Writing Whore

Writing Whore


Writing Whore
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Actress. Author. Freelance Journalist. Sex-Columnist.
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Actress. Author. Freelance Journalist. Sex-Columnist.
Many would feel shame identifying with the traits of a whore but I feel incredibly proud. I’m whorish down to my bones and I’ve felt this since I was a young teenage girl. It’s not just a physicality ― it’s a consistent mental, spiritual and emotional state.
Theorist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung coined the term ‘archetype’ in 1919. An archetype is a universal personality-style that individuals the world over can resonate with.
Some popular archetypes are: the mother the martyr the jester the devil the child and the victim.
Most people identify with one particular archetype but some identify with an array of archetypal behaviors.
Depending on what texts you choose to read. The whore archetype can be insanely positive or negative. I only perceive ‘the whore’ in a positive light.
I laugh at people's stupidity when they label women 'whores' as a put-down. Let's not get high and mighty. We're all whores. We're all selling ourselves in some capacity.
To me, the whore represents an open and non-judgmental sexual channel.
She is empowered. She is the queen of honest transactions. She is the goddess of counsel and nourishment.
I've always fully enjoyed pleasuring men (and women...but mostly men). It feels very natural to me.
Pleasuring men feeds me pleasure. When I'm not pleasuring men -- I'm either thinking about pleasuring men or writing about pleasuring men.
I like how their bodies feel on mine. I like the safety I feel when they are inside of me. I like watching them climax. I like being the warm place that they visit.
This realization and acceptance isn’t degrading or defeatist. It’s powerful!
Embracing my inner and outer whore-archetype on the world’s stage has it’s drawbacks but for the most part it causes me enlightenment. I feel that it’s important to be true to myself. There’s nothing shameful about loving to fuck. It’s the most natural act in the world and it makes one feel so unbelievably good.
My sexuality is a sacred place inside of me where I live and create ― it is the fabric from which I’m made. What an honor it is to gift pleasure. What a god-send to acknowledge my gifts.
Isn’t that what life is about? Giving to others? Sharing joy? Making myself happy? Perhaps we all contribute in different ways.
Vanessa de Largie is an actress, author, writer and sex-columnist based in Australia.
Actress. Author. Freelance Journalist. Sex-Columnist.

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Created: August 31st, 2008 at 3:49 pm
Modified: August 31st, 2008 at 3:49 pm

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You are a whore, I give you take and only want more
Is it so much to ask, that you adore
You look at love as if a chore
Take what I willing give as yours
And for what! Another notch on your scoreboard
You are a whore! You are a whore!
Take my heart and throw it on the floor
I should have known, nothing has changed since before
You are a whore! I can't believe let myself be lured
Without a doubt you say you love me
Of course! Of course!
Know hell hath no wrath like a woman forced
Don't you understand, in my darkness
You're supposed to be my torch
Be some kind of ground, a foundation of emotional support
Judge you now that you have remorse
That it is the man who is the whore

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Body writing is a way to connect with a partner or other significant other.
If you haven’t tried it or are new to the practice, this is your ultimate guide to body writing 101. In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know.
Body writing is the act of writing or drawing on someone’s body with a pen, pencil, or another instrument. It can be used as a form of communication, to show affection, or for personal empowerment and gratification. Body writing is also a common fetish in BDSM.
Writing on the body can be cute, innocent, powerful, or humiliating. It can also be quite provocative.
It really depends on the two (or more) people involved—and what you write on the body.
There are several types of body scribbling. Since this is the ultimate guide, I want to share a shortlist and then dive into the details.
This is a type of writing on the body used in Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadochism and Masochism (BDSM) relationships.
It is usually more erotic than other types.
It tends to include possessive language like “owned” and “property of.” There may even be roles and labels of “daddy,” “little,” and even a metaphorical “slave” (all with consent).
Here is a good video that goes over BDSM writing on the body in more detail:
This type of writing on the body usually involves anime or Manga characters in various states of undress.
The anime characters might be alone or with other characters.
Note: The images can get pretty explicit.
You can read a great article about general anime writing over here.
Long-distance writing on the body mostly happens in long-distance relationships (LDRs).
One person requests that the other partner write a word or a phrase on their body. Subsequently, one partner might write a word or phrase on their own body.
The words can range from romantic (dream girl) to more personal and intimate messages (I love you).
Long-distance body writing can be a way for two partners to connect.
This can be very helpful in LDRs because of the physical distance. Partners understandably want to connect with each other in any way possible.
In this form of writing on the body, one person is the dominant partner and the other is the submissive partner.
The dominant decides what will be written on the body of the submissive. This type of writing can be a form of erotic humiliation or done simply for fun.
It’s important to note that both partners must be comfortable with this type of body writing.
Also, be sure that the writing is temporary and quickly removable.
Cute or innocent writing on the body is non-erotic and sometimes non-romantic.
It involves writing with positive, friendly intent.
Unlike the more adult-themed body scribbling, this type can be done between partners, friends, family members, and even co-workers.
This is when you write on your body or someone else’s body with the purpose of empowerment.
Writing on your body can be a way to reclaim yourself, your body, and/or sexuality.
It can also be a way to increase self-esteem or confidence.
Most of the time, writing on the body is temporary.
Body writers use pens or markers that easily wash off in a few hours or days. Permanent body writing is just that: more permanent.
For example, it can be written in the form of a temporary or permanent tattoo.
Public writing on the body is when someone writes or draws on someone else’s body in a public setting.
This could be at a party, during a performance, or in any other social situation.
Public body writing can be cute, erotic, or empowering.
There are many purposes of body scribbling.
Some people do it for fun, some do it as a form of communication, and some do it to empower themselves or others.
The main purpose is to express something in a visual way.
Here is a list of possible purposes:
Some people write things on their bodies to remember them for later.
For example, I might write a phone number on my hand.
If I don’t have a piece of paper or note-taking utensil, a quick note on my body might jog my memory later.
The best way to get started is by picking a comfortable spot on your body or your partner’s body.
However, keep in mind where you or your partner needs to go. If your partner is headed to work later, be sure to write somewhere they can easily conceal.
There is no reason to get in trouble on the job.
Another tip is to moisturize the body part before writing to make removal much easier.
Choose what you want to say. If someone else is involved, make sure they consent to the message.
I’ve found the best way to write clearly is if my partner is sitting, standing, or lying still. Any movement can lead to sloppy, incoherent words.
Once you’ve written your message, take a picture.
This is a great way to remember the moment.
All you need is a body, a writing implement, and somewhere to write without interruption.
However, there are some materials that can make the experience more fun or interesting:
Here are my favorite markers for writing on my body or my partner’s body:
There are a few ways to clean up body writing:
Most writing on your body only lasts a few hours or days.
However, if you use a permanent marker or tattoo, the writing can anywhere from a few weeks to a lifetime.
Before you write on a body, make sure you know the timeframe.
It’s bad luck to need to go to work or to a family wedding with words scrawled all over your body.
There are very few risks involved with body writing.
The most common (but rare) risks are infection and skin irritation. If you’re using a pen or marker, it’s important not to let the ink bleed.
In addition, be mindful of what you write.
Make sure the message is consensual and accepted by everyone involved.
Some people feel self-conscious or uncomfortable with body writing. Others absolutely love it.
These are two very different types of writing. One is writing on the body and the other is a genre or form of fiction.
For example, body swap writing is a popular subgenre in fanfiction.
It could be a fanfiction body swap between Harry Potter and the Power Rangers . Or Spider-Man and Captain Kirk.
Essentially, body swap writing is when two characters trade bodies.
This can be a fun way to explore different character traits or just have some laughs.
You can experiment with different inks, stamps, and materials. You can also play body writing roulette or do a body writing dare.
Body writing roulette is when each player takes a turn writing on the other player’s body.
It can be a playful way to get creative with your messages or just have some innocent fun.
For example, you can dare your partner to write a specific word in a particular place.
To make this a complete guide, I want to give you as many ideas for body scribbling as possible.
I encourage you to try this practice. You might be surprised at how much you enjoy writing on yourself and your significant other.
Before you go, here are a few related posts hand-picked just for you:
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