Write The Plural Контрольная Работа 3 Класс

Write The Plural Контрольная Работа 3 Класс


Write The Plural Контрольная Работа 3 Класс

Test 1. Write the plural of the following nouns.

1. church – 8. woman – 15. radio —
2. difficulty – 9. deer – 16. ox —
3. mouse – 10. leaf – 17. fish —
4. month – 11. goose – 18. wolf —
5. child – 12. potato – 19. country —
6. roof – 13. foot – 20. tooth —
7. boy – 14. dress – 21. curriculum —
Test 2. Write the plural of the following nouns.
1. nanny – 8. radio – 15. violin —
2. father-in-law – 9. train robbery – 16. wife —
3. headache – 10. painkiller – 17. medium —
4. dictionary – 11. bush – 18. mouse —
5. pincushion – 12. pen-friend – 19. godfather —
6. hold-up – 13. video – 20. wish —
7. hoof – 14. pillowcase – 21. phenomenon —
тут нужно поставить во множ.число + перевод

8 Read the story and answer the questions. Write in your notebook.1 What is today's expedition?4 Whose knee hurts?2 Who makes fun of the children's te

am?5 Whose team wins?3 Why can't Lilly carry her rucksack?пожалуйста помогите ​

Does she go out in the evening why (not)? (No-a babysitter is very expensive) ​

Drag the words to complete the sentences.storiestimememoriesI have a lot of warm when I look at my family photo album.Family traditions are very impor

tant because they help us spend much with our close people.Bedtime reading is my favourite family tradition because my mom reads many interesting to me.BackCheckПомогите ​

Помогите пожалуйста
Нужно написать по 1 вопросу
Do,does, is,are,can, will, would like, did,was,were.

помогите пожалуйста A job application1. Claudia wasn’t in the class, ? 2. Mind the traffic, ? 3. I am afraid he is seriously ill, ? 4. He won't mind i

f I use his phone, ?    No, of course he won't. 5. He never acts like a gentleman, ? 6. Everybody was very happy, ? 7. Tom knows that his father is in the hospital, ? 8. Don't drop that vase, ?     No, don't worry. 9. I think she deliberately provoked him, ?10. I suspect he is in love, ?11. I’m right, ?12. I'm too impatient, ?     Yes, you are sometimes.13. It appears that she is enjoying herself, ?14. You've got a camera, ?     Yes, why? Do you want to borrow it?15. Nothing about me is true, ?Listening​

1. Scrooge did not want to make a
to the charity fund. 2. Christmas is a time of
3. During Christmas people are
4. Scrooge thinks that it's only a ti

me for
merrily as he went home.
oneself a year older. 5. The clerk was

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Test 1. Write the plural of the following nouns. 1. church – 8. woman...
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