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Www Empornium Me


Www Empornium Me

ブランド品の存在は、人の心に豊かさを届けてくれます。 Continue Reading
ブランド品というのは、専門店が減ってきているため店舗で購入するという事が難しくなっています。 Continue Reading
通販でブランド品は簡単に手に入れることができます。 Continue Reading
通販番組は基本的に買うのが怖いというイメージを持たれがちですが、そんなことはないのです。 Continue Reading
憧れのブランド品を手に入れたいと思ったら、インターネットの通販サイトを利用するといいでしょう。 Continue Reading
通販を利用すれば、簡単にブランド品を購入することができます。 Continue Reading
商品の購入が便利であったり、通常の店舗で購入するより安価であったりと、通販を利用する人は昔に比べてかなり増えました。 Continue Reading
特に女性は有名ブランドの服やバッグ等を、買い集めるのが好きという人が多いです。 Continue Reading
ブランド品の買取サービスを利用する時に重要なのは、ブランド品の状態の良さです。 Continue Reading
普段からブランド品を購入する人は年々新しい商品が増え、自宅にも多くのアイテムが並んでいる事も多いでしょう。 Continue Reading
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As a child growing up in 1970s Hong Kong, I loved to explore the vibrant street markets, and back alley shops - once finding a caged brown bear in Aberdeen Market, I begged to be able to take it home and free it…. Best of all were my trips to The Chinese Emporium a treasure trove of all things Chinese. The closest thing to a department store, this shopping experience was unique.... high-pitched atonal arias from the Peking operas were blasted through crackling speakers, a pervasive scent of camphor and musky herbs tickled and tortured our noses but we would spends hours scouring each department, never disappointed usually surprised with new and bizarre finds. More staff than customers, the hierarchy and customer service ethic reminiscent of "Are You Being Served?".
The art/stationery department could entertain me for hours, there were literally hundreds of handmade, smelly real-hair brushes to choose from, a huge variety of black, black-inks each ranked by quality and purpose determined by their depth, hue and chroma and an equal variety of parchment and funny “recycled looking” but certainly very un-environmentally friendly papers. The motifs, colour schemes, quaint sounding brands and the indecipherable Chinese calligraphy were the norm WHSmiths would be exotic. It was my favourite place to spend Christmas or birthday postal orders.
Funky looking traditional Chinese instruments; strange massage contraptions; Tai Chi inspired exercise machines; richly embroidered satins, silks and cottons; heavy cotton pile pyjamas in distinctively non western designs and colour schemes. These Pjs and other wardrobe staples later made their way onto my "school list" causing much teasing and shrieks of laughter from my English boarding school friends. I was nicnamed “Cambia” in reference to the then current Cambodian Refugee Crisis - thanks to my exotic sounding village Chung Hom Kok, my darker than average skin, my skinny frame and long sun streaked bunches but I soon learned to turn being different into a humorous advantage. Unable to fit-in or follow the English trends, instead I developed my own essentially eclectic style. In the absence of Marks & Spencer’s my knickers, Pjs and later bras were profoundly ugly, pedestrian and distinctly chinese looking when my name tapes fell off – my underwear always found its way into my laundry cubby hole. My smalls may have sucked but my home clothes rocked. My Gloria Vanderbilt aubergine crosscords were an instant trend setting hit in the Yorkshire Dales, my denim jackets, Nike trainers and Pepe drainpipes were coveted and so this street market booty more than compensated for my bed and underwear.
My Hong Kong childhood is probably where I developed my thirst for exploring all things different and quirky, authentic and amusing. Long before provenance became prominent I had a strong belief that every single thing has its own personal history and that every experience is unique and unrepeatable.
When I tested The Emporium concept - the latest of my many “ideas” (I have about 5 a month) on the one I love, he reminded me of two trips he recently made with me. One city: Florence, two entirely different experiences.
In April 2009, my love and I, in search of a much deserved and needed weekend away, decided to visit Florence which also gave us the opportunity to catch up with some dear Texan friends who were passing through Tuscany.
We stayed in an exclusive 5 star hotel in an exquisite location above Florence with a wonderful restaurant and accomplished barman… Big but….. the “suite” was very disappointing – resembling a bungalow annex, the newly built room had no view and no internal features… We ventured into Florence to sniff out the exotic and authentic. However, despite walking the city for hours I found that I couldn’t quite shake off the feeling of being a tourist and out of pace with the real vibe of the city.... although at that moment I had no idea what Florence's vibe would be. We did find one marvellous, but expensive, vintage clothes shop and a great English language book shop…. We even resorted to a factory made pizza in a tourist trattoria – I felt like a traitor.
Then last month I spent two full-to-the-brim weeks in Florence taking an intensive Italian course. Staying in a fabulous inexpensive centrally located B&B with 17 Century Frescoes on my ceiling I came and went as I pleased, with no doormen or concierge to tip. And “Hey Presto” I managed to get under the skin of Firenze and I had much pleasure in sharing my new discoveries with The One I Love (TOIL).
I did enjoy more than one trip to the empty off-season Uffizi, Santa Croce and may more of Florence’s jewels but crucially I strayed from the usual tourist itinerary. My forays into different areas unveiled many unique shops and restaurants. I learned where to find the best coffee, pastries, fruit and tea and I found a fabulous 1930s leather coat with original belt, a couture 1960s Mary Quant-like turquoise boucle suit, and we successfully commissioned a Cape for TOIL but best of all I was busily making new friends and learning about the people behind these ventures. People passionate about their own unique vibe and specialist products & produce. (The Emporium, Firenze …. Coming soon)
I returned to my Umbrian Retreat determined to catalogue and share these experiences and I vowed never again to stay in an expensive exclusive hotel in a vibrant and extensive city…. No stranger to luxury travel, I am determined going forward to strip back the layers and discover as many hidden treasures as possible … well maybe I will leave a few secret, and maybe you’ll discover them yourself.
I am beginning with Italy - a huge task in itself - as its my new home and I intend to dig up my old notebooks, revisit and review. I have also gathered a small team of enthusiastic empathetic Emporium Bloggers and we are currently developing a soon-to-be-posted website www.theemporium.me .
This Emporium is born from an interminable quest for cool and quirky places, hidden treasures and unforgettable experiences. Straying off the beaten track delving into cities, towns and unmarked places I hope that these shared notes from The Emporium team of foragers will enrich your travels and adventures.
Next post: Montefalco, Umbria and Firenze, Toscano

The new Emporium in 2022
Check out Emporium's 2022 plans . We are moving our services to https://find.vu . Please read 2022 plans for more information.


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08/03/18 : High Resolution Screen Shotter has been released
01/20/18 : Hidden Outfit Viewer now accepts amazon.com gift card payments
01/14/18 : Fixed forum emails being sent
06/29/17 : Fixed a content decoding bug in new chrome
05/19/17 : Fixed a bug where hidden items could not be viewed.
03/12/17 : Outfit Versus released
03/06/17 : Symbol Creator released
01/28/17 : Back online! Our server was under attack for a few days, we had to switch hosts.
12/03/16 : Hidden Outfit Viewer can search all previously unhidden outfits of a user
10/01/16 : Newest Top Catalog reduced to just top 50 pages in order to prevent errors
09/10/16 : Adf.ly ads have been removed because of the shady practices
03/22/16 : Catalog Viewer is now updated nightly at 4am EST
02/20/16 : Catalog Viewer updated
11/28/15 : Forum now sends emails to new accounts
11/26/15 : Hidden Outfit Viewer now shows screenshots and organizes products
10/05/15 : Catalog Viewer updated
08/20/15 : Name Change Viewer service is discontinued
07/04/15 : Name Change Viewer service is released
06/13/15 : Catalog Viewer and Newest Top Catalog both back online.
01/25/15 : Match Profile Viewer service is released.
11/15/14 : Updated Newest Top Catalog to work with top 300 pages instead of 100.
09/05/14 : Updated Hidden Outfit Viewer to view hidden items.
08/12/14 : Discontinued Affinity Hider as it no longer works.
07/12/14 : Updated Avatar Card Viewer to show marriages and new colors.
06/22/14 : Catalog Viewer service is released.
03/07/14 : Updated Avatar Card Viewer to show last refreshed user
02/28/14 : Updated Name Checker to sort based on Ticket or Disabled status
01/19/14 : Theft Prevention Lock product is released.
01/11/14 : Group Mass Messenger product is released.
09/15/13 : Hidden Room Viewer has been taken offline.
07/26/13 : Hidden Room Viewer service is released.
07/02/13 : Head Size service is released.
06/30/13 : Name Checker temporarily taken offline due to abuse.
03/29/13 : Forums are back online.
02/18/13 : Newest Top Catalog service is released.
01/02/13 : Avatar Card Viewer service is released.
12/13/12 : Hidden Stream Viewer discontinued, IMVU disabled functionality.
11/11/12 : Hidden Stream Viewer product is released.
06/06/12 : Derivation Tree service is released.
06/06/12 : Hidden Product Viewer renamed to Hidden Outfit Viewer .
05/23/12 : Name Checker updated to include nametokens.
03/02/12 : DOC Name Revealer Alpha 1 is released.
02/22/12 : Updated Hidden Product Viewer service and product .
09/27/11 : Hidden Product Viewer Alpha 2 is released.
06/17/11 : Automatic Product Gifter is now open to the public.
06/01/11 : The Forum is now live.
05/31/11 : Hidden Product Viewer service goes live.
05/31/11 : Name Checker goes live.
02/05/11 : Hidden Product Viewer Alpha 1 is released.
01/14/11 : Instant Cache Clearer Alpha 1 is released.
10/06/10 : Silent Room Observer Alpha 2 updated.
08/20/10 : Hour Tracker private alpha testing starts.
07/16/10 : Silent Room Observer Alpha 1 is added for public use.
07/11/10 : imvu-e.com goes live and The Emporium is born.

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