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IPA: /ˈwəːʃɪp/, /ˈwɝʃɪp/; Type: verb, noun;
to honor and adore, especially as a deity
devotion accorded to a deity or to a sacred object
In the matter of worship , this is also true.
Это также верно и в отношении поклонения Богу.
to honor and adore, especially as a deity
I bow my head before you and worship you.
Я склоняю свою голову перед тобой и боготворю тебя.
devotion accorded to a deity or to a sacred object
True, many insist that their use of images in worship is not idolatry.
Конечно, некоторые скажут, что почитание икон не имеет характера идолопоклонства.
JMdict (Japanese-Multilingual Dictionary)
the religious ceremonies that express this devotion
Men and women are allowed to sit together during worship , which is not allowed by the Orthodox.
Мужчинам и женщинам разрешается сидеть вместе во время богослужений , что не допустимо в ортодоксальном иудаизме.
to honor and adore, especially as a deity
Yes, on Bajor, the entities are worshipped as prophets.
Да, на Бэйджоре этих существ почитают как пророков.
to honor and adore, especially as a deity
devotion accorded to a deity or to a sacred object
Because the guy worships the ground you walk on.
Поскольку парень обожает землю, по которой ты ходишь.
devotion accorded to a deity or to a sacred object
Melodies and rhythms sung and played since early biblical times to express joy, praise, and worship (2 Sam.
Мелодии и ритмы, исполняемые с ранних библейских времён. С помощью музыки люди выражали радость, хвалу и благоговение (2 Цар.
Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship , love, but no friendship.
Между мужчиной и женщиной невозможна дружба. Есть страсть, вражда, обожание , любовь, но не дружба.

noun существительное мужского рода

She worships him and the ground he walks on.
Она преклоняется перед ним и землёй, по которой он ходит.
These poles, called totem poles, are thought to have been worshipped or constructed for frightening enemies.
Считается, что эти столбы, называемые тотемными, были предметом культа или сооружались для устрашения врагов.
In addition, a specific law has been adopted to guarantee and protect freedom of conscience and worship .
Кроме того, был принят специальный закон, гарантирующий и защищающий свободу совести и вероисповедания .

noun существительное среднего рода

But bowing down to lifeless things is futile, making the idol worshiper “low,” degenerate.
Но преклонение перед безжизненными предметами тщетно — это «унижает» идолопоклонника, делает его хуже.
Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data
Astrology probably originated with the early Babylonians, who made the stars and constellations objects of worship .
По всей видимости, астрология берет свое начало в древнем Вавилоне, где обожествлялись звезды и созвездия.
Some groups of them worship Islam, and they do fishing as their main occupation.
Некоторые группы в составе этой народности исповедуют ислам, а их основным занятием является рыболовство.

noun существительное женского рода

I grant your worship he is a knave, sir.
Вполне согласен с вашей милостью , сэр, что он подлец.
(obsolete) The condition of being worthy; honour, distinction.
The devotion accorded to a deity or to a sacred object
Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data

noun существительное женского рода

Come on, there's no secrets now, Your Worship .
Да брось, к чему сейчас секреты ваша милость .
(UK) A form of address of a mayor and other dignitaries
(Canada, archaic) A form of address of a mayor.
contemporary worship современная молитва
contemporary worship music Христианское богослужение
en Herod’s workmen built an amazing harbor for perhaps a hundred ships, and they constructed a magnificent temple with a huge statue for the worship of the emperor.
en To safeguard the free and pluralist expression of religious convictions, the Ministry of the Interior has a Division of Worship , established by a Government decree
en Christians, breathing clean spiritual air on the elevated mountain of Jehovah’s pure worship , resist this inclination.
en They caused Noah’s descendants to offend Jehovah by building the city of Babel as a center of false worship .
en 7. (a) To what extent will unity of worship eventually be achieved?
en “except with his consent, no person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of his freedom of conscience and for the purpose of this Section, the said freedom includes freedom of thought and of religion, freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone, in community with others, and both in public and in private, to manifest and propagate his religion or belief in worship , teaching, practice and observance”
en (Galatians 6:10; Acts 16:14-18) Nevertheless, true Christians shun any involvement with false worship , including any form of witchcraft.—2 Corinthians 6:15-17.
en In that new world, human society will be united in worship of the true God.
en Get rid of all objects related to satanic worship
en I knew every word to Court and Spark; I worshipped her when I was in high school.
en Calls upon all States to adopt measures and policies to promote the full respect for and protection of places of worship and religious sites, cemeteries and shrines, and to take measures in cases where they are vulnerable to vandalism or destruction;
en He differed with corrupt clergymen who used church customs —such as confession of sins, the worship of the saints, fasting, and pilgrimages— to exploit believers.
en Why be a god if there's no one to worship you?
en Someday all who live on earth will be brothers and sisters, united in worship of the true God and Father of all.
en In a letter dated # uly # addressed to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship of Argentina, the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of the United Kingdom stated that the formula on sovereignty in paragraph # of the joint statement issued at Madrid on # ctober # applied to the joint statement of # uly # and he recorded the understanding between the two Governments on its detailed implementation
en “Under article 13, paragraph 1, of the Hellenic Constitution, on the inviolability of freedom of religious conscience, the Minister of Education and Worship has repeatedly issued circulars and responses based on said article, i.e. on protection of pupils’ freedom of religious conscience.
en 1:7) In such places as Azerbaijan, Benin, Romania, and Sweden, it was possible to get Jehovah’s Witnesses formally and officially recognized, not merely as an association, but as a religion, thus providing greater protection under laws guaranteeing freedom of worship .
en The second article considers how keeping a simple eye, pursuing spiritual goals, and maintaining a Family Worship evening are essential to the entire family’s spiritual well-being.
en (Romans 10:2) They decided for themselves how to worship God instead of listening to what he said.
en Within this framework, basic rights are the right to life and to physical integrity, as well as to individual freedom (Article 13), the right to equal treatment, including equal rights of men and women in all areas (Article 3), the right to freedom of movement (Article 16) and the rights to freedom of conscience, and worship (Article 19), as well as the right to freely express and disseminate opinions, which includes the freedom of the press (Article 21).
en He finished his earthly course on July 5, 1991, not long after taking his regular turn as chairman of morning worship at Watchtower Farms.
en (Hebrews 8:1-5) That temple is the arrangement for approaching God in worship on the basis of Jesus Christ’s ransom sacrifice. —Hebrews 9:2-10, 23.
en This was to be in at least three ways: the number of years the temple was in existence, who taught there, and who flocked there to worship Jehovah.
en The people of this part of India worship the king cobra.
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to have or show a strong feeling of respect and admiration for God or a god :
On the island the people worshipped different gods .
They socialize together and worship in the same mosque .
The poll showed that over 40 percent of Americans worship on a weekly basis .

More examples
The churches were built to worship God . We need a place to worship. We only worship one god .

to love , respect , and admire someone or something very much, often without noticing the bad qualities of that person or thing:
As a child , I worshipped my older brother .
the act of worshipping God or a god , often through praying or singing :
For Jews , the synagogue is the centre for community worship and study .

More examples
Men have always played an active part in leading worship while women have been confined to more passive roles . They were engaged in an act of worship. Worship is an important part of his daily life .

a lot of love or admiration for a particular thing or person , often when this is considered too much:
We're in an era of fitness and health worship.
  His, Your, etc. Worship UK formal
used as a title of respect when speaking to or about a mayor or a magistrate :
His Worship the Mayor will present the awards .
[ I ] They went on a pilgrimage to India to worship at the holy Buddhist shrines there.
To worship is also to go regularly to a place for religious ceremonies :
[ I ] They work for the same company , socialize together, and worship at the same church .
to feel a lot of love and admiration for someone or something:
As kids , we worshiped our Aunt Martha, who let us sleep late and took us to great places .

worship at the shrine/altar of sth idiom

worship the ground sb walks on idiom

hero worship


house of worship

place of worship

worship at the shrine/altar of sth idiom

worship the ground sb walks on idiom

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