Worship Stocking Mistress

Worship Stocking Mistress


Worship Stocking Mistress

Sessions - Scheduling, Deposits, and Security

This is by far the least fun and most frustrating aspect of My life so please read this section carefully and thoroughly. The easiest way to begin the
scheduling process for a first session with Me is to fill out an Application for Session . The application helps Me to understand
your interests and experience level so that I can better prepare a satisfying session.

Sessions should be scheduled in advance, we can rarely do last minute sessions especially for first timers , and I'm often fully booked a week
or more ahead.

Our Availability:

Weekdays: I start sessions at 3:30 pm Monday through Friday. I often have subs asking Me to do earlier sessions and with advance notice I can
accommodate these requests. There is an added charge of $25 per hour that I have to take off time from My vanilla job, or for sessions
starting after 6:00 pm.

Weekends: If you cant come on weekdays and I again need to accommodate your schedule there is an added $25 per hour for Saturday or Sunday sessions.

Contact Me and we'll work out a day and time.

I require a deposit to schedule a session. Unfortunately, some subs don't show up or
even show Me the respect of notifying Me of canceling without having some "skin in the game." Therefore, a deposit of $50 per scheduled hour, per Mistress
(double the deposit for multiple Mistress sessions) is required. Your session is not scheduled until the deposit is received. The deposit goes
toward the session tribute, not in addition to it. A lot of you are having a hard time understanding this simple math, so let Me make it very clear;
Subtract the deposit from the total tribute owed and the balance is due at the time of the session. It is also ok to pay the full session in advance.

If you need to cancel before 48 hours of your scheduled session I will allow you to transfer the deposit to another session if you reschedule another
session within the next few weeks. After 48 hours you lose your deposit and will have to make another if you want to reschedule. If you book a session
and I find out you have an arrest record for violent offenses I will cancel the session and will not refund the deposit...you were warned not to waste
My time.

You can easily pay the deposit via PayPal or
Amazon Gift Card .

The balance of the session tribute can be paid in cash at the beginning of the session, (this is preferable) or prepaid via PayPal or
Amazon Gift Card .

To make the deposit using PayPal :
Go to your PayPal account and choose Send Money, then choose the To Friends And Family option (no fee is assessed by PayPal using this option).
Enter my email address as the ID, avablue333@gmail.com , enter the amount, and submit it. Then email Me
at the same address and let Me know you've sent it. The name Ava Blue or email address avablue333@gmail.com will appear on your statement.

To make the deposit using an Amazon Gift Card (email delivery):
Purchase an Amazon Gift Card for email delivery on this Amazon page .

Fill in the form:

Amount: Deposits are $50 per scheduled hour, per Mistress .
Recipient Email: avablue333@gmail.com
Your Name: Identify yourself please... This is the only information I will get to know who sent the card.
Message: This is optional, but feel free to tell me a story. :)

Do the normal Amazon checkout. I will not see your payment method, or any credit card info. No fee is assessed by Amazon using this method.

Privacy and Discretion
I do a brief background check on all new subs before giving out My location. You will need to
provide Me with your name, age (not date of birth) and address in order for Me to do the check.
Im concerned about violent offenses only, and all information I get is public record and the stuff
anyone can get. All of this is best conveyed to Me via the Application for Session page.

I understand that we all have good reasons to shield our kinks from the outside world. This is our
private indulgence and it will remain so when you are in My realm. You can be confident that your
personal information and anything that happens in session will remain absolutely private.

That being said, you have to understand that you will be coming into My home, and My security and
the safety of all of My Ladies, subs and slaves is of paramount importance to Me. Its a responsibility
that I take very seriously, along with your privacy. Realize that I have your security as well as My own to
consider. So, appreciate the precautions we take, and time and expense we go to to keep everyone safe and their
identities secure.

There is one way, and one way only of circumventing disclosure of your identity and that is to pay an
extra security fee of $75 (due at time of deposit) to have another person on the premises during your session.
My security is invisible... ghosts... you will never see or hear them. Once a relationship and trust is
established this fee will be waived, rarely does it take more than one or two sessions for this to occur.

***If you can’t comply, don’t waste My time by contacting Me. I will not deviate from this protocol for
anyone, no matter how many times you assure Me, “you can trust me Mistress”... trust will be built over time.
Not one rapist, kidnapper, or stalker, I’ve uncovered in a criminal background check ever wrote to me telling
me “hey Mistress I’m a rapist, kidnapper, stalker...”

Copyright © 2021 Mistress Blaze All Rights Reserved
error: ALERT : All content on this site (including, without limitation, text, design, graphics, logos, icons, images, audio clips, downloads, interfaces, code and software) is the exclusive property of and owned by the Company, its licensors, or its content providers and is protected by copyright, trademark and other applicable laws. You may NOT copy, download, or print the material contained on the Website for either personal or commercial use.
Entering and using this website (ServeBlaze.com) will constitute your agreement to the following terms and conditions in full. If you disagree with any part of these terms and conditions, you must NOT use the site. 1. AGE REQUIREMENT. You must be 21 years of age or older to use this website. 2. SELF-IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENT. You have checked all that applies to you, and by using this website, you certify, under penalty of perjury, pursuant to Title 18 United States Code Section 1621(2) and 22 D.C. Code Section 2402, that you are neither a law enforcement officer, nor an agent of any law enforcement agency or department, nor a civilian or cooperating citizen working with any such law enforcement officer or agent. By using this website, you also certify that any false statements made by you in this regard may be prosecuted under 18 U.S.C. 1341, 1343 or related statutes. 3. ADULT CONTENT AND RIGHTS. The contents of this website are of an adult nature and include aspects of domination, bondage, sadomasochism, and other fetishes. You should not use this website if you do not wish to view such material. No material on this website – including text, photos, or artwork – may be used or reproduced without the express written permission of Mistress Blaze. Note: It is advised that you review the complete Terms and Conditions upon entering the site.
I confirm my agreement to the website terms and conditions in full and certify that I meet all of the associated requirements listed therein.
The following standards of etiquette and decorum set the tone for how you are expected to behave when engaging with Me. In all forums, at all times. Failure to adhere to these standards at any point – whether it’s your first words to Me on your Application to Serve, or O/our umpteenth session after several years of play – will earn your immediate dismissal from My consciousness, and a permanent place on My blocklist.
It is strongly advised that you review and understand these standards of conduct before contacting Me – and that you commit them to memory before O/our first session.
you are required to adhere to the following standards of conduct when interacting with Me online, via email, and in person.
you shall address Me as Mistress or Mistress Blaze . If your only intention is to worship Me, you may address Me as Goddess. And while I primarily session in the South, under no circumstances should you address Me as Ma’am.
Addressing me as ‘Babe’, ‘Sexy’, ‘Hun’ – or anything other than Mistress, Mistress Blaze, or Goddess – is unacceptable, and your message will be automatically discarded if you attempt to address Me in such a manner. If you address Me this way in person, I will immediately end the session, and your tribute will be forfeited.
your messages to Me shall be clear, concise, sincere, subservient in nature, and polite. Vulgarity and disrespect will NOT be tolerated, and your insolence guarantees you will never experience the privilege of being in My presence. Do not inundate Me with long-winded emails or countless back-and-forth messages. My time is valuable and you are expected to respect it as such.
Professional Domination is a luxury experience and tributing accordingly is non-negotiable – any requests to be My personal, 24/7, live-in, or full-time slave will be ignored. Don’t bother trying. 
you are required to adhere to the following standards of conduct for both in person and, where applicable, distance domination sessions.
your purpose is to please, amuse, serve, and obey Me. It is an honor and privilege to session with Me, and you shall respect it as such, never taking My time or attention for granted.
you will not touch Me or make any unwanted contact. If you touch Me without My consent, I will terminate the session immediately and you will be escorted out of the Dungeon, forfeiting your tribute.
Respect, privacy, and discretion are paramount. All activities and identities are kept strictly confidential unless you expess a desire otherwise. I offer privacy and discretion – I expect the same in return.
When spoken to, your replies shall be immediate and honest. Do not respond with what you think I want to hear. When answering a yes or no question, the appropriate responses are “Yes, Mistress” or “No, Mistress.”
I will provide you with the dungeon address the day before O/our scheduled session. On day of, I will email you at least 4 hours prior to O/our scheduled start time. You shall confirm your attendance within 90 minutes of receiving My email. Failure to do so will result in your session being cancelled, and your deposit tribute being forfeited.
you will arrive clean and well groomed for every session with Me – this includes being freshly showered and having good breath. Do not overuse your fragrance or cologne.
For some types of play, performing an enema on yourself before O/our session is appropriate. If you fail to do this, you will be required to administer your enema before beginning play, which will count towards your session time.
I expect you to arrive on time – no earlier, no later. If you are running late, I kindly ask that you notify Me promptly. Not showing up to O/our session will earn you a permanent place on My blocklist.
I spend considerable time planning and preparing for each scene. Those who cannot respect My time will not enjoy the privilege of My presence.
It is your responsibility to know your limits and properly communicate them in all situations – safewords will be established for you to use during play as necessary. Ultimately, you are responsible for your own safety in the activities you consent to engage in , and you are responsible for fully disclosing any conditions or circumstances that may impact your safety before the start of each session. Please feel welcome to ask if you are not sure.
Are you ready to surrender to My desires? Not so fast. First you need to review My site in full. Check out Sessions next.

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Berardo Collection, Centro Cultural de Belem, Belem, Lisbon, Portugal
Spanish expatriate Pablo Picasso was one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century, as well as the co-creator of Cubism.
Born on October 25, 1881, in Málaga, Spain, Pablo Picasso's gargantuan full name, which honors a variety of relatives and saints, is Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso. Picasso's mother was Doña Maria Picasso y Lopez. His father was Don José Ruiz Blasco, a painter and art teacher. A serious and prematurely world-weary child, the young Picasso possessed a pair of piercing, watchful black eyes that seemed to mark him destined for greatness. "When I was a child, my mother said to me, 'If you become a soldier, you'll be a general. If you become a monk you'll end up as the pope,'" he later recalled. "Instead, I became a painter and wound up as Picasso."
Though he was a relatively poor student, Picasso displayed a prodigious talent for drawing at a very young age. According to legend, his first words were "piz, piz," his childish attempt at saying "lápiz," the Spanish word for pencil. Picasso's father began teaching him to draw and paint when he was a child, and by the time he was 13 years old, his skill level had surpassed his father's. Soon, Picasso lost all desire to do any schoolwork, choosing to spend the school days doodling in his notebook instead. "For being a bad student, I was banished to the 'calaboose,' a bare cell with whitewashed walls and a bench to sit on," he later remembered. "I liked it there, because I took along a sketch pad and drew incessantly ... I could have stayed there forever, drawing without stopping."
In 1895, when Picasso was 14 years old, he moved with his family to Barcelona, Spain. where he quickly applied to the city's prestigious School of Fine Arts. Although the school typically only accepted students several years his senior, Picasso's entrance exam was so extraordinary that he was granted an exception and admitted. Nevertheless, Picasso chafed at the School of Fine Arts' strict rules and formalities, and began skipping class so that he could roam the streets of Barcelona, sketching the city scenes he observed.
In 1897, a 16-year-old Picasso moved to Madrid to attend the Royal Academy of San Fernando. However, he again became frustrated with his school's singular focus on classical subjects and techniques. During this time, he wrote to a friend: "They just go on and on about the same old stuff: Velázquez for painting, Michelangelo for sculpture." Once again, Picasso began skipping class to wander the city and paint what he observed: gypsies, beggars and prostitutes, among other things.
In 1899, Picasso moved back to Barcelona and fell in with a crowd of artists and intellectuals who made their headquarters at a café called El Quatre Gats ("The Four Cats"). Inspired by the anarchists and radicals he met there, Picasso made his decisive break from the classical methods in which he had been trained, and began what would become a lifelong process of experimentation and innovation.
At the turn of the 20th century, Pablo Picasso moved to Paris, France—the cultural center of European art—to open his own studio. Art critics and historians typically break Picasso's adult career into distinct periods, the first of which lasted from 1901 to 1904 and is called his "Blue Period," after the color that dominated nearly all of Picasso's paintings over these years. Lonely and deeply depressed over the death of his close friend, Carlos Casagemas, he painted scenes of poverty, isolation and anguish, almost exclusively in shades of blue and green. Picasso's most famous paintings from the Blue Period include "Blue Nude," "La Vie" and "The Old Guitarist," all three of which were completed in 1903.
In contemplation of Picasso and his Blue Period, Symbolist writer and critic Charles Morice once asked, "Is this frighteningly precocious child not fated to bestow the consecration of a masterpiece on the negative sense of living, the illness from which he more than anyone else seems to be suffering?"
By 1905, Picasso had largely overcome the depression that had previously debilitated him. Not only was he madly in love with a beautiful model, Fernande Olivier, he was newly prosperous thanks to the generous patronage of art dealer Ambroise Vollard. The artistic manifestation of Picasso's improved spirits was the introduction of warmer colors—including beiges, pinks and reds—in what is known as his "Rose Period" (1904-06). His most famous paintings from these years include "Family at Saltimbanques" (1905), "Gertrude Stein" (1905-06) and "Two Nudes" (1906).
In 1907, Pablo Picasso produced a painting unlike anything he or anyone else had ever painted before, a work that would profoundly influence the direction of art in the 20th century: "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon," a chilling depiction of five nude prostitutes, abstracted and distorted with sharp geometric features and stark blotches of blues, greens and grays. Today, "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" is considered the precursor and inspiration of Cubism, an artistic style pioneered by Picasso and his friend and fellow painter, Georges Braque.
In Cubist paintings, objects are broken apart and reassembled in an abstracted form, highlighting their composite geometric shapes and depicting them from multiple, simultaneous viewpoints in order to create physics-defying, collage-like effects. At once destructive and creative, Cubism shocked, appalled and fascinated the art world. "It made me feel as if someone was drinking gasoline and spitting fire," Braque said, explaining that he was shocked when he first viewed Picasso's "Les Demoiselles," but quickly became intrigued wit
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