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Envisioning the future implications of technology
Kevin Coleman is a widely recognized author, speaker and thought-leader on the issues and opportunities of technology. He began his career at Deloitte and joined the reengineering practice at CSC. He continued his career, in the iconic role of Chief Strategist at Internet icon Netscape, that grew at an astonishing 65,000% in about 5 years and then began working as a SME.
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Quantum technology has jumped from the thoughts and minds of research physicists onto the whiteboards of technology innovators. Some innovators are now working in the area of quantum networks. Will this create the next evolution of the internet?
Multiple emerging technologies will create a combined driver of change unlike anything we have seen before. This demands action be taken in preparation for what awaits in the next few years. The ability of individuals and organizations to compete depends on what they do now. Time is shortโ€”act now.
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An insightful look at three measures of the current state of quantum computing and technology and the trends over the last six-months.
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Current State of Quantum Computing and Technology
The business market is now starting to take notice and planning to take advantage of quantum technology as it advances
and begin to mature and be commercialized. Some organizations use their efforts in this area as a marketing opportunity.
While others use of the technology is much more subtle and has real business value with a competitive advantage. In fact, in
some cases, they believe their actions are much more strategic. Implementing a transformational technology like quantum
computing is now even more critical due to its disruptive potential. To be effective at setting an organizationโ€™s quantum
technology strategy, they must know where the technology is currently at in order to chart where the technology is headed.
In an effort to support strategic quantum technology planning, the following three general quantum indicators were
developed and are being tracked and reported regularly.
As has been reported previously in my business focused coverage of the quantum
movement, the availability of properly skilled human resources is essential to
support the evolution, advancement and maturing of quantum computing and
technology. Currently, many believe this has become one of the most critical limiting
factors for the industry, at least in the near-term. This prompted the development of
the Quantum Human Resource Demand (QHRD) metric. Monthly required the data
and information will be collected for this indicator. After processing, the current
state of QHRD will be presented graphically and illustrate its trend over the past six
months. Please see and yellow colored chart.
The December and January lull are attributed to the holidays
The billions of dollars of estimated potential for quantum computers and technology
has raised eyebrows and caught the interest of many in the business community.
Currently, some believe the quantum computing market value could reach $5+
billion USD in the near-term - by the year 2025. This has prompted the development
of the Quantum Technology Interest indicator (QTI). Monthly we will gather the
information we require to identify the current state of QTI and present its trend over
the past six months. Please see an example blue colored chart below. Once again,
the December and January lull are attributed to the holidays. In addition, the up and
down movement as appears to be trending is not uncommon with early stage
Overall, the current state of advancement for quantum computing and technology
looks positive โ€“ and growing. This sets the foundation and provides the fuel for the
commercialization of the technology. However, the QHRD indicator (above) shows,
the demand for the highly skilled resources required for this work is likely to increase
the demand and that could inhibit the overall growth of the market. Another factor
that must be overcome is the vast amount of outdated or mis-information that is
available online. This has led to many in the business communityโ€™s misunderstanding
about quantum technology in general. That factor has to be overcome to further
accelerate the business opportunity of quantum computing and technology. A cursory
look into grants and other announcements as well as funding sources of quantum
computing and technology research appears to be solid currently. Monthly we will
gather the information we require to identify the current state of quantum computing
and technology review (QCTR) and present how it is trending with a view of the past
Striving to create Valuable Knowledge about the future implications of technology
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Discover more about:ย Quantum Computing
The combined global revenue implications of these 16 rapidly emerging technologies with disruptive repercussions total in the trillions of U.S. dollars. This estimate is after the dramatic reductio n due to COVID-19. Note: My work on quantum technology is focused on quantum computing, quantum communications (Internet) and quantum encryption. ... [more]
Alert the global business community to the potential of quantum computing. This is the abstract for the 1-hour executive briefing on the business aspects of quantum computing. This work has been d elivered to over 3,500 professionals as of April 2020. ... [more]
Increase the awareness of current criminal initiatives targeted the information assets of research efforts. The output and value of research initiatives is being targeted by criminal actors and som e nation-states. ... [more]
Special purpose quantum computers---realized with current technology---have the potential to revolutionize physics, chemistry, and materials science.
The Quantum Economy Briefing The technical aspects of quantum computing have been receiving the vast amount of attention for some time now. That being said, as the quantum computing technologies continue to show great promise, it is the business aspects of this emerging technology that have begun to gain much attention. In early 2019, Applied Market Research released their report/analysis that ... [Show full abstract] concluded the global quantum computing market was $650 million in 2017 1. Our analysis showed quantum computing would have an average compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20-30 percent from 2018 to 2025 and an average global market value of $2.7 to $5.3 billion USD within that timeframe. Perhaps that is why we are beginning to see the increased amount of business attention being given to quantum computing. That growth brings with it a number of issues and opportunities so every organization should proceed cautiously. In mid-December 2019, Haim Isreal, Bank of America strategist was asked 'What invention will be as revolutionary in the 2020s as smartphones were in the 2010s.' His response was quick, without hesitation and shocking to most. He replied "quantum computing 2 ." This created quite the stir-both positive and negative. Many were of the opinion the maturing of quantum computing could not happen in such a short period of time. Others, became concerned that perhaps they and their organizations were behind and had better take steps to rapidly catch up and keep up. In a Q4-2019 survey we conducted of a group of business professionals, I asked if their organizations could afford NOT to explore emerging technologies? A massive amount, 84% said no. I then went on to asked that same group if their organization had, or were examining "Quantum Computing" and looked at the implications it will likely have within the next 5 years. After their previous response, a stunning percentage, less than 20% stated that they had.
Qualified professionals were asked: the publicโ€™s negative opinion concerning the implications of emerging technologies? Specifically mentioned was biotechnology initiatives.
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Kevin Coleman, Author at eLearning Industry
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