Worth Spreading

Worth Spreading


Worth Spreading

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From village to metropolis, global flooding is on the rise, and traditional approaches to managing the swells won't cut it, says water resource engineer Virginia Smith. She explains the dynamic shift needed to stymie the flow of future storm waters.
In this TED Course, you’ll discover how to create the conditions for successful conversations online and offline, humanizing your "haters" and understanding them in different and sometimes surprising ways


Life Philosophies


 Today a thought made me very curious - that why we humans keep fighting and debating about our differences but never celebrate our commonalities. The more I thought, the more inquisitive I became to inquire about our human nature. And more I pondered, I...
We humans have the incredible brain power to form opinions based upon the information at hand. Once we form our opinions, beliefs, ideas, we never go back and question them or investigate how we formed those opinions. Today in the recent scenario of the CO VID-19...
There are two types of personality in society, one kind of people is the one who would say they really care what other people think about them and other sets of people are the ones who would say they give a damn about what other people think about them. Let's start...
As of writing this article - Google can accurately predict the next few words in my email and auto fills it. It can accurately predict my searches and knows exactly what I am searching for. Based on these searches It recommends me different Ads while I am visiting...
Since childhood, I was very curious about Mahatma Gandhi. I used to wonder what makes him Mahatma. I knew all the history lesson and his greatness as described in the History books. But I really was curious why he was known around the world. I remember one incident...
I am sure every one of you at some point in their life has asked this question. We think about it for a few minutes, a few hours and a few days, a few months and then just forget about it and carry on with life. I too asked this question, but I got stuck with it...
We all live life as it happens to us but have we ever pause and reflect - what is that we are passing by. Life is just happening to us as days passes by followed by night which is again followed by the day and this cycle keeps repeating until it becomes months and...
Albert Einstein’s famous theory of Relativity explains the concept of space & time. I would like to propose the theory of relativity in our human life. You see, everything we perceive through our open eyes is relative to each other. Everything you know is because...
Everyday Wisdom to Navigate the Journey of Life
 Today a thought made me very curious - that why we humans keep fighting and debating about our differences but never celebrate our commonalities. The more I thought, the more inquisitive I became to inquire about our human nature. And more I pondered, I...
We humans have the incredible brain power to form opinions based upon the information at hand. Once we form our opinions, beliefs, ideas, we never go back and question them or investigate how we formed those opinions. Today in the recent scenario of the CO VID-19...
There are two types of personality in society, one kind of people is the one who would say they really care what other people think about them and other sets of people are the ones who would say they give a damn about what other people think about them. Let's start...
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TED talks famously have at their centre one idea worth spreading . This has played a huge part in the platform's success and is a fantastic tip for speakers of all kinds.
I like to compare that idea worth spreading with a diamond. Your diamond is one precious, valuable concept at the heart of your talk that sparkles. Just one. Yes... one . What will your diamond be?
A sparkling diamond in your talk, speech, or workshop gives you:
Finding and showing off your Diamond will strike right to the heart of your audience and leave them sparkling!
This showcase of inspiring female speakers is part of Ginger's work with game changing leaders.
Photography of UK Ginger training by: Rita Abreu / AraPhotographyUK

Sprite Overwatch
Lesbian Cassidy
Lesbian Pool

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