Worlds Longest Dicks

Worlds Longest Dicks


Worlds Longest Dicks

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A man who claims to have the “world’s biggest penis” has stunned breakfast TV hosts by showing them an explicit picture live on air.
According to New York actor Jonah Falcon, his penis measures 13.5 inches – when erect, and has an eight inch diameter.
“For some reason, having 13-plus inches means I’m a bad person, or I’m egotistical, or I’m a porn star, or I’m dumb, or I’m a slut,” he told Britain’s This Morning hosts Phillip and Josie.
“Also, I’m sick and tired of having people wanting me to measure it in front of them. I’ve done it 10,000 times – enough already.”
Rather than again measuring his penis, Falcon shocked the hosts with a picture of it – leaving viewers stunned.
“This is just for you, so you don’t have to do all that imagining,” he told them.
“Hellfire. Congratulations, well done,” a stunned Phillip said in reaction, while Josie’s face said it all.
“I look down – there is nothing special,” Falcon then said.
“I don’t compare it to objects but when I take out the rulers I am like ‘OK’.”
While Falcon said being well-endowed had helped him sleep with celebrities, there are downsides – like being stopped at airport security when they spotted it hanging down his leg.
“Once I had it hanging, halfway to my leg and they asked me if I had a tumour, which I think would be someone’s first thought if they saw,” he said.
“I’ve learned if I’m going through security and things to ball it up a bit so it looks like a round mass. God help me if I get an erection if I do that. My testicles are proportionally large.”
In a 2017 interview with The Sun , he also claimed that his penis was having a negative impact on his acting life.
“It’s handicapped my acting because people won’t hire me,” he said.
“They Google ‘Jonah Falcon’ and then say, ‘We can’t use him he’s known for his penis size’.
“So it’s definitely harmed my career – I have two casting director friends who have told me so.”







Why am I not surprised the world's biggest dick lives in California?

because thats where all the money is?

Anderson Cooper from CNN did the measurement

That would far more be a nuisance than an asset

It'd be a major nuisance for an asset!

I feel bad for him. He's never been balls deep in his life.

I have seen some women who can take it. I would probably pay to see it.

Not unless he was raised on a farm.

I picture it as super thin . Like a straightened out coat hanger .

Maybe he should be looking for a girlfriend on this site since its filled with fat giant pussies.

How does he walk? For that matter, how does it get an erection without passing out from sudden blood loss from his brain?

That would make a great episode of Unsolved Mysteries. Someone call Robert Stack.

I love how ironic your name is for this question %uD83D%uDE02%uD83D%uDE02 %uD83D%uDE02%uD83D%uDE06

Yeah go snake the toilet, Moby

Yes, talk about a man' penis, okay, talk about a woman's boobs, your comment or post gets deleted.

You have to consider who the mods are here.

My whore senses are tingling. Maybe I just need antibiotics....







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A 28-year-old man from Hemet, California can finally take a sigh of relief after having his member measured by the world record authority earlier this week. Daniel, who has asked to have his identity withheld from the story, for reasons we have trouble believing, has taken the title of world's longest penis from the previous holder, Roberto Esquivel Cabrera, who set the record with a measurement of 18.9 inches (48.1 cm) back in 2015. 
Daniel's measurement came in at an astounding 19.1 inches when fully erect and was an achievement he never believed possible. Daniel was quoted by journalists saying, " in my younger days, I had a fairly average penis. It wasn’t particularly short, but it was definitely not as long as it is now.” He also went on to talk about his difficulty finding and keeping a girlfriend, which quite honestly we also find hard to believe. 
So in honor of the new world record holder, here are a few things that are as big as the world's biggest penis. 
Shaq's Shoe: Which only measures a measly 14 inches
Home Plate: Which only measures 17 inches wide
And if none of this has made you feel inadequate just wait, because there is a good chance that Daniel's member is 3x longer than yours is. 

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PHILLIP Schofield and Josie Gibson were left gobsmacked today when a guest revealed their erect penis is the same size as a NTA Award – in both length and width.
Jonah Falcon, 51, boasts the world’s largest todger and appeared on This Morning today to discuss the highs and lows of having an appendage that size.
Host Phil pointed out that it was the size of the TV award when erect and aubergine when flacid.
He exclaimed: "For size comparison, what Jonah is packing is the same - in length - an erect NTA."
Actor Jonah then decided to put Josie and Phil out of their misery by showing them a picture of it.
Phil was completely shocked and exclaimed: “Hell fire”.
Once he had composed himself, he added: "Congratulations."
Jonah told the hosts: "I look down there is nothing special, I don’t compare it to objects but when I take out the rulers I am like 'OK"."
Josie was keen to know if he ever got it caught in a zip, and he revealed he had in fact sat on it a few times.
He also said he was once stopped at security at the airport when they spotted it hanging down his leg.
Phil wanted to know how it affected his sex life and he revealed: : "Sexually I use my mouth a lot."
Jonah has enjoyed fame since 1999 when he was first named the man with the biggest penis in the world.
Jonah's world record was thrown into contention in 2015 when another man claimed his penis was even longer.
Roberto Esquivel Cabrera from Saltillo, Mexico, claimed his 18.9 inch colossus should be considered the true title-holder.
However, speaking today, Jonah insisted he was only so big because he had stretched his foreskin to 13 inches .
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(Without spending hours and hours doing manual exercises)
3 Powerful Hands Free Enlargement Techniques
An Easy Way Increase Length While You Sleep
How to Secretly Stretch While Watching TV or Surfing the Net
3 Powerful Hands Free Enlargement Techniques
An Easy Way Increase Length While You Sleep
How to Secretly Stretch While Watching TV or Surfing the Net
Hanging Towel Method to Increase Penis Size
ProExtender Review: The Best Penis Enlargement Device in 2022
Does Penis Size Decreases With Age?
3 Powerful Hands Free Enlargement Techniques
An Easy Way Increase Length While You Sleep
How to Secretly Stretch While Watching TV or Surfing the Net
A 3 Step Process To Add One Full Inch In 90 Days Or Less
A 3 Step Process To Add One Full Inch In 90 Days Or Less
3 Powerful Hands Free Enlargement Techniques
An Easy Way Increase Length While You Sleep
How to Secretly Stretch While Watching TV or Surfing the Net
A 3 Step Process To Add One Full Inch In 90 Days Or Less
A 3 Step Process To Add One Full Inch In 90 Days Or Less
(Without spending hours and hours doing manual exercises)
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Good question. No serious discussion of enlarging your penis would be complete without a look at the upper limits of what is possible.
I mean, nobody serious about mountain climbing avoids talks about Everest, and everybody who’s into martial arts talks about Bruce Lee.
So, what is the most a human penis has to offer? Who’s got it? What does he do with it?
And how much should you care about people having members of that size?
It’s fine to just throw names and numbers at you, but without a little context it’s not very useful.
Some numbers to keep in mind while you’re reading about the heavy lifters walking among us ( source )
•The average human penis is 3.5 inches long flaccid, and 5.1 inches long erect
A 3 Step Process To Add One Full Inch In 90 Days Or Less
(Without spending hours and hours doing manual exercises)
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•Average circumference while erect is 4.8 inches. 3.6 inches flaccid
The smallest penis on an adult male without a medical condition was 0.39 inches, according to the Guinness Book.
But don’t worry about that guy. He says since he became famous, he gets calls from women he doesn’t even know who “just have to try him out.”
There are a lot of rumors out there about the natural factors that influence human penis size. Some are true, but some are totally false.
The first thing to know is that the human penis typically stops growing about 5 years after puberty begins.
That means most men will achieve their largest natural size in high school. To keep growing your member after puberty, you need to use some penis enlargement methods.
The good news is that there’s no evidence to suggest that men’s penises shrink as they get older.
One of the most common penis size myths is that tall men have larger penises.
It seems logical, but in reality there’s no correlation. Several studies have been done over the years on this topic.
The best results showed only moderate correlation between height and penis size. Most studies found weak or no correlation.
Another common myth has to do with having large hands.
One study did find that men with longer ring fingers had slightly larger penises than other men with shorter fingers (source) .
That said, the impact of hand size on penis length is minimal and has been largely discredited.
Many people think that big feet are also an indicator of a large penis, but this is also largely a myth.
A study done in 1988 by Siminoski and Bain found only a weak correlation between foot size and penis size.
In reality, much of natural penis size is determined by genetics.
Studies have found that the human AR gene in the X chromosome and the SRY gene in the Y chromosome might have some influence on penis size.
Environmental conditions also play a big role in penis size.
That means diet and exposure to certain chemicals can affect the size of your member.
There are many chemicals out there that disrupt the endocrine system and diminish your penis size including certain pesticides and and plasticizers.
Now, on to the how’s it hangin’ hall of huge…
NYC native Jonah Falcon measures in at 13.5 inches erect and 8 inches flaccid – more than double the average.
That qualifies him for his spot in the Guinness Book as having the largest penis on a living man.
In bed, Jonah reports that older, more experienced lovers are necessary since his size scares younger candidates off and can hurt women who aren’t prepared.
He also notes that he needs a lot of foreplay.
A penis that large takes a lot of blood to get fully erect , so his partners (both men and women) need to take their time while he warms it up.
His marvelous member has also caused some issues in regular life.
He is stopped on the street by people seeing the bulge, and receives regular offers from the porn industry.
Falcon also was stopped by TSA agents to confirm he wasn’t smuggling a bomb or other contraband in his pants.
He has a sense of humor about having to get patted down or required to whip it out.
The porn star famed for having the largest penis in the industry was never officially measured, and claimed to have a unit 16 inches long and 13 inches around, which is clearly a huge exaggeration..
A friend who claims to have seen him measure himself said that on that day, his length was 13.5 inches, which is also an exaggeration.
Porn starlet Dorothiea Patton once described going down on Holmes as being like “fellating a telephone pole.”
At one point in his career, Holmes insured his unit for $14 million since it was the driving engine of his porn stardom.
Anyway, no matter what others have said about Holmes size, I guestimate that on a good day he was approximately 10 inches.
And if you’re wondering about Ron Jeremy, he measures just about nine inches erect.
Though that’s still half again as large as the average, it’s short of record-breaking by at least 4.5 inches.
In a case of “be careful what you wish for” Roberto Cabrero of Saltillo, Mexico has 18.9 inches below his waistline.
That’s over three times the human average. In a publicity stunt to get the attention of Guinness, he weighed it on camera with a result of two pounds.
He has also had it x-rayed to prove it’s not some kind of makeup or prosthetic.
But the bad news for Cabrera is only about 6 inches are actual penis. The rest, say examining doctors is just excess skin hanging off the tip.
Which is rough. The size of what he’s packing has wrecked relationships for Cabrera, limited his mobility, and cost him jobs.
And he doesn’t even get in the record book since the extra skin doesn’t make it really a penis.
Still, almost 19 inches. You have to wonder where
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