World Of Whorecraft Review

World Of Whorecraft Review


World Of Whorecraft Review

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Whorecraft the Unreal Engine based erotic World of WarCraft that features a plethora of fantasy races engaged in kinky and vanilla sex, has recently received a massive content update. Since the Exotic Creatures update in Whorecraft was made available to donators on August 15th, Auril released Episode 2: Chapter 2 version 0.81b to donators on August 30, chronicling the adventures of a character named Mistress Whitemane. Readers might also recall that, around the time Episode 1 was remade in Unreal Engine 4 back in July.
LOL I bet some WoW nerds love this kind of thing.
I envision you saying this wearing a backwards baseball cap and dribbling a basketball with one hand while the other clenches a football as you rock a fresh pair of Air Jordan's, with one foot on and off a skateboard talking about nerds like you're some "cool guy" bully circa-1998. Stahp.
Wow man nice job getting offended by something unrelated to you, now go live your PC life somewhere else. MMMmmkay...
You don't realize that you sound just as ridicoulus as someone who calls other people nerds. Grow up.
Why would it matter to you one way or another?

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Sam DZ015

Start date

Jan 27, 2009

Mia Rose, hardcore gamer and pornstar, who appeared in several episodes of World of Whorecraft, told Kotaku that she was banned from the World of Warcraft over the weekend after a fan recognized her and mentioned her webiste in a public chat channel.

Rose, who played a randy elf in a couple of Whorecraft episodes a year ago, said she was banned after a fellow gamer recognized her on the Mai' Ganis server and mentioned the starlet's site in a barter chat room.

"After someone said I had a bad nose, this was randomly it happens a lot, I responded 'Hey, learn hot to search, stop using Google, go to Myspace or something, I've had a noise job'" she said. "The person then typed ZOMFG."

About ten minutes later Rose received a message from a GM saying she was suspended. She hasn't been able to get a hold of the Blizzard folks to try and clear it up.

Rose said that while she likes the serve she's considering changing to another server under a different name to try and avoid the often boisterous, sometimes unwanted attention.

"Every time I log on, I get twenty or more messages at a time... it has come to the point of having to contact the GM every time I try to sell something because people are going off with either Mia Rose spam or hate messages."

That thing's still on? I tried looking at the homepage a couple times and then the weblinks died.


That thing's still on? I tried looking at the homepage a couple times and then the weblinks died.


NSFW pic in this link.

Wow. She apparentley used her porn 'Nom-De-Plume' for her character name. And from the article, she sounds like the average chucklehead from a bad night of barrens chat. "Woot! Lol! Biyotches!"

It's... unfortunate that she got banned for apparently just raising a ruckus among the players via her fame, but I don't think I have much sympathy for her personally.
Well that sucks. Can't say I'm surprised to hear though...Blizzard does have a rep for this kind of thing.
I have no thoughts on her personally. The people in the porn industry are so alien to me that I have given up any attempts to try and guess at the psychology behind people who choose that profession.

But I can't imagine what justification Blizzard would have for kicking her off because she was recognized. Seems like she could, if she wanted, very easily take legal action, but it doesn't appear she's going to. I don't know how old this story is, though, so it may all be resolved by now

Well that sucks. Can't say I'm surprised to hear though...Blizzard does have a rep for this kind of thing.

I have no thoughts on her personally. The people in the porn industry are so alien to me that I have given up any attempts to try and guess at the psychology behind people who choose that profession.

But I can't imagine what justification Blizzard would have for kicking her off because she was recognized. Seems like she could, if she wanted, very easily take legal action, but it doesn't appear she's going to. I don't know how old this story is, though, so it may all be resolved by now

What legal action? it's their private servers, and they can kick you off for any reason-- or no reason. There are afew, a very few exceptions, probably having to do with race, sex and possibly sexual orientation...but this? No.

Blizzard would be completely within their legal rights if they decided to be incredibly stupid and say said: Anyone who is register republican/democrat and states it on the server will be banned.

Descrimination laws do exist, but they are very, very narrowly drawn in most cases. In the United States, they include race, sex, and in some areas, sexual orientation, and religion. (maybe a few others, but I'm not certain). So Blizzard couldn't say that they weren't going to allow any african americans, or catholic players, for example.
Most other stuff, especially if it's in teh category of purchasing a service (which is what players are doing) is not protected, unless they write it into the contract. Few companies do, and in fact most include specific clauses saying that they "reserve the right to deny" service, usually completely at their own option.

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