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Home » 7 Time-lapse Ideas to Inspire You

 December 20, 2018 |  ideas , Time-lapse | n Blog
The key element to a stunning time-lapse is the presentation of movement that would otherwise go unnoticed or underappreciated, but with the increase in perceived time, can be observed in splendid detail and at a pace that allows the movement to be fully understood.
Thanks to the use of a sequence of still images, the resolution, color depth and dynamic range of the time-lapse can be of a higher quality that would otherwise likely be available, meaning the final video will be down-res’d to fit the dimensions of HD, or 4k (4k is roughly the equivalent of 8MP/frame), with outstanding clarity and vibrancy if carried out correctly.
If high resolution is something you really require, you could even output in some ultra-high resolution dimensions like 5K for viewing on very large media (5K is roughly 15MP), or when zooming into the final product may be desirable. Your typical time-lapse will not warrant such capability, however, if you are doing a time-lapse to capture scientific phenomena, it may be advantageous.
If you are anxious to try out time-lapse, but you haven’t a subject determined yet, here are some ideas that often result in great successes to use as inspiration. Keep in mind that exposure times can be significant – if there is motion it may serve the time-lapse to freeze it in place, however, it is often a good idea to allow some motion blur, as it will transition between frames more fluidly.
This depends on the speed of the motion versus the number of frames per second you have, and the nature of the motion as it relates to the composition of the time-lapse, but it is something you should consider when planning and executing your time-lapse.
Flowers and plants can be beautiful to behold, but their transformation from seed to adult plant is often absolutely breathtaking. If you have an indoor plant that you are about to start to grow, you can set up a camera on a mount of a tripod at the angle with which you want to capture. As you water, groom or fertilize on a regular schedule, you can incorporate taking a photograph at the same time. You aren’t going to want to allow the camera to move, so it would be best if it weren’t touched at all. Use a remote shutter and a wall outlet to keep the camera powered and the lighting is consistent.
Whether you choose to shoot clouds sprawling across the sky, or the awesome display of stars in the night sky, the sky can provide a whole host of phenomena that will both enlighten the observer to the complexities of the atmosphere or cosmos but will also provide a beautiful spectacle. In the daytime, the movement of clouds can be quite spell-binding, and the rolling in of rain or a thunderstorm can be particularly interesting.
At night, if the sky is clear and you are in an area dark enough, the stars in the sky can provide a beautiful time-lapse as the stars move in relation to the observer due to Earth’s rotation. Our list of top astrophotography locations may give some helpful suggestions.
The transition from day to night or night to day can be spectacular. Often the color changes are beautiful, but can only be appreciated in a video format, but where video often fails to capture the splendour adequately and results in a video that would ideally be increased in speed, time-lapse allows you to take high-resolution, high-bitrate and high-dynamic-range images using your DSLR or mirrorless and use each image as a frame rather than dropping frames in order to speed the motion in the video.
These are called “holy-grail” sequences in time-lapse parlance. This will result in splendid views of the sun and the transition to or from nighttime that would just not be possible with most video equipment out there. I highly suggest taking such shots in a desert, on a mountain, or on a coast in order to get the full effect of the sun’s set or rise.
Other locations which might serve well include forests, city-scapes and prairie or farmland, especially those with rolling hills. If you are considering shooting a sunrise or sunset, you should look into software and techniques to help you overcome the challenges of creating a “holy grail” time-lapse.
Show the hustle and bustle of the city street throughout the workday. Show cars and people in motion, working like the blood cells of the city. These types of time-lapse can work especially from higher vantage points, showing a grand scheme of the movement in the city. It is a good idea to get some variation, for example, sunrise to sunset, to allow for the workday to play out and the difference in traffic to reveal itself. Often the majority of traffic will walk in one direction to start a workday and the opposite when it concludes, with less dense and less directional traffic in between and the pre and post-workday lull afterwards.
There are all sorts of patterns you may find, however, and it is very interesting to see a large volume of people moving en masse. In this case, it might be wise to use relatively longer exposures to allow for some motion blur, which will soften the movement in the frames and often results in a more fluid transition from frame to frame when you have dramatic motion during the course of the time-lapse.
Another display of nature’s wonder is the movement of the tides. Roughly every 24 hours, the tide comes fully in and out twice. It’s hard to see tides move in real-time. Some shallow beaches mike make it noticeable with the water flooding over, but generally, you can’t see much going on in terms of tidal movement.
A time-lapse video really brings life to the movement of the sea and the magnificence of just how much water moves in and out over the course of a few hours.
The movements of boats and people playing in the sea are fun subjects in time-lapse and they add a really visually interesting extra dimension.
Something that utilizes the benefits of time-lapse to the highest effect is construction, DIY, or other projects that are progressively built or taken down. This includes home improvement projects and new constructions to major urban construction but is not limited to the grandiose.
Time-lapse works for any building, assembling, disassembling or similar project. The process of building something in Legos can be well translated with time-lapse. Replacing car parts, assembling a model aircraft, anything which requires stepwise procedures to achieve a greater goal can be well-served by time-lapse. Not only can time-lapse serve as a record of the accomplishment, but it can also record the steps, how to carry them out, and when. It can serve as a valuable teaching tool when applied to projects such as these, not to mention being quite visually satisfying.
Similar to construction and assembly projects, time-lapse really stands out as an asset to capturing the labor and evolution of art projects.
Not only can the viewer (of the final time-lapse) see the steps and transformation of the work from mere materials, they can also gain an appreciation of the craft, or discover a technique, or further their comprehension of the medium itself. This is another example of an application that would serve education well, but it isn’t a necessity. The time-lapse can be a piece of art all by itself!
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George Lazarou, MD, FACOG

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Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD

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What Are Common Causes of Vaginal Prolapse?

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Lazarou, GL, MD, et al. Uterine Prolapse. Medscape. Updated: Aug 15, 2018.

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The network of muscles, ligaments, and skin in and around a woman's vagina acts as a complex support structure that holds pelvic organs, and tissues in place. This support network includes the skin and muscles of the vaginal walls (a network of tissues called the fascia). Various parts of this support system may eventually weaken or break, causing a common condition called vaginal prolapse.
Vaginal prolapse is a condition in which structures such as the uterus, rectum, bladder, urethra, small bowel, or the vagina itself may begin to prolapse, or fall out of their normal positions. Without medical treatment or surgery, these structures may eventually prolapse farther and farther into the vagina or even through the vaginal opening if their supports weaken enough.
The symptoms that result from vaginal prolapse commonly affect sexual function as well as bodily functions such as urination and defecation. Pelvic pressure and discomfort are also common symptoms.
Symptoms most commonly associated with a vaginal prolapse depend on the type of vaginal prolapse present. The most common symptom of all types of vaginal prolapse is the sensation that tissues or structures in the vagina are out of place. Some women describe the feeling as "something coming down" or as a dragging sensation. This may involve a protrusion or pressure in the area of the sensation. Generally, the more advanced the prolapse, the more severe the symptoms.
General symptoms that may be seen with all types of vaginal prolapse include pressure in the vagina or pelvis, painful intercourse ( dyspareunia ), a mass at the opening of the vagina, decrease in pain or pressure when lying down, and recurrent urinary tract infections .
Some women who develop a vaginal prolapse do not experience symptoms.
A network of muscles provides the main support for the pelvic viscera (the vagina and the surrounding tissues and organs within the pelvis). The major part of this network of muscles, which is located below most of the pelvic organs and supports the organs' weight, is called the levator ani. Pelvic ligaments provide additional stabilizing support.
When parts of this support network are weakened or damaged, the vagina and surrounding structures may lose some or all of the support that holds them in place. Collectively, this condition is called pelvic relaxation. A vaginal prolapse occurs when the weight-bearing or stabilizing structures that keep the vagina in place weaken or deteriorate. This may cause the supports for the rectum, bladder, uterus, small bladder, urethra, or a combination of them to become less stable.
Common factors that may cause a vaginal prolapse include:
A large percentage of women develop some form of vaginal prolapse during their lifetime, most commonly following menopause , childbirth, or a hysterectomy. Most women who develop this condition are older than 40 years of age. Many women who develop the symptoms of a vaginal prolapse do not seek medical help because of embarrassment or other reasons. Some women who develop a vaginal prolapse do not experience symptoms.
There are different types of vaginal prolapse:
This type of vaginal prolapse involves a prolapse of the back wall of the vagina (rectovaginal fascia). When this wall weakens, the rectal wall pushes against the vaginal wall, creating a bulge. This bulge may become especially noticeable during bowel movements.
This can occur when the front wall of the vagina (pubocervical fascia) prolapses. As a result, the bladder may prolapse into the vagina. When this condition occurs, the urethra usually prolapses as well. A urethral prolapse is also called a urethrocele. When both the bladder and urethra prolapse, this condition is known as a cystourethrocele. Urinary stress incontinence (urine leakage during coughing , sneezing, exercise , etc) is a common symptom of this condition.
The weakening of the upper vaginal supports can cause this type of vaginal prolapse. This condition primarily occurs following a hysterectomy. An enterocele results when the front and back walls of the vagina separate, allowing the intestines to push against the vaginal skin.
This involves a weakening of a group of ligaments called the uterosacral ligaments at the top of the vagina. This causes the uterus to fall, which commonly causes both the front and back walls of the vagina to weaken as well. Stages of uterine prolapse are:
This type of prolapse may occur following a hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus). Because the ligaments surrounding the uterus provide support for the top of the vagina, this condition is common after a hysterectomy. In vaginal vault prolapse, the top of the vagina gradually falls toward the vaginal opening. This may cause the walls of the vagina to weaken as well. Eventually, the top of the vagina may protrude out of the body through the vaginal opening, ultimately turning the vagina inside out. A vaginal vault prolapse is often accompanied by an enterocele.
Any woman who experiences symptoms that may indicate a vaginal prolapse should contact her doctor.
Vaginal prolapse is rarely a life-threatening condition. However, most prolapses gradually worsen and can only be corrected with intravaginal pessaries or surgery. Thus, timely medical care is recommended to evaluate for and to prevent problematic symptoms and complications caused by weakening tissue and muscles surrounding the vagina.
Generally, the most reliable way that a doctor can make a definite diagnosis of any type of vaginal prolapse involves a medical history and a thorough physical examination. This involves the doctor examining each section of the vagina separately to determine the type and extent of the prolapse in order to decide which type of treatment is most appropriate.
During the physical examination, a woman may need to sit in an upright position and strain so that any prolapsed tissues are more likely to become apparent. Some types of vaginal prolapse such as cystocele or rectocele are more easily identifiable during the physical examination than are types such as vaginal vault prolapse or enterocele.
Since many women with vaginal prolapse also have urinary incontinence , these tests can further evaluate the anatomy and function of the pelvic floor.
Most vaginal prolapses will gradually worsen over time and can only be fully corrected with surgery. However, the type of treatment that is appropriate to treat a vaginal prolapse depends on factors such as the cause and severity of the prolapse, whether the woman is sexually active, her age and overall medical status, her desire for future childbearing, and her personal preference.
Treatments at home for vaginal prolapse include the following:
Many women with vaginal prolapse may benefit from estrogen replacement therapy. Estrogen helps strengthen and maintain muscles in the vagina. As with hormone therapy for other indications, the benefits and risks of estrogen therapy must be weighed for each individual patient.
Estrogen replacement therapy may be used to help the body strengthen the muscles in and around the vagina. Estrogen replacement therapy may be contraindicated (such as in a people with certain types of cancer ) and has been associated with certain health risks including increased risk of blood clots and stroke , particularly in older postmenopausal women. Women's bodies cease producing estrogen naturally after menopause, and the muscles of the vagina may weaken as a result.
In mild cases of vaginal prolapse, estrogen may be prescribed in an attempt to reverse vaginal prolapse symptoms, such as vaginal weakening and incontinence. For more severe prolapses, estrogen replacement therapy may be used along with other types of treatment.
A generalized weakness of the vaginal muscles and ligaments is much more likely to develop than isolated defects. If a woman develops symptoms of one type of vaginal prolapse, she is likely to have or develop other types as well. Therefore, a thorough physical examination is necessary for the surgeon to detail what surgical steps are necessary to correct the vaginal prolapse completely. The typical surgical strategy is to correct all vaginal weaknesses at one time.
Surgery is usually performed while the woman is under general anesthesia. Some women receive a spinal or epidural. The type of anesthesia given usually depends on the anticipated length of the surgical procedure. Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves slender instruments and advanced camera systems. This surgical technique is becoming more common for securing the vaginal vault after a hysterectomy and correcting some types of vaginal prolapse such as enteroceles or uterine prolapses.
Women who undergo surgery for vaginal prolapse repair should normally expect to spend 2-4 days in the hospital depending on the type and extent of the surgery. After surgery, women are usually advised to avoid heavy lifting for approximately 6-9 weeks. After surgery, most women can expect to return to a normal level of activity after 3 months. A woman undergoing treatment should schedule follow-up visits with her doctor to evaluate progress. Pessaries need to be removed and cleaned at regular intervals to prevent infection.
Physical therapy such as electrical stimulation and biofeedback may be used to help strengthen the muscles in the pelvis.
After surgery, most women can expect to return to a normal level of activity after 3 months.
A woman undergoing treatment should schedule follow-up visits with her doctor to evaluate progress. Pessaries need to be removed and cleaned at regular intervals to prevent infection.
Vaginal prolapse is rarely a life-threatening condition.
Vaginal prolapse surgery is generally successful but recurrence remains an issue.
Women at risk for vaginal prolapse (including those who have had corrective surgery) should, if possible, avoid heavy lifting or any activity that increases pressure within the a
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