Wotofo profile rda купить

Wotofo profile rda купить

Wotofo profile rda купить

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Congratulations to the First Pre-order Gift Winners! Thank You for Your Trust in Us! Note that the package of the following colors only includes one drip tip: Mesh heating element has been said to be the unshaken trend in vaping, even for RDA category. Mesh style coils can give better flavor experience in various ways. This time, we bring to you the juice taster Read more. You can get it from the name that this RDA aims to free every single flavor in you juice to your taste sensation. Main Features: Up to 30 puffs at 75W before needing to resaturate the wick when using pancake wicking method. Not too long ago, our mesh coil head product has proven it to be true. It is the flavor profile interpreter for your juice. To truly taste your juice, now presenting the 24mm mesh style rebuildable platform, the Profile RDA! Flavor production is an endless pursuit in the vape industry. Current RDAs stress only one flavor in e-juice in a stronger, intense way, but for most multiple flavored juices, this can lead to a loss of rich taste of your juice, especially for uniquely personalized flavors. Now this has been solved. Equipped with the newly developed mesh style coil, the Profile RDA can function to separate each flavor in your juice, enhancing your experience layer by layer. Mesh heating method is nothing new, yet making the most out of it is the key point. The coil sheet is made from Kanthal A1 heating material in resistance of 0. The Profile RDA suits both mesh coil and wire coil by using wide clamp posts with side securing method. It is very easy to install all kinds of coils onto the deck and you can switch between mesh and wire coils as you like. To help best install the mesh style coil sheet, you can use the included bending tool for shaping and fine tuning the mesh sheet so as to heat evenly. Most mesh coil decks failed to keep mesh and cotton in effective contact, meaning the cotton falling down due to gravity when saturated by eliquid, thus leads to burnt hits. To eliminate such terrible experiences, we add a spring-loaded ceramic support at the center of the deck to ensure effective contact between the mesh and the cotton. Moreover, the deck is accurately designed to work with the beehive style air inlets on the RDA sleeve. This Product Contains Nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. Wotofo Note that the package of the following colors only includes one drip tip: Matte Black. Matte Gunmetal. Matte Steel. Aluminum Blue. Aluminum Green. Aluminum Purple. Aluminum Red. Frosted Black. Frosted Clear. Add to cart. Description Note that the package of the following colors only includes one drip tip: Up to 30 puffs at 75W before needing to resaturate the wick when using pancake wicking method Mesh heating element has been said to be the unshaken trend in vaping, even for RDA category. Break-through mesh style heating element Mesh heating method is nothing new, yet making the most out of it is the key point. Easy to switch between mesh and wire coil The Profile RDA suits both mesh coil and wire coil by using wide clamp posts with side securing method. Top performing mesh rebuildable platform ever Most mesh coil decks failed to keep mesh and cotton in effective contact, meaning the cotton falling down due to gravity when saturated by eliquid, thus leads to burnt hits. Kanthal A1 Size: Customer Reviews Based on 10 reviews Write a review. We Also Recommend. Sold Out. Gun metal. Partner With Us Influencers Artists. Community Here you will find extensive resources of vape-related articles including tutorials, reviews, promotional sales, product releases from Wotofo. Business Here you will find latest vape news of the industry, information on vaping technology updates, marketing skills for vape retailers and more. Product Guides Tutorial Video Downloads. Contest Giveaway Tricks Contest. Order Wholesale Login Wholesale Register.

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