Wrestlers Pantsed

Wrestlers Pantsed


Wrestlers Pantsed
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Why do so few of them wear jockstraps or underwear?
I'm not complaining, mind you. I like seeing the clear outline of young athletes' packages. I just don't understand why, especially in a sport where their opponent often grabs them viciously between the legs, they don't wear a cup or a jockstrap or some form of protection.
Back in the Olde Days, we always wore jockstraps under our Speedos. Were we just too modest for words? Is it really appropriate for strangers to be able to tell if a teenager is circumcised or not?
I never knew Rich Hall was a wrestler.
Teen-age wrestlers wear a singlet that reveals whether they shave their balls, but hs phys ed classes don't require kids to shower after working out because they're too afraid of being naked in a roomful of other boys.
They should just forget the singlets and wrestle naked. It's best that way.
R7, shut the hell up you ignorant pearl-clutching moron
A cup would probably do more harm than good and a jock would not keep anything in since they are always grabbbing between the legs to lift, etc.
Actually, most of them wear compression shorts or wrestling briefs.
I generally wear a bib when watching high school wrestling matches. It keeps the drool off my shirt.
R7/14 = Debbie, the Christian stay-at-home mother of eight. Debbie, a man in a van just drove by your house! Better get the kids inside and call 911! Go! Now!
Here's a wrestler wearing a jockstrap.
Photo by someone called Paparazzo who posts great wrestling pics on a few photo-sharing sites.
Have any of you ever even been to a wrestling match? I could just see y'all in your own cheering section, like something out of "Iron Ladies."
1. Cups are illegal in that sport. You can get smashed in the face with it while wrestling.
2. Most don't wear jocks straps because of the translucent view in the pic above. Also, your dick falls out.
3. Most now wear compression shorts, which don't show a line, and breathe.
4. Most high school kids, stupidly, just keep their own underwear on, mostly out of shyness. They often don't have access to the lock room between bouts, and don't even shower.
In my day, guys whould change all over the gym during a match, since few people showed up who weren't wrestlers.
The Ohio State pic is of Tommy Morrison, and he is wearing compression shorts. It's just that when you sweat, the wet fabric clings, thus showing off the goods.
Let this please be the last of the bimonthly "What do wrestlers wear/not wear under their "tights?" threads.
>> Let this please be the last of the bimonthly "What do wrestlers wear/not wear under their "tights?" threads.
I vote for a bimonthly thread about singlets. Does anyone know where we can get them used - unwashed?
22, 23; typical gay voyeurs who would never dare to actually go to a wrestling match and support the very hot sport.
Yes, athletes wear jocks under speedos. There are swimjocks, slimmer than the regular jocks.
Or, at least swimmers wore jocks when I was in college.
>> 22, 23; typical gay voyeurs who would never dare to actually go to a wrestling match and support the very hot sport.
It's better not to go to the match where you would leak cum all over the bleachers.
Do guys who participate in this sport even relaize how homoerotic it is?
Do guys who participate in this sport even realize how homoerotic it is?
Some of them are in the sport just because it's homoerotic.
I remember seeing guys with raging hardons at wrestling matches in college (this was back in the 70s). R30, what is it like when you're trying to win a match and the guy you're wrestling is grinding his hard rod into you? That must be incredibly distracting!
Reminds me of my favorite online stroke story. Enjoy.
Alex - The Olympic Wrestler Teacher From the "First Encounters of a Close Kind" series by Bill Fore
Holy crap. That story was awesome. And I'm even a woman!
That'a a funny photo, R32. The look on the kid's face is great.
[italic]what is it like when you're trying to win a match and the guy you're wrestling is grinding his hard rod into you?[/italic]
I wouldn't know. It never happened to me, or anyone I wrestled ... in competition.
privately... those are better stories than that Nifty.org crap.
I went out with a former cllege wrestler and he claimed they never bones up. He did say it was hot and he'd jack off thinking about his team-mates though.
Thanks, R38. I just puked on my keyboard.
Hot Hot and Hot. I cover high school and college sports for a paper and youn can definitely see how some of these guys get erections...
Anyone want to chat me up over on DowntownDudes.com
I wrestled in HS -- Never got an erection while wrestling. NEVER. Never saw anyone with an erection. Wrestling is so brutally hard and taxing I can't imagine how anyone could get hard in those circumstances. Plus the atmosphere is so homophobic and my life was so compartmentalized, I willed myself to have no homo-erotic thoughts while wrestling.
Wrestlers freak out when you tell them the sport might be a tad homo-erotic.
And we always wore wrestling briefs under the singlet. But we only wore singlets for meets. Otherwise it was shirtless, with wrestling shorts.
UGH I need a reason to go to a high school wrestling match. It sounds hot.
Some fundie father at my local high school made the papers for complaining about the same thing, OP. His son happened to be a wrestler. He also complained that Creationism wasn't taught along with Evolution in science classes. Didn't get much support (pardon the pun) on either issue.
Certain wrestling moves seem kind of gay.
That gold medal wrestler at the Olympics yesterday sure is a hottie.

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I received many comments about
Eddie Atlas being nearly
exposed in the last gallery. One guy even made a donation and requested
more trunk pulling (thanks man), so here are more exposure pics, starting
with a montage of Chuck Palumbo's muscular ass on display...

This blond brute pulls out
the front of Kerry's yellow speedo for a sneak peek. He wants to see
if Kerry wears anything under those trunks or if he wrestles "commando".

Paul Roma got off on pulling the waistband of an opponent's trunks
so he could drive a fist into his lower back. I don't blame him, how could
anyone keep their hands off the tight pink briefs on this hunky jobber??

Roma yanking on this dude's
trunks reminds me of that Coppertone ad where a dog tugs a swimmer's bathing
suit, which was parodied by Marky Mark in this Vanity Fair photo... 

(By the way, fans of Marky Mark can
watch a clip of his Vanity Fair photo shoot on YouTube... )

The stud in tight pink panties
tries to escape, only to be yanked back by his stretchy, elastic trunks and
thumped over and over in the lower back. Roma is relentless!

I guess most pro wrestlers
are exhibitionists anyway -- I mean, look at the skimpy speedos they normally
wear in the ring. So maybe they enjoy being exposed like this!

Roma glances down the back of the muscle-man's pink trunks.

The humiliation and abuse
continues. Again Roma yanks the jobber to his feet and pounds him in the
back. I think Pretty Paul wants to degrade this stud because he looks
almost as hot as Roma himself!

After finally defeating the
pretty in pink jobber, Roma re-asserts his masculine domination with his
trademark double bicep pose. Cameras are snapping like fire-flies.

The Shadow, covered head to
toe in his black spandex suit, make's poor Jimmy Powers look vulnerable and
exposed in his red trunks. We also get a peek at the white satin thong
that Powers wears under his trunks.

Yanking up on that red speedo
plus a knee to the nuts destroys Powers' manhood. The fans are shocked to
learn that this muscular hunk wears a pretty little satin thong like a sissy!

Wow, great body on this muscle
hunk! The fans sure wouldn't mind seeing his purple speedo yanked off,
but he grabs the waistband in horror to avoid being totally exposed in the

Check out the shock and dread
etched on Rene Dupree's face, feeling Cena's cold hand on his inner thigh
and knowing he could pop out of his lowered trunks at any moment. 
Cena could humiliate this stud if he felt like it.

John Cena (who doesn't have
the balls to wrestle in anything less than jeans shorts) continues to attack
Dupree, to prevent Dupree from pulling up his pants. Maybe Cena likes
rassling with bare-assed dudes.

(By the way, check out Cena's
interview with Conan O'Brien to hear him admit he's afraid to wrestle
in a speedo because he "doesn't have a lot to offer." He doesn't mind
exposing other guys in speedos!)

When a wrestler lifts an opponent
for a slam, he sometimes grabs the trunks too tight (maybe by mistake, maybe
on purpose) and the fans get an intimate view. Especially if the victim
is a hottie like this blond pretty-boy, Ricky Landell ,

Jake Roberts once stripped
off Rick Rude's tights because Rude wore an image of his wife on them. But
these are plain red tights, and Roberts is still trying to tear them off!
 I guess we can't blame him.

Savage is
conducting an experiment on this jobber in the stretchy pink trunks. He
wants to see if it's possible to inflict the "Atomic Wedgie" -- pulling
the waist-band over the dude's head -- with a pair of wrestling trunks.
 Anything in the name of science, I guess.

Many wrestlers yank the trunks to toss their opponent back in
the ring. It's great to see what a wrestler wears under his trunks,
and here we get a glimpse of the black dude's black briefs.

Why are some wrestlers permitted
to wear complete outfits, totally clothed, while others are forced to wrestle
in a speedo, and sometimes nearly stripped naked?? Big Boss Man punishes
this naughty jobber with a wedgie and a spanking.

of throwing the opponent back in the ring, big Harley Race prevents Martel
from climbing up by grabbing the ass of his blue trunks.

Next Martel returns the favor,
and then some! He pulls down Harley's trunks to totally expose that
lilly-white backside, just as the ref counts both wrestlers out. The
match is a draw, but Martel won the trunk-pull battle.

As if brawling outside the ring isn't dirty enough, this cheater
also pulls the man's trunks to punch him in the belly. 

Now the stud in red tries to climb in the ring, but the cheater
rips down the back of his speedo for a peek at his lean ass. YOINK!
Does he want to take those red briefs home as a souvenir?

Alex Wright shows his vicious streak against muscular Norman Smiley.
 He tosses the black hard-body back in the ring, and splits him with
an Ultra Wedgie at the same time!

Now the German Wunder-Kid gets a taste of his own medicine as
he is thrown out of the ring by a handful of neon green speedo. Wait,
if you look close, I think you can see his Weinerschnitzel.

Lets zoom in for a closer inspection. Fans have always wondered
if that was really just Alex bulging out the front of his tight trunks or
if he stuffed a foreign object in there. Now we know the truth, wow.

Shawn Michaels was proud of his perfect hind-quarters and the
little tattoo below his hip, so he was sure to expose himself at least once
a month, either in the ring or in Playgirl magazine. 

Here Steve Austin grabs his tights to keep him in the ring, so Shawn takes
this opportunity to show off.

Instead of throwing the wedgie victim into the ring, this brute
is throwing him out. Or maybe he's holding the bad boy in position
so his partner can run over and spank him!

There seems to be a huge supply of images showing a wrestler's
ass exposed. I think wrestlers show off their cracks more than plumbers!

This is no accident. It's like the wrestlers never tire of giving
the fans a sneak peek, and the fans never tire of seeing it.

This jobber tried to reach
his partner, but Austin Idol stops him by grabbing his baby blue trunks.
 "Come with me, Junior! I want to show you something in the
far corner."

Like a doggie on a leash,
the victim is dragged to the bad guys' corner. He either must obey
the blond stud or be totally de-pantsed and degraded.

Idol tags his partner in the
black singlet, who finishes the job. He gives the kneeling wimp a
nasty wedgie, and the fans get a glimpse at his sexy red panties.

The big man in red trunks
is either wearing a jock strap or thong. Whatever that is, the ref
nearly cracks a smile as the stud in jeans lifts the brute off his feet with
a ball-crunching wedgie! I wonder what the big man did to deserve this

Whoa, the wedgie punishment
just gets worse and worse! This masked cheater shows all the fans that
the boy-toy in black leather pants wears a white thong under his gear. It'll
take about a week for this poor hunk to pull that thong back out!

If you've ever suffered a
relentless Thong Wedgie, that cloth sliding up and down like dental floss
while your nuts are crushed in front, then you'll know why this cute kid
is crying like a bitch.

Rick Flair had many rough
battles with big Nikita Koloff. This time, they got so rough, Nikita's
junk has popped out of his singlet and the ref sees it. 

Let's take a closer look at
this situation. Koloff is supposed to be out cold, so he can't reach
down and fix the problem. Or maybe he doesn't know his Russian spy
is no longer under cover.

The ref runs over to lend
a helping hand. The fans watch with their jaws dropping as the ref
slips Nikita's junk back under the singlet. Flair can't bear to watch.

Here is vicious Ivan Koloff
cheating against a helpless Magnum TA. The horny Russian yanks on that tight
black speedo to either strip the stud, or pin him (or both).

I guess many fans enjoy the
erotic aspects of trunk pulling, as if the dominant man is stripping the weaker
man, or exposing his most intimate body parts just for the fun of it. 

This white wimp is totally dominated and beaten by the strong brother,
on his knees, willing to submit to any humiliation the stronger man wants
to inflict.

Another dirty tactic is to
slip your fingers down the front of an opponent's trunks to throw him. Is
Mr. Clean looking for a hand-hold, or trying to cop a feel?

"Killer" Tim Brooks tugs on
Mr. Wonderful's speedo to whip him across the ring. Why is Brooks
staring down at his hand instead of looking out across the ring where he
is sending Orndorff?

Ric Flair frequently stuck his fingers down his opponents' trunks,
especially the handsome young opponents! Here I think he wants to see
what kind of briefs buff young Ricky Steamboat likes to wear.

This cheater traps his victim in the corner, then pulls on his
yellow speedo for leverage. I think he's kneeing the dude in the balls
as well. Damn, how many rules can you break at once??

Here are at least 3 rules being
broken by these black cheaters on their skinny white victim. If you
want to see more of this nasty black on white beat down, check out Gallery
496 and 499 .

Even back in the classic days
of pro wrestling, one wrestler would often humiliate his opponent by ripping
down his trunks. 

A young Roddy Piper prevents this opponent from climbing out of the cage,
while also drawing hoots and whistles from the excited audience.

The Suplex is a dangerous
move, where you really have to be careful how you grab the opponent's trunks
to lift him. The fans get a great look at Jamie Noble's tan lines as
the opponent nearly yanks his orange trunks off.

Steve Austin allows this exhausted jobber to grab onto his black trunks and
hoist himself to his feet. Austin doesn't even react when the punk
pulls down his waistband to expose that pale white flesh. Is this punk
trying to blow the stronger man?

fans loved T.J. Harley's flashy costume, with the shiny purple trunks and
matching vest and knee pads. But he was out-done by his opponent Derek
Wylde, who entered the arena in Spider-man underwear and matching knee-pads.
 The fans go crazy for Spidey!

Soon the Super-hero degrades the villain by sliding down his purple
speedo as he rolls TJ into a pinning position. Only the Spidey underwear
is between their bare bodies.

But Harley shocks the fans
by continuing to battle with his trunks riding down under his buns. He
actually found a way to out-shine the stud in the Spidey gear!

The fans are laughing and
snapping pictures as Harley continues his bare-ass brawling. Maybe
he doesn't realize his crack is on display, but you'd think he can feel the

the "Fabulous Ones" and the "Fantastics" were exhibitionists who used the
male stripper gimmick, strutting around shirtless in bow-ties. You
just knew, w
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