Worst Behavior Productions Spanking

Worst Behavior Productions Spanking


Worst Behavior Productions Spanking

markiee on September 20, 2022 at 4:27 am

RD C on December 4, 2021 at 11:24 pm

Jonathan Quincy Graves on July 11, 2021 at 11:27 am

Disgraziato on November 9, 2021 at 3:38 pm

Jonathan Quincy Graves on November 9, 2021 at 7:20 pm

Gerald Leo Spannraft on June 12, 2021 at 12:48 pm

Rick T. on May 30, 2021 at 8:55 am

Jonathan Quincy Graves on May 30, 2021 at 9:06 am

Gerald Leo Spannraft on April 26, 2021 at 4:57 am

Jonathan Quincy Graves on April 26, 2021 at 7:30 am

Disgraziato on July 29, 2021 at 2:02 pm

As I entered the house after a typical, long day on the job,
I was greeted with the sounds: 
“No! Mom! I’m sorry!” 
“Have you learned your lesson yet? Will we have to have this discussion
again?” WHAP!!
“No, no, please mom, I’ll never do it again. I promise.”
As I walked into the kitchen where the action was taking
place, my wife Lorie was assisting our sixteen-year-old son Mark off of her
“Pull your pants up and get to your room. I’ll be in in a few minutes to check on you,
and I expect to find you hard at work on that homework. Understand?” she scolded, her trusty
hairbrush still held in her fist.
“Yes, ma’am,” Mark said with a sniff and wiped his runny
nose on his sleeve. This is a habit that
drives Lorie to distraction, but she looked at me, shook her head and let it
“All right, git!” she commanded, pointing her hard maple
weapon towards the stairs. Mark finished
pulling up his pants, scooted from the kitchen and up to his room.
“So how high did the count get to this time?” I asked.
Lorie has a set pattern she follows when punishing
Mark. Once his pants are around his
ankles, he is required to put himself across his mother’s knee. She has no interest in wrestling with
him. If he does not do so immediately,
she will start to count. If the count
gets to five, and he still is not in position, she will double the number of
spanks with the hairbrush. When she
spanks, she usually starts with her hand, but finishes with the brush giving
one stroke for each year of his age. Non-cooperation
means the hairbrush strokes automatically go from sixteen to thirty-two. After the first time that happened, Mark has never
let the count get to five again.
“Three,” Lorie answered. 
“That’s where it stops these days. 
At his age, and being male, he likes to push me, but he is smart enough
not to push too far.”
“I’ll bet,” I responded with a chuckle, “I don’t blame him one
bit. What set off this session?”
“I got a call from Mrs. Stevens, his algebra teacher. Seems he has not been turning in his
homework, and when she sent a note home, he forged my signature and took it
back to her the next day. He’s a smart
kid, but a complete bust as a forger. 
Mrs. Stevens saw through it and called me. I don’t think we will see that trick played
“I’ll bet not,” I laughed. 
“You get pretty good results with that hairbrush. Mark gets into a lot less trouble than I did
when I was his age. My mother used time-outs
for discipline and punishment. Not nearly
the disincentive that hard maple applied to a bare bottom would have been.”
“Your mother didn’t spank you?” Lorie asked, an appraising
look in her eye. She was still sitting on
the kitchen chair turned out into the room, still holding her heavy wooden
hairbrush. Her legs in tight blue jeans
were crossed, one foot swinging. “That
explains a few things.”
“Yeah, I suppose. 
Sometimes I wish she had been more like you when I was growing up. It might have saved me a lot of trouble in
later years.”
A long silence followed this exchange, with Lorie looking at me, waiting for me to say something more. Me? I was standing there, feeling awkward, and casting about in my mind for a suitable exit line. What I wanted was to go change out of my work clothes and sit down with the news on cable until dinner was ready.
“I’ve been thinking about our argument last night,” I finally
volunteered, the silence getting to me. 
“You were right. Sorry I made
such a big deal about it. Sometimes I get
too wound up in the argument and stop considering the facts involved. Bad habit. 
Sorry.” ‘ There, that should do
it, ’ I thought. ‘ Think I’ll have
a large martini before dinner. ’ I felt
rather proud of myself for the way I admitted my guilt and took all the blame.
As I turned away, Lorie said, “Seems your bad habit has gotten
worse lately, John.”
I stopped and turned back. 
“What?” I asked. My mind was more
on the future martini than what my wife said, but I didn’t want to be so rude
as to ignore her.
“Your habit of arguing with me, even over little things, seems
to have gotten worse. At least you’re
doing it a lot more often than you used to?”
“Really? Yeah, you
may be right. Guess I’ll have to work on
that.” I’d been on my feet most of the day
and standing there in the kitchen having this unwanted conversation was getting
to be a little uncomfortable. That
future martini was evolving in my plans from a double to a triple… with three
olives. ‘ Is she done talking? Will I piss her off if I leave now? ’ I
paused a bit too long before making my break.
“I could help you. 
It’s never too late to learn a little discipline,” Lorie interrupted my
ruminations, tapping her hairbrush into her other hand.
“What?” I said, feeling stupid as soon as the reflexive question
was out of my mouth. I knew what she
meant. I mean with that hairbrush and
her serious expression, there was not a doubt in my mind what she meant. No one has ever spanked me, and Lorie never indicated
the slightest interest in taking on the job. 
Do husbands and wives actually do that sort of thing? If they do, I’ve sure never heard of it. Of course, I wouldn’t, would I? I mean, it’s not something one of the guys
would bring up in the locker room—Boy, my wife sure spanked my ass good last night;
near brought me to tears—never happen.
“Don’t you think we are a little too old for that? Uh, well, not you but me,” I back
tracked. “Aren’t I too old to be
Lorie continued to look at me for a long moment, then said,
“What do you think? Are you happy living
in a home with constant bickering? Do
you think this environment is good for Mark or me? You said yourself it was a bad habit; shouldn’t
we do something about it? You agreed
that my methods are working well with Mark. 
Or, are you afraid to face the consequences for bad behavior?”
“No, I’m not afraid,” I answered. “It just seems a little silly. It’s been many years since I was sixteen.”
“True, but your mother wasted those years, leaving us to live
with your bad habits now. Perhaps if she
had used more effective techniques, it would not still be an issue. So, what do you say, sport? Shall we give it a shot? If it works, things will go a lot smoother
around here for the whole family.”
“I-I guess,” I stuttered, not at all sure to what I was
agreeing. One thing I did know, was I
did not want this to turn into another one of our arguments. I was sorry for the previous night’s bad temper,
and besides, it seemed to me that Lorie was being entirely reasonable. And, if I’m going to start a fight, I always
like to have at least some small sense that I have the right of it, even if I don’t.
“Good,” Lorie said as she rose from her chair. “I’ll go check on Mark. He usually has his headset on listening to
music when he does his homework, so if we take this discussion to the basement
rec room, there is no chance he will hear us. 
You go get ready, I’ll meet you there.”
She strode out of the kitchen so quickly and with such
purpose, that I didn’t have a chance to begin an objection, even if I could
have thought of one. I stood there for a
moment, trying to figure out what just happened, and failed. So, I headed for the stairs to the
basement. ‘ What did she mean by “get
ready”, ’ I wondered. ‘ Ready for a
spanking? From what I know of the
subject, she is the one who will do all the work. ’
When I got down to the rec room, I was at a complete loss
what to do next. This idea seemed less
and less good all the time. ‘ Spankings
hurt ’ I thought. ‘ At least they
hurt sixteen-year-olds. Many of the
things that cause pain in kids are no big deal for adults, especially men. On the other hand, the whole idea of a
spanking—going pants down over someone’s knee—was pretty humiliating. If we did this, would Lorie tell
anybody? She doesn’t keep much from her
mother. No, she wouldn’t, would she? ’
“John, why are you standing there?” Lorie asked, startling
me out of my musings. I’d not heard her
come down the stairs. “Pull that chair
out of the corner and put it here in the middle of the room, then drop your
pants. Let’s get this over with so I can
get back to fixing dinner.”
I went to get the chair, but as I was carrying it back I
said, “Maybe this is not such a good idea.”
“Nonsense,” Lorie said, “don’t chicken out now. You agreed that a good spanking was necessary
to help you with your bad habits.”
‘ Did I? ’ I wondered. 
‘ Well maybe I did, kind of, but… 
Aw shit. Might as well get it
over with. ’
I put down the chair, and Lorie sat and looked at me.
I undid my belt, unsnapped and unzipped my pants and let
them fall to the floor around my ankles.
“Those too,” Lorie said, indicating my boxers.
‘ Too late to back out now. ’ I pulled my boxers to my knees feeling the
humiliation I had hypothesized minutes before. 
Not that I was embarrassed to be naked in front of Lorie, but under
these circumstances, with her still fully clothed and waiting for me to lay
myself over her lap, my naked butt pointing up in the air, now that was
Wanting to get it over with, I did not delay, but placed
myself over my wife’s waiting thighs.
Lorie patted my cheeks a few times, then directed, “Scoot
further forward, dear.” She put her hand
between my legs and helped me to adjust my position until my head was closer to
the floor and my feet barely touched on the other side.
“That’s better,” she said. 
“Now, since this is your first ever spanking, here are the rules.”
‘ Rules now, can’t we just get on with it? ’
“Kicking your feet and a little squirming is okay, it’s hard
to keep still when you are being spanked, but don’t get carried away. If you try to get off my lap, or squirm so you
fall off, we’ll start the whole thing over from the beginning. Trust me, you do not want that to
happen. Also, you can cry and even ask
for mercy if the mood strikes you, just don’t expect me to pay any
attention. We’ll be done when I’m done. And try to not make too much noise. I doubt Mark could hear an atomic blast when
he’s got his music coming through those headphones, but we would not like him
or the neighbors to know you are being spanked.”
‘ Damned straight on that one. That would take humiliation to a whole new
level. ’
“So here we go,” she finished. “I’ll warm you up with my hand, before we
begin your real spanking.”
Without further delay, I heard a sharp SMACK and a
noticeable tingle to my backside. The
sound surprised me more than the sting, and I was worried our son would hear what
was going on, but on reflection, Lorie was right. There was no chance.
After four such smacks, but little real pain, Lorie said, “Think
about what you do that has put you in this position, dear. Let’s make this a learning experience so we
do not have to do it too often.” Then she
resumed her efforts, a little harder now.
‘ Too often? Fat
chance. This is a onetime deal. For sure. ’
I didn’t keep track of how long Lorie spanked me or count
the spanks, but it seemed like quite a long time and I was getting uncomfortable
back there before she stopped. Not that
I couldn’t put up with the rising sting; I am an adult male.
“That should do it,” Lorie announced, stopping the hand
spanking. “You’ve got a nice rosy glow
going, so we can move on to the hairbrush. 
Remember the rules now, John, thirty-three with this hairbrush is no laughing
matter. Do your best to take it like a
‘ Thirty-three? Oh,
yeah, my age. “Take it like a man?”
that’s what I’ve been doing. Mark
would have kicked and cried long since if he was getting this spanking. Do your worst, woman. I can take it. ’
“Ouch! Shit! Take it easy with that damned thing! That really stings!”
“Tone it down, dear, and watch your language. You’ll distract me and make me lose count.”
Those were even harder than the first one, it that’s possible. I ground my teeth together, determined to not
cry out again—wouldn’t give her the satisfaction. But she had to be causing significant damage,
and at fifteen or twenty hard spanks, a slight whine escaped my clamped
lips. ‘ Jeez, did Lorie change places
with a lumberjack when I wasn’t watching? 
I had no idea she could spank this hard. ’
“I think I’ve had enough,” I managed to get out several
spanks later in a strained but almost normal voice. “You’ve made your point. You can stop now. Stop now, honey. Stop, Lorie. 
Lorie, please stop.” I suspect my
voice sounded a lot less normal toward the end.
Despite my reasonable requests, Lorie kept paddling me with
her brush. I hadn’t noticed, but my legs
were doing some kind of frog dance, and Lorie had long since captured my right
hand when I attempted to shield my burning bottom. She didn’t miss a beat. Hard, hard spanks continued to rain down on
my defenseless ass, stoking that fire until I was sure the smoke alarms were about
to go off all over the house.
I was becoming a little frantic. That brush hurt, and Lorie was a real pro at
putting it right where it would do the most good, from the tops of my cheeks to
the crease where my bottom met my thighs. 
I was in significant distress, and no longer taking it well when, after
minutes that seemed like hours, Lorie stopped. 
She put down the brush and began to stroke the injured area.
“That’s thirty-three, dear,” she said once I quieted down a
little. “Well, thirty-four if you count
the first one which didn’t count because of your bad language. What do you think? Would you have the bad habits you have today
if your mother spanked you when you were younger?”
“Hell no,” I blurted, and Lorie smacked me with her
hand. “Sorry. No, dear. 
Absolutely not. Just one spanking
like that when I was young would have cured me for life.”
“Good. Let’s hope it
works now, even at your age. You can get
up. We’re through for this time, at
I decided it might be best to ignore the “this time” comment
for now, at least until I climbed off of Lorie’s lap and pulled up my pants.
“That was some experience,” I commented, rubbing my
backside. “I never want to go through
that again. I admit, however, that I’m
looking forward to a time in the near future when I can hold you in that
Lorie gave me a hard look and said, “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” I said, ignoring all the signs that I should shut
up and get the crap out of there, “I can’t wait until our roles are reversed
and I’m the one wielding that hairbrush from hell with your delightful, pink
bottom as the target.”
“Someone hasn’t learned who wields the hairbrush in this
family, but he is about to. Now get back
over my lap.”
On my 50th b’day, my wife (6’2″ 190 lbs.), mother-in-law (6’3″ 220 lbs.) & I went out to dinner to celebrate. The restaurant is in our neighborhood & only a 10 minute walk. We had lots of wine with dinner & headed back home for cake & champaign. Afterwards, my mil left. No sooner had the door closed & my wife stripped me & marched me into the living room by my man muscle, stripped, sat down on the couch & pulled me over her knee started my b’day spanking, when the front door opened (I couldn’t see who came in, as the door is behind me), & in walked my mil. Sorry..I forgot my keys. She stopped dead in her tracks as she took in the scene before her. The women talked, (I tried getting up to cover up), but my wife was having none of that & held me down, saying it’s too late, mom’s already seen me giving you your b’day spanking, without missing a beat. My mil laughed, saying, “this is a whole new side of you markie that I’ve never seen before. You look so small & young right now you naughty little boy, & so red”. Then she said, “I too want to wish him a happy b’day”, & with that, my wife said ok, & over her knee I went. She’s so strong too, & after 10, I was begging & pleading for her to stop & let me up. “Isn’t that cute, you, telling me, when you’re done, you’re the 1 over my knee, & I’m the 1 who’s spanking you. What a naught little boy. Any confessions you want to make to mommy”? No. Just let me up! Then she picked up the pace & force. YYOWWW !!! “Call me mommy, & ask mommy politely to stop spanking your naked bottom”. NO! OOHHHH ! Mommy, please stop spanking me. “Mommy, please stop spanking my naked bottom”. Mommy, please stop spanking my naked bottom. “That’s better, certainly little boy”. That was the 1st of many spankings from both women.
If i thought it would help our marriage & my wife’s self
Confidence i would allow her to spank me, but she did not come from a spanking family so i am not sure she would even try it, or how to get her to. And , it is easier not to open the door on something you might have trouble closing the door on. She isn’t much on sex anyway, so she couldn’t with hold much without stoppin completely for months! Not much for her leverage on that, & bargaining with love making is very resentful.
We were dressing to go to a a dinner party. a few months ago At the last party , i drank too much and embarrassed her ! I wasn’t spanked then because she was recovering from tennis elbow. So she now picked up her wooden hairbrush and calmly brushed her hair at her make up table & said “ I owe you a spanking from the last party. “Get over my lap now.” I hesitantly did as she asked! We were both in our underwear, so she lowered my boxers , locked me in with her right leg , and gave 100 blistering swats! I squirmed but being s strong tennis player with muscular legs she had no problem holding me totally in place!I fell to the floor crying & whimpering! She calmly turned her chair to the mirror and combed her hair ignoring me and then she put on her lipstick ! She then said : We leave in 30 minutes. If you get drunk again at this party when we ger home you’ll get 200 swats! Soo I behaved but squirmed when sitting at the dinner table! My wife had a big smile on her face! Digraziato
Thanks for this, Bob. That would sure work for me.
My wife now says for punishment spankings it’s going to 100 swats with wooden hairbrush otk or instead of receiving a blistering spanking I must write 1000 written lines !! Writing that amount lines takes days to finish ,& I can’t leave the house until I turn in 40 pages x25 lines “neatly written ! Whereas the 100 scorching swats is over in minutes! But i’ll be yelping after each swat, & begging for mercy the whole time! Usually can’t sit for many days afterwards, without pain! Either way I get zero sexual favors for days as added punishment! I usually dread either way I choose! Quite a dilemma ! Your thoughts? Disgraziato
Disgraziato, my immediate and enduring thoughts are that I would be extremely careful to not earn a punishment from your wife!
My wife is the spanker in the family. 1) She spanks me when I deserve it-for doing something wrong, not doing something or not meeting her expec
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