[Wuhan Pneumonia] The first civil rights activist! Civil servant accuses Hubei Province government of concealing the truth, was called (summoned) to “talk”: "It will be great to win, but there shall be no regrets if I lose"

[Wuhan Pneumonia] The first civil rights activist! Civil servant accuses Hubei Province government of concealing the truth, was called (summoned) to “talk”: "It will be great to win, but there shall be no regrets if I lose"


(17 Apr)While China (CCP) keeps promoting its efforts fighting against the Wuhan Pneumonia and hiding its responsibility by concealing facts and true figures resulting in a global pandemic, a civil servant from Hubei Province stands as the first activist by lodging a prosecution against the government for its concealment of truth. The activist emphasizes the Hubei government must be liable for the outbreak of Wuhan Pneumonia and the damages to the people. It was later revealed that the civil servant was, on the night of the day he filed the prosecution, “called (summoned)” by the Police to “talk”, and forced to sign a commitment promising not to discuss any case details on the internet.

According to the indictment, the first civil rights activist, who is named Tan Jun (phonetic), is a civil servant working at Yichang Children Park management office. He told the media that he had filed the indictment to the Xiling District Court, Yichang, on 13th day morning, accusing the Hubei Province government of having concealed the truth that the Wuhan Pneumonia can spread across human, hosted Lianghui (2 meetings) at Wuhan on 11th and 12th January, carried out the 10,000-Family Banquet at the Baibuting with 40,000 participating families. The government’s decision led to people exposed to the deadly virus, and so caused substantial loss to life and property.

The activist highlighted certain evidence on the table including there was a notice on 11th January 2020 by the Hubei Health Commission asserting no medical staff was infected and no spreading between humans were recorded; however, according to the “investigation into Doctor Li Wenliang incident” published on 19th March by the National Supervisory Commission, Wuhan Pneumonia was confirmed in December 2019 to be able to spread between humans.

In his petition, Tan demands 1) an apology statement by the Hubei government on the Hubei Daily; and 2) the litigation cost to be covered by the government. Tan also disclosed to the media on 15th April, he was “called (summoned)” to the Police station by the National Security Officers on 13th April evening, forcing him to sign a letter of undertaking promising no discussion of the case details on the internet due to the hostile approach by overseas media against the Communist Party, though he was told he could proceed to the litigation.

Tan added that the court had informed him it has no power/authority to hear this case and so requested Tan to go to the Wuhan Intermediate People’s Court for the next course of action. Tan then filed the litigation to the Intermediate Court on 15th April afternoon.

Activist Tan elaborated his action is aiming at making the Hubei government be responsible for this serious incident and accountable to Hubei people, who are discriminated against and assaulted everywhere in the Mainland. This is something he is committed to doing, as a Hubei citizen.

Winning or losing is not Tan’s concern because he had already broken through the hardest hurdle to accuse the government. “The government employs many national resources to fight against people, at least I need to expose the people’s voices to the world”, said Tan, “that’s why the result (winning or losing) is insignificant to me – winning is a pleasure but I will not regret any loss.”

Upon calling Tan, he confirmed with the reporter the court proceeding had been triggered, following his litigation filed to the Wuhan Court. However, as he was warned by the National Security Officers and Police, he did not continue the phone conversation to avoid being interviewed. It is anticipated the court hearing will commence 3 months after.

There were some discussions in Weibo about Tan’s action, a few among which were supportive, but much more opinions were pessimistic to the claim, and showing anxiety on Tan’s safety.

Source: Apple Daily News


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