World-class selfishness by Chip Tsao

World-class selfishness by Chip Tsao


(26 Jan) The year of the pig dramatically came to a close with an Ace in the hole, and it had to be the Ace of Spades. A deadly pneumonia virus originating from Wuhan spread across the country and around the world. 

At first, the people from Wuhan and mainland Chinese netizens loudly accused Hong Kong people of being provocative and fault-finding, using the epidemic as an excuse to promote Hong Kong independence. A few days later, the same netizens were in tears mourning and seeking help. The latest cry came from a woman in Wuhan, hanging a placard on her chest, grieving President Xi's absence from Wuhan and "the central government's abandonment."

The central government did not abandon you all; in fact, it is cheeringfor the ten million Wuhan people from a very safe distance. The mainlanders have gone too far this time: they recalled how former President Hu Jintao visited affect areas during the SARS saga and questioned Xi's absence. No means no, period. No explanation needed. Just because Hu did it does not mean Xi has to too. Just as the former wanted Hu Chunhua to succeed him, the latter needed not acquiesce. The mainlanders are very cunning to use the former President to challengethe current one.

But in Hong Kong, Carrie Lam and Matthew Cheung make an even nastier pair. Lam went to Davos 2020 in Switzerland to deride Hongkongers in front of western leftards. She suffered quietly for seven months and finally had a chance to vent to the westerners. No wonder even when the Wuhan coronavirus hit Hong Kong, she still did not return promptly.

This put the Chief Secretary for Administration Matthew Cheung in big trouble. Mr. Cheung originally insisted that high-speed rail passengers did not need to fill in health declaration forms. He gave in after the whole city beratedhim and then took credit for enforcing measures to have the forms filled in.

However, even when mainland travellers completed the health declaration forms, thevalidityof their answers was highly questionable. Two travellers went to France and bragged on Weibo that they had taken a flight while on a high fever. Perhaps high-speed rail stations should be equipped with American-made lie detectors that could work alongside mandatory health declaration. The cowardly Cheung worried that without "Auntie Carrie" present, that he would be accused of "discriminating mainlanders", "promoting Hong Kong independence by requesting the health status of mainlanders" and "indirectly inciting hatred against Hong Kong". These three accusations hang hauntingly over fat Cheung's bald head like dunce caps from the Cultural Revolution.

Of course, the British training of indigenous "elites" would never have Sir MacLehose's gifted genetics. Otherwise, where did Hong Kong's colonial superiority come from? The current mess in Hong Kong is the result of rule by Chinese eunuchs. An oddfact is that Cheung's family owns over thirty properties in Hong Kong. If the Wuhan virus hits Hong Kong like SARS did and the story of Tung's incompetence repeats itself with Cheung, then each of Cheung's properties would be devalued by half; his wife and kids would be furious.   

The amalgam of the many shades of ugliness in Chinese genes is selfishness.

Little fat Cheung lacks the capability and fortitude to be a great leader; his own interests take priority. At the same time, Carrie Lam made a cathartic trip of Davos, selfishly disregarding the crisis of 7 million people in Hong Kong (including her blue ribbon supporters). Wuhan citizens who are carriers of the virus knowingly spread the contagion by roaming all over the world. Those who did not receive care at the hospital snatched medical personnel's masks and spat on their faces, shouting "If I cannot survive, neither can you."This desperate scorched earth mentalityin the face of death is just another expression of selfishness.

Hand in hand with the epidemic, the performance of Chinese selfishnesshas gone global. Western media and politicians have remained silent out of political correctness. I want to ask the German Chancellor Angela Merkel if the epidemic broke out on a global scale and refugees from the third world - including China and Hong Kong - fled to the West and asked Germany for protection, would her government take them in as it did in 2015 for the Mediterranean refugees? 

The Hong Kong government’s blue ribbon supporters were contemptuous at first. They smugly claimed that the Wuhan coronavirus was just arumour forged by the US media, joking about the six thousandpeople killed by the flu in the US last year. They questioned if New York and San Francisco would be under lockdown. Now, they are all quiet. The chairwoman of the pro-government party DAB led its supporters to rally at the Hong Kong Liaison Office. They implored the newly appointed director to fulfill his duty by providing updates on China's situation as a way to safeguard the lives of Hong Kong citizens. Once again, the Liaison Office sent the vice-director to appease them. With Legco elections approaching in September, DAB exploited this epidemiological disaster to its fullest to boost its popularity. The Liaison Office’s new director Mr. Luo must have observed such selfish intentions.  

The year of the pig ended with a politically charged plague from Wuhan. No astrologist was able to foretell the disaster. The world’s population has reached an outrageous number of 7.7 billion. Quoting Mao Zedong, "How can you help but struggle and fight?" The Malthusian trap is just a natural process to ensure the survival of the fittest. A great upheaval has begun. Let Hong Kong's elite Chinese eschew their blue ribbon counterparts. Noah’s Ark has limited seats. To hell with them. Get yourselves on board and buckle up.

Source: Next Magazine

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