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The table is nearly new and yet look at all the scratches. Everywhere, top to bottom left to right, everywhere there are scratches and dents, and I have no idea how. I’m not sure who to blame or who to talk to. I wake up every morning sick to my stomach, falling deeper into the table’s gloom and damage, hoping for a karate chop to the neck or sternum. My motivation is slipping, I need to address the situation now. 
I logged online a few weeks ago looking for solutions, driven by the same fire, address the situation now. I started in some forums, looking for respected table care practices and principles, or even links to another resource that may have the information. Luckily I am a calm and capable internet user, because I know people who would paralyze at this step, and the information galaxy would instead seem a dangerous and distant grey mass. An old friend, Miro, he was like that. The connection was out of reach, so he persevered with recklessness, which brought his demise .

Gutnik is a powerful and evil businessman. At night, Gutnik enjoys singing songs about his projects. He doesn’t mind company while he sings.

I just recently learned of Culperer’s father. He’s in bad shape and he’s often injured and Gutnik and Culperer regularly beat him. From up on my Factory 1 observation post I often see Gutnik kicking in Culperer’s father’s chest and recording it with a camcorder. It’s a repeating theme, Culperer’s father is the sufferer and Gutnik and Culperer are the destroyers.
Culperer’s father first came to my attention during one of the mentioned Gutnik-with-camcorder attacks, which likely had already been happening for some time though not within such a clear site of my observation outpost in a tall spruce. I saw Gutnik stomping his fine leather shoes into an old man’s chest whom I assumed was a shift supervisor, but the old man’s face had an odd look of complacency that hinted at a deeper connection with his attacker, and I sensed that there was something to this. I took out my magnetic disruptor and intercepted that data being recorded to Gutnik’s camcorder tape in real-time. Later that night I checked out the tape and heard Gutnik repeatedly say Culperer’s Bloody Daddy before he would land a big kick to the ribs. From here I compared ultra-HD photos of both Culperer and the old man and confirmed striking similarities.
There’s not a single mention of Culperer’s father, nor any sort of Culperer family whatsoever, in the entire Gazette database. The only thing I found is a photo from the Factory 1 grand opening luncheon, where a younger and happier Culperer’s father is hanging out and listening to the mayor praise Factory 1. He’s not mentioned in the photo caption, and I wouldn’t be surprised if no one at the celebration knew who the man was. 
What changed from then to now? How did the cheery man at the luncheon turn into a whimpering kicking bag? Did Culperer wish this transformation? Was it an outside force? 
I believe that understanding Culperer’s father will reveal key insights into Culperer himself. And if the suffering of Culperer’s father indeed resembles that of the community, which I hope to soon know, then perhaps I can predict Culperer’s attacks based on how he tortures his father. The meaning of Gutnik’s attacks must also be discerned as omens of the Culperer vein or just giddy violence.
I keep thinking of that young man at the luncheon, beaming with calm pride for his entrepreneurial son, the small city messiah. A full crowd, great food, sunny weather, an attractive future.
Of course, there’s a decent chance that Culperer’s father was experiencing a similar situation back then, and my single piece of cheery evidence is an outlier. But the genuine smile, the bright eyes, they tell me that things were actually okay.
Is the parenting style of Culperer’s father to blame, at least partly, for Culperer’s evil? Are the beatings a form of paternal payback? Again, I believe learning about Culperer’s father will help us understand Culperer and his plan of action. Perhaps there’s even a chance to join forces with Culperer’s father and have him act as a mole, but this assumes that Culperer’s father wants to take down Culperer. There’s also the chance that Culperer’s father enjoys this relationship and the beatings and Gutnik’s camcorder, and that I completely misunderstand the system. My urge to craft a coherent investigation must be moderated via dedication to precision and accuracy. My goal is to save the public, not craft an award-winning story. Truth and rigor and discipline.
I recently witnessed a particularly intense beating of Culperer’s father in which Gutnik delivered a brutal kick to his chest and Culperer followed it with a rock to the chin and Culperer’s father fell back unconscious and didn’t move for twenty minutes, until Culperer eventually whistled and a medic ran over and brought him back. For twenty minutes Gutnik and Culperer watched the flies gather on Culperer’s father. They calmly discussed and smoked some cigarettes. As always, Culperer was in sweatpants and Gutnik was in a beautiful suit. Culperer took out his phone and made a call. Gutnik started hysterically laughing. Factory 1 kept pumping smoke into the heavens. Culperer stretched his waistband and urinated feet away from his still father, some of which I’m sure landed on his feet. 
Culperer urinated on his father whom he just knocked unconscious with a rock.
Just when something takes the cake and I say This is it, this is why Culperer must be stopped, this is him at his worst — just when that happens Culperers ups the ante and knocks the shit out of his dad and pees on him and chills. Just when Culperer seems to be a certain amount of evil he breaks through the ceiling. 
Is Culperer getting more evil? Would he have gone so far as to urinate on his unconscious father two years ago? If the answer is yes then the question turns to what is the source of this increasing evil, and is there a chance that Culperer is a puppet to something even more evil. Or is this just Culperer aging and feeling pressure to accomplish something bigger than Factory 1, and that’s why he’s suddenly back on the public scene with Gutnik, using Avoid A Meltdown as the excuse but that may just be a foot in the door before they really open fire.
Judging by the regular beatings of Culperer’s father, and the zeal to end Avoid A Meltdown solely to raise the crash fatalities, and by the deep suffering of the tight-lipped employees, judging by these things Culperer clearly supports evil and violence. These are the constants in his life and what’s to come from Culperer will likely involve an increase in magnitude. I see ambition in his eyes and he has the resources to pull off almost anything. 
While gathering wood to repair my observation outpost I stumbled upon an illustration of Culperer’s father hunched over in the bathtub with a cockroach in his hair. This could be a self-portrait, or potentially the work of a Factory 1 employee, or even Gutnik or Culperer. Based on the wrinkles and poor posture it’s a recent picture, but also I have no idea where this bathtub is located.
For some reason I’ve barely thought of Culperer and his retinue’s nighttime rituals or even the prospect of them taking an occasional break from the murder-grind to relax, so perhaps Culperer’s father is off the clock here. He’s not sustaining blows to the chest and head, and he’s not sprinting at tendon-snapping speeds to deliver some sort of paper or payment for his son the leader. Nonetheless, all of Factory 1’s violence is visible on his sunken face — every employee skull cracked by Gutnik during lunch, every knee snapped inward by Culperer when he feels restless. 
He soaks in the water with a cockroach so big he must know it’s there. It’s tangled in his hair. It gets wet and then dries out and then again and smells increasingly sour. 
Maybe it even serves as a security blanket, something to depend on in the midst of boot-to-jaw chaos. 
Ultra-HD analysis has confirmed that the roach was nestled in Culperer’s father hair in my own photos from yesterday’s surveillance session, in addition to being depicted in the illustration I found. At first I only saw the legs but some simple color toggling revealed the roach guardian’s full form.

Lia Marie Johnson The Fappening
Selfshot Nudes
Big Butts In Motion

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