Writing and Publishing a Nonfiction Book Made Easy: Here’s How

Writing and Publishing a Nonfiction Book Made Easy: Here’s How

You must have thought of writing a book at some point. But even after years, it’s just in your mind. Where to start from, no time, it's overwhelming; you can have your reasons, but here’s how to start writing a nonfiction book.

What’s The Idea and Who is Your Audience?

When it comes to writing a nonfiction book or any writing piece, ideas are critical. Ideas are what you base your book on. Make sure you have an idea that can grab your audience's attention. An idea that can be a solution you want to propose to your nonfiction book readers. Before you start writing, work on your idea. Ask yourself, will it work? Will it sell?

It is also important to decide and know your audience. You should not be writing for the whole world.

Start with Your Draft

Once you've locked in your idea, start with the draft. Don't worry about errors so much, and keep writing. You will write many drafts before it's ready to be sent out. This is where many writers give up, but you have to keep going. Focus on using words that reflect your idea because readers like concrete words. Even if you are a grammar guru, you will make mistakes. Don’t rush to get that 50,000 words done. Set daily goals that you can meet, be it writing 400 words or writing for an hour. You will get frustrated and bored but being consistent is the key. Remember, drafts show your progress as a writer.  

Another way of getting to know your progress is getting early feedback. If you don’t want to show it to anyone until it is complete, you can give it to someone you trust to be honest with you. You can join an online forum to get feedback. Then, when your manuscript is ready, find an editor to look at your work.

Time to Publish!

Choose if you want to publish your book the traditional way or go for self-publishing. With traditional publishing, you must put together a proposal for a nonfiction book and find an agent who will send your proposal to publishers. If publishers like your idea, they make you an offer. Whereas, with self-publishing, you are on your own. You can use platforms like Amazon KDP, CreateSpace, and Barnes & Noble Press, which have manuscript templates where you write, edit, proofread, format the book, and upload it for approval.

For those who still find all this overwhelming, book writing companies like Gnome Book Writing are a relief. With professional book writers from different backgrounds, Gnome Book Writing takes care of your book writing needs from start to end. If you have a great idea or a story to tell, the Gnomes can make you a published author. They write, edit, proofread, design, and publish your book, paving its way into famous bookstores.



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