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Would You Like To Hear The Response?

If you have ever used a computer then I'm sure you know what I mean by hyperlink frustration. That is when you find something which is very interesting to you and you read it word for word and study it only to find somewhere it contains a link that will take you to something more interesting. A link that will hopefully bring things into perspective and make the subject more understandable. The link that has all the answers. The link that says for more info click here. Eager and waiting for the rest of the story you click the link and find it doesn't work. What could be more frustrating and maddening. Maybe you find a link to show pictures of some how-to-do-it project and again, it doesn't work. It makes you downright angry. When that happens you are usually forced to start your search all over again in hopes of finding a new location for what you wanted to know. Sometimes it is not easy to find. I find a lot of links that don't work, but the ones that really anger me are those that are supposed to install or operate a new program. I have worked on program downloads and found that my clicker is broken or the link is dead. Either way, it wont work. What really bothers me is not always the link. Sometimes it is the instructions on how to do a thing. How to load a program or tool. Not too long ago I bought a program which included an autoresponder. There were instructions on how to load and apply the autoresponder but they seemed to be incomplete. I will admit I am not the smartest person on the computer, but I'm no dummy either. I have been using one for over 15 years. I load programs, unload them, modify them and just about everything you can think of. I also dump everything, reformat my own hard drive and reinstall a new operating system. I have taught several others how to use their computers. As I said, I'm not the smartest, but I'm not stupid either. The instructions for loading the autoresponder did not give me all the information needed. It simply would not work. I sent an email to the address I purchased from explaining the problem. Would you like to hear the response? It was short and sweet. In another case I questioned the instructions and found it to be the address of an affiliate. All he wanted to do was show me that he knew more big words than I did. No help at all. Oh yes, another time I found a vital piece of the puzzle had been accidentally omitted. This one is a very well known organization which I will not name. I will let you figure it out for your self. I'm sure you can. I needed to verify ownership to my site in order to have access to a diagnostic page. There were two ways given to verify. The one I chose asked for a certain line of dialog to be inserted in the site. link bulding service was given. All you were supposed to do was copy and paste. Wrong. I copied and pasted and tried the site more than 30 times before I got it to verify. I would copy and paste then delete it and copy and paste again. Thinking I had done it wrong. It still wouldn't work. I would delete it again and hand copy the written dialog and insert it but it still would not work. After many tries I thought there must be something missing and decided to add a couple of character to the line. Guess what, It worked. Two little characters had been omitted and caused the whole thing to not work. The Internet problems I have seen are very typical. Anyone who sells, or even gives away programs should check the links and the instructions before letting them go out. Instructions should be very clear and thought should be given to the person who is inexperienced in computer work. Most of the people who use the programs are not comfortable with using a computer.

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