Right. in. front. of. you. Well shit. Widening your eyes in panic as you realised your situation, but before you could move away his firm hands planted themselves on your shoulders, preventing you from escaping. "Found you." "AAARGH, LEVI HEICHOU, IM SORRY! PLEASE DONT KILL M-" You were cut off by a pair of lips being crushed against yours, you, at first didn't know how to react, but slowly you got used to it. You were both just getting into it when, "WHOOOOO SHOOORTY'S GETTIN SOME!" "SHITTY GLASSES!!!" "uh oh" As Levi ran after Hanji in the distance, you just stared at the shirt. Oh yeah, you would have to return it to him later, but right now you preferred seeing him shirtless, I mean who could resist those abs. You found yourself drooling at the thought. Oh well, time to go kick Jean in the balls. And with that you skipped off happily into the sunset.

You laid on the floor, not daring to move, your broken body bleeding. You had lost count of how many hours your had been there, waiting, waiting for him to come back and beat you another time. Your frail, undernourished hands, given up.

How did it come to this? Your own father, beating you to a pulp. One day he had come home in a drunken haze, he had beaten you over and over again, you had slowly become unresponsive to the pain, your once, bright, smiling face, now dull and empty.

Today has been different, today, if you were lucky, you might be able to leave this place. Beaten to an inch of your life, maybe you would die at last, this hell
(Y/f/n)- Your first name
(Y/l/n)- Your last name [It may not be used in this fanfic]
(F/n)- Friend's name
TRIGGER WARNING: There may be ships that you HATE in this fanfic, but just bear with me. I don't ship all of these. I had to put them in or the story just.. wouldn't seem right to me. Alright, on your marks... Get set... FANGIRL!!!

"Holy Wall Maria, fuck no!" (Y/f/n) tried her best to get away from the idiots who wanted her to play truth or dare with them. "I refuse to play this game if Hanji's playing. I refuse to play in general!" (Y/f/n) got a few steps further until suddenly she f
Truth or dare... The game that destroys people and their lives. The game that ruins friendships and trust. Worse than Uno and monopoly combined.

"So who's ready!"

Everyone groaned at Sasha's enthusiasm towards the game.

"Ok I will start. Ummmmm..HORSE FACE! TRUTH OR DARE!"

Sasha gave Jean a wicked smile.

"Dare obviously and do not call me horse face!"

Jean glared at Sasha. If looks could kill,Sasha would be dead by now.

"Hehehe I want you to go up to the Commander and pretend to be a cat and make him pet you!"

Jean's mouth was reaching the ground. He was too shocked to process everything Sasha said. Everyone was on the floor laughing
"Hanji! Put me down or I swear I'm gonna kick your ass!" You squealed.


You were in your dorm, minding your own business when a grinning Hanji barged in shouting about playing truth or dare with the other cadets in her room.
"No way! Last time we played truth or dare I ended up cleaning the stables for a month because Heichou caught me in the middle of my dare! There's no way I'm going through that again. You'll have to drag me there." You announced defiantly, crossing your arms. Suddenly a huge grin spread across Hanji's face that could put any titan to shame. It was seriously creepy.
"Okay then (f/n), play it that way!" she smiled, a
“Cadet (Last Name),” a regal voice called out to you while you were in the stables tending to your golden stallion, who you so affectionately named ‘Sundance’. You were preparing to go off on a quick mission, being the last member of Levi's team who hadn’t been killed by the Female Titan. You paused in grooming your horse companion as you turned to find Commander Erwin approaching you, squad leaders Mike and Levi walking behind on either sides of him. You quickly dropped the brush into the bucket of horse care products then stood up straight and saluted your superiors.

“Cadet (Name) (Last Name), sir!”
‘Wow. How the hell can you do all this stuff?’ asked Eren in wonder. The sound of clicking filled the air. Armin, Jean and Marco looked on in amazement.

‘Yeah. I thought these things were only recently re-introduced,' said Armin.

‘I know. But when I was young, I used to go explore the old junkyard with my brother, and I found a couple of books that explained how to build these things. So I found some abandoned parts and… made my own I guess…’ you explained, tapping away at the black keys. Everyone watched, fascinated, as tiny black words started appearing on the screen.

‘What about electric
This is why you never play truth or dare kids. I also learnt from that mistake, and if you were wondering, Hanji was yelling about Levi who had collapsed. :3 
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If he was placing his hands on my shoulder I would've kicked his dick and run. Fast. Fucking fast.

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   "We're gonna invite the boys over and play truth or dare!" You widened your eyes and blushed lightly. All the boys? That means Armin will also be here. You had a major crush on Armin. No, you were pretty sure you loved the little blonde boy. You had been so caught up in thinking you hadn't noticed the girls excitedly talking about the evening.   "U-um Sasha? When will they be here..?" You mumble, bending around Ymir's tall body to see the other girl.   "About and hour and a half. I'd get ready if I were you Y/N, you're rocking some major bed head," She laughed. You glared.   "Thanks, Sasha." ~~Time skip brought to you by your bed head~~  It was only now you realized how bad of an idea this was. You were sitting with your back against the wall, all of the members of the 104th trainee squad sitting in a circle around you. You were in between Reiner and Eren, much to Armin's distaste. So far Mina has had to sit on Reiner's lap until it was her turn again, Jean had to go call Corporal an angry little man which would either result with him being skinned alive or stable duty for a month, and Ymir had to slap Christa's ass. (Not that she complained. She enjoyed it a bit more than she should have.) It was now Mikasa's turn to ask someone and to say you were nervous was a complete understatement. You were sweating like Bertholdt. She was the only one who knew about your crush on Armin, but she had promised not to tell another living soul. The only thing that worried you was the glint of amusement she had in her eyes.   "Y/N" You sigh, preparing yourself.   "Yes, Mikasa?"   "Truth or dare?" She asked in a teasing tone. You could have swore you saw her sporting a small smirk.   "Truth." You decided to play it safe, terrified by her expression.   "If you had to date anyone in this room, who would you choose and why? You have to go into detail,"   "Dare."   "I dare you to stop beating around the bush and answer the damn question." You cursed under your breath, wondering why you ever thought this would be an okay idea.   "We don't have all day, Y/N~" Even if it didn't look like it, the girl was having way too much fun with this.   "Go dammit okay! I... would date Armin," The boy blushed, he had always had a crush on you. It was amazing to him that he was your choice out of all the boys.   "Oh? and why is that, Y/N?" Eren inquired, fully aware of Armin's interest in you.   "U-um, He's really sweet," You start. "He never fails to bring a smile to my face. He may not be the strongest when it comes to battle, but he really is intelligent. I mean, half of us including Eren would be dead without him. Armin is also determined. He want to go outside the walls to continue the journey his parent's had started... I admire that greatly." Your eyes widened and your cheeks went aflame, you basically just confessed to Armin. To make it even better, it was in a room filled with people. After a small war in your head, you decided to lift your head, only to see Armin in the same state as you.   "I'm so sorry... I can't believe I did that," You get up and run toward the door. You'd never be able to face any of the again, especially Armin. He probably didn't even like you back. You could hear the faint calls telling you to come back, but you wouldn't. There wasn't a chance in hell you were going back there. Not only would you die of embarrassment but you would be the laughing stock of the trainees. Your feet came to a stop when the cold night air met your body. Walking around, you looked for a good tree to bawl your eyes out behind. You spotted one a decent ways away from the dorm and made your way behind it. You tried to cry, but you couldn't.  "I can't believe I did that. Why in the world would I say that? He doesn't even like me back. There's nothing to like about me. I'm not strong like Mikasa, or pretty like Christa, or funny like Sasha. I'm just plain old Y/N. Nothing special." You mumble to yourself, hoping to get rid of the pit in your stomach.   "That's not true Y/N. You're very strong. You're so beautiful, it takes the breath right out of my lungs. You're also hilarious. It really means a lot to me what you said back there. I also know you're truthful, which means you meant every single word, Y/N. It would mean the world to me if I could call you mine. I'd do anything for you. You may just be Y/N, but that doesn't mean you aren't special. You're the most special thing in my life." You turn around to see Armin, looking down at you with flaming cheeks and loving eyes. You quickly stand up and look up into his eyes.   "Armin... Do you really mean that? You aren't just saying that to make me feel better?" You ask, looking at the teen with hopeful eyes.   "I meant every word, Y/N. I love you." You gasp, covering your mouth. Flinging yourself into his arms, you start to cry tears of happiness.   "I love you too, Armin!" He pulls back so he can look at your face he loved so dearly. The boy pulls you into a passion and love filled kiss. You wrap your arms around his neck, and gently tug at his hair. One hand is placed on the back of your head and the other is positioned on your hip ever so gently. So this was what true love felt like.
  Y/N had always been an independent girl. She never needed help, and when she did, she'd always claim she didn't. This made handling her very hard for her best friend, Jean Kirschtein. In his mind you never knew when to give up. While it could be very admirable, it could also be very annoying.

  Today you were sick with God knows what. You knew people would ask if you were sick, and of course you'd answer with something along the lines of "Hell no." Everyone would know you were lying, but due to hardheadedness nothing would work.

  So, here you were, inside school, sick as a dog. You were sneezing coughing, the whole lot. You didn't
[Warning: Mild Swearing]

And he's feeling kind of drunk, head slightly dazed, but his eyes are still firmly fixed on your figure. You're still talking to Marco, seemingly interested, but he's going to keep watching you until he'll have a chance to tell you some shitty pick up lines and hope for the best.

Your back is turned towards him, and as much as he wants to see your beautiful face, he's left admiring your curves. The dress you're wearing is probably your favourite colour, he assumes as he makes a mental note, and it clings to your figure loosely. Elegant, attractive yet somehow still casual.

He wants to figure out why you
"(name), get down from there."

"No." You giggled from the tree branch. For the past hour, your friends have been trying to get you down from that freaking tall tree that you climbed. "Its fun up here."

You were the bubbly, cheery and wild girl of the cadets. You were naughty and loved getting in trouble. Not to mention you're crazy. "(name), if you don't get down from there you're going to get scolded."

You grinned back. "Don't worry. I know." You reassured them. You are currently upside down on the tree branch, your legs giving you support as you chatted away at your worried fellow cadets.

"(name), you're going to get yourself hurt. And
  Your smile brought a warm feeling worming into his chest, he loved the way your eyes squinted when you smiled like that. Always so full of life that stupid little spark of hope never dying from your ever (colour) eyes. So full of life like death never existed in this world like everything was at peace and the war at their door had suddenly stopped. He loved the sound of your laugh, it was like bird chirping midday and the grass waving in the breeze that blew through. Your hair the perfect colour of (color) always some how shining in the light. Warm sun rays bathed you in love like you were its perfect child. Always so fearless w
You watched as another titan devoured one of those humans, hearing his agonised screams as he was swallowed whole, you didn't know why, but you never felt the desire to eat or kill humans and sometimes you would kill a few of your own kind yourself to ease boredom.

Even though you were 15 meters tall and easily detectable you didn't want much attention as you knew that some of those humans were quite lethal, some could even turn into titans themselves, you made sure to stay clear of them.

Turning around to walk in the opposite direction, you were just about to walk away when suddenly a black dot zoomed past your view and on to one of the bu
  It was another expedition and for this expedition you were paired with Sasha keeping watch on the right as the right wing spotters. It wasn't the safest part of the
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