World Of Whorcraft

World Of Whorcraft


World Of Whorcraft
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WoW Classic requires a subscription. Details here .
From knights in shiny armor to skulking stalkers and cunning spellcasters, each class in World of Warcraft presents unique challenges and gameplay for you to master. What is your calling?
For as long as war has raged, heroes from every race have aimed to master the art of battle. Warriors combine strength, leadership, and a vast knowledge of arms and armor to wreak havoc in glorious combat.
For as long as war has raged, heroes from every race have aimed to master the art of battle. Warriors combine strength, leadership, and a vast kn...
For as long as war has raged, heroes from every race have aimed to master the art of battle. Warriors combine strength, leadership, and a vast knowledge of arms and armor to wreak havoc in glorious combat.
For as long as war has raged, heroes from every race have aimed to master the art of battle. Warriors combine strength, leadership, and a vast knowledge of arms and armor to wreak havoc in glorious combat.
From an early age, the call of the wild draws some adventurers from the comfort of their homes into the unforgiving primal world outside. Those who endure become hunters.
From an early age, the call of the wild draws some adventurers from the comfort of their homes into the unforgiving primal world outside. Those w...
From an early age, the call of the wild draws some adventurers from the comfort of their homes into the unforgiving primal world outside. Those who endure become hunters.
From an early age, the call of the wild draws some adventurers from the comfort of their homes into the unforgiving primal world outside. Those who endure become hunters.
Priests are devoted to the spiritual, and express their unwavering faith by serving the people. For millennia they have left behind the confines of their temples and the comfort of their shrines so they can support their allies in war-torn lands.
Priests are devoted to the spiritual, and express their unwavering faith by serving the people. For millennia they have left behind the confines ...
Priests are devoted to the spiritual, and express their unwavering faith by serving the people. For millennia they have left behind the confines of their temples and the comfort of their shrines so they can support their allies in war-torn lands...
Priests are devoted to the spiritual, and express their unwavering faith by serving the people. For millennia they have left behind the confines of their temples and the comfort of their shrines so they can support their allies in war-torn lands.
Students gifted with a keen intellect and unwavering discipline may walk the path of the mage. The arcane magic available to magi is both great and dangerous, and thus is revealed only to the most devoted practitioners.
Students gifted with a keen intellect and unwavering discipline may walk the path of the mage. The arcane magic available to magi is both great a...
Students gifted with a keen intellect and unwavering discipline may walk the path of the mage. The arcane magic available to magi is both great and dangerous, and thus is revealed only to the most devoted practitioners.
Students gifted with a keen intellect and unwavering discipline may walk the path of the mage. The arcane magic available to magi is both great and dangerous, and thus is revealed only to the most devoted practitioners.
Bare-knuckle brawlers whose no-weapon styles were born in ancient Pandaria, monks are as diverse as the energy that surrounds them. They can shoulder deadly attacks through the haze of their brews, heal broken chi flows, and beat their enemies with wind-quick fists and feet.
Bare-knuckle brawlers whose no-weapon styles were born in ancient Pandaria, monks are as diverse as the energy that surrounds them. They can shou...
Bare-knuckle brawlers whose no-weapon styles were born in ancient Pandaria, monks are as diverse as the energy that surrounds them. They can shoulder deadly attacks through the haze of their brews, heal broken chi flows, and beat their enemies w...
Bare-knuckle brawlers whose no-weapon styles were born in ancient Pandaria, monks are as diverse as the energy that surrounds them. They can shoulder deadly attacks through the haze of their brews, heal broken chi flows, and beat their enemies with wind-quick fists and feet.
Demon hunters embrace the forbidden powers of the Legion. They make use of fel and chaotic magics, metamorphosis abilities, spectral sight, and hellish agility to hunt down and defeat even the most dangerous adversaries.
Demon hunters embrace the forbidden powers of the Legion. They make use of fel and chaotic magics, metamorphosis abilities, spectral sight, and h...
Demon hunters embrace the forbidden powers of the Legion. They make use of fel and chaotic magics, metamorphosis abilities, spectral sight, and hellish agility to hunt down and defeat even the most dangerous adversaries.
Demon hunters embrace the forbidden powers of the Legion. They make use of fel and chaotic magics, metamorphosis abilities, spectral sight, and hellish agility to hunt down and defeat even the most dangerous adversaries.
This is the call of the paladin: to protect the weak, to bring justice to the unjust, and to vanquish evil from the darkest corners of the world.
This is the call of the paladin: to protect the weak, to bring justice to the unjust, and to vanquish evil from the darkest corners of the world.
This is the call of the paladin: to protect the weak, to bring justice to the unjust, and to vanquish evil from the darkest corners of the world.
This is the call of the paladin: to protect the weak, to bring justice to the unjust, and to vanquish evil from the darkest corners of the world.
For rogues, the only code is the contract, and their honor is purchased in gold. Free from the constraints of a conscience, these mercenaries rely on brutal and efficient tactics.
For rogues, the only code is the contract, and their honor is purchased in gold. Free from the constraints of a conscience, these mercenaries rel...
For rogues, the only code is the contract, and their honor is purchased in gold. Free from the constraints of a conscience, these mercenaries rely on brutal and efficient tactics.
For rogues, the only code is the contract, and their honor is purchased in gold. Free from the constraints of a conscience, these mercenaries rely on brutal and efficient tactics.
Shaman are the spiritual leaders of their tribes and clans. They are masters of the elements, using spells and totems that heal or enhance their allies in battle while unleashing the fury of the elements upon their foes.
Shaman are the spiritual leaders of their tribes and clans. They are masters of the elements, using spells and totems that heal or enhance their ...
Shaman are the spiritual leaders of their tribes and clans. They are masters of the elements, using spells and totems that heal or enhance their allies in battle while unleashing the fury of the elements upon their foes.
Shaman are the spiritual leaders of their tribes and clans. They are masters of the elements, using spells and totems that heal or enhance their allies in battle while unleashing the fury of the elements upon their foes.
In the face of demonic power, most heroes see death. Warlocks see only opportunity. Dominance is their aim, and they have found a path to it in the dark arts. These voracious spellcasters summon demonic minions to fight beside them.
In the face of demonic power, most heroes see death. Warlocks see only opportunity. Dominance is their aim, and they have found a path to it in t...
In the face of demonic power, most heroes see death. Warlocks see only opportunity. Dominance is their aim, and they have found a path to it in the dark arts. These voracious spellcasters summon demonic minions to fight beside them.
In the face of demonic power, most heroes see death. Warlocks see only opportunity. Dominance is their aim, and they have found a path to it in the dark arts. These voracious spellcasters summon demonic minions to fight beside them.
Druids harness the vast powers of nature to preserve balance and protect life. As master shapeshifters, druids can take on the forms of a variety of beasts, each focused on a specific combat role.
Druids harness the vast powers of nature to preserve balance and protect life. As master shapeshifters, druids can take on the forms of a variety...
Druids harness the vast powers of nature to preserve balance and protect life. As master shapeshifters, druids can take on the forms of a variety of beasts, each focused on a specific combat role.
Druids harness the vast powers of nature to preserve balance and protect life. As master shapeshifters, druids can take on the forms of a variety of beasts, each focused on a specific combat role.
When the Lich King’s control over his death knights was broken, his former champions found their new purpose as Knights of the Ebon Blade. After Bolvar Fordragon donned the helm to keep the undead Scourge contained, he called forth a new generation of death knights to join the Ebon Blade's cause.
When the Lich King’s control over his death knights was broken, his former champions found their new purpose as Knights of the Ebon Blade. After ...
When the Lich King’s control over his death knights was broken, his former champions found their new purpose as Knights of the Ebon Blade. After Bolvar Fordragon donned the helm to keep the undead Scourge contained, he called forth a new generat...
When the Lich King’s control over his death knights was broken, his former champions found their new purpose as Knights of the Ebon Blade. After Bolvar Fordragon donned the helm to keep the undead Scourge contained, he called forth a new generation of death knights to join the Ebon Blade's cause.

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~ Oscar Wilde on World of Whorecraft
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“I love pimpins out my rides the ladies likea hoppy hoppy”
World of Whorecraft (sometimes referred to as World of Warcraft by prudes and 13 year olds that can't spell, and dyslexic like many children these days) is sex inspired MMORPG which is heavily influenced by pornography and encourages mutual masturbation through online play.( M any M en O nline R ear P ounding' G irls) based on the highly successful Whorecraft series of games produced by Blizzard Pornographic Entertainment , lead by the worldfamous Poof the Homosexual Dragon. World of Whorecraft has single-handedly revolutionized the online-gaming industry by introducing sex into the equation. It was long thought that sex had no place in online-gaming because the Internet is not generally considered a place for sex or pornographic materials. Blizzard, however, ignored conventional wisdom, banking on the idea that the average Internet user wasn't having sex, not because they were uninterested, but because they simply couldn't muster the requisite skills to "get some". Blizzard's long shot turned out to be fantastically accurate and almost every online-gamer has jumped aboard the World of Whorecraft band-wagon in order to supplant their lack of real sex with limitless online sex.

Unlike many MMORPGs , World of Whorecraft gives you relatively few options for starting character classes, making you buy and work your way up to higher classes. You start as either a High School Boy or a High School Girl and use !Sex and !money! to progress through the class tree. As you progress, you will eventually unlock new commands, such as !buttsecks or !teabag . Blizzard has also announced that, with the release of the new expansion pack: "Rise of the Bitch Queen," players will be able to take their intimate love making to a whole new level!

Dedicated to smiting evildoers and practicing safe sex. They're noobs. They use Blessing of Protection to defend themselves from disease and making more noob paladin babies. It's called Hand of Protection, now. However, your hand isn't the part that gets those hot chicks pregnant. Oh, yeah. Now, there can be Whorde paladins. But Whorde paladins cut themselves, because they don't like Whores, and by extension, the Whorde. Devout worshipers of Raptor Jesus and Samuel L. Jackson.

They do it from behind. Sometimes they use swords, sometimes they use daggers. Sometimes, they even use fists. Fisting rogues are the best. Oh, and they're invisible. They do best talented into Blade Twisting. Ooooooooooooh yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhh...

As a male character, your goal will be to get as much super mega sex from as many female characters as possible, while paying as little as you can get away with. Other ways to goals are raping women with tentacles or by killing them. There are eight different categories of "male" characters. Collect them all!

You will start the game as a pathetic High school Boy and try to find a source of income while trying to score with Highschool Girls and Sluts . If you invest enough of your personal money into the game, you may use the micropayments system to try to convince higher level female characters to give you sex. You can level up to become a Tom or a Pimp . If you do not succeed, you will become a Porn Potato . Playing this game as an actual High School boy may affect the size of your phallus.

Porn Potatos are male characters who have failed to make enough money for Whores. Since Blizzard charges a monthly fee to play World of Whorecraft and they don't want you to stop playing, they have created the Porn Potato class . As a Porn Potato, you are able to sit on your virtual couch in your virtual apartment and watch an endless supply of virtual porn. The virtual porn is produced by male and female Porn Stars in-game. With work, Porn Potatoes can level up to become a Porn Potato chip . While porn potato chips are thinner, tastier, and slightly crispier, you still have no money and no sex appeal, much like a real potato chip.

If you manage to find a source of in-game income or contribute sufficient out-of-game funds, you will become a Tom. The main role of a Tom is to pay Whores for sex. If you have enough money, you may be able to afford Call Girls . Attaining a high level will allow you to become a Corrupt Cop , also known simply as a cop.

If you are able to score with enough chicks as a High School Boy, you can try to convince them that they should start giving out their services for money and that you can protect them. Once you have accumulated two or more female characters that are paying you for protection, you will be given the option to become a Pimp . As a Pimp, you will spend most of your time convincing your Whores that you love them and that they should never cross you. A successful Pimp will help his Whores level up, allowing for higher profit margins. You will also be trying to save enough money so as to "go legit" and become a Rap(e) Artist . But alawys remember: Pimpin' ain' easy.

As a Corrupt Cop you will be given the power to arrest Pimps and Whores. Your job will be to abuse this power to get money from Pimps and sex from Whores. If you are able to make enough money, it will be possible to become a Politician . Upon attaining the Politician level you will be able to pick and choose your "aides" using public funding, (I.E. Wage whores). Your new goal is to sleep with your aides, and manage not ot get caught by the "News Media".
Inherent dangers at Politician level include Cops hanging around Public Restrooms, PressCorp members with planted Aides in your Office, and other Politicians with Blackberries. If discovered, offer to resign until a new scandal emerges which occurs frequently, then change your mind.

If all else fails, lie to the Grand Jury. Repetitive use of the definition of transient verb is highly advised. And always remember: you did not have sex with that woman. (You made love)

You arrest guys who are doing it with sluts and whores in public and then fuck the slut or whore in front of them for kicks, or you can shoot everyone else up if you want. You can also become a corrupt SWAT cop & get better stuff like body armor, M-16s, shotguns, etc... Plus, the ladies go crazy over a guy in body armor.

If you somehow manage to have sex with a female Porn Star you will become a male Porn Star . If you are able to reach this eternally sought-after class, you will be having lots of sex with lots of female Porn Stars and you will be paid for it. Unless you prefer lots of sex with other male porn stars. But this profession needs a high skill of stamina and resilience. So be aware if you want to go this way!

If you attain the class of Rap Artist , you will be able to get as much sex as you want from most Porn Stars, Divas, Rick James and Whores. You will also be given the option of having a Trophy Wife and Mistresses. You will have to worry about Pimps and other Rap Artists trying to shoot you. People will also come to the conclusion that the music industry is entirely based on image which is actually a repetitive statement in this category.

Plus, everyone will hate you. Everyone that's not a slut or golddigger, that is.
But watch out! Start raping like 50 cent and you is gonna get demoted to porn potato in a second, yo.

If you are able to work the rounds and become a Politician , you will have almost unlimited in-game power. You will likely want to choose to help a female character become a Trophy Wife, for which she will give you sex whenever you want it in exchange for money whenever she wants it. You will also likely help at least one female character attain the level of Mistress, for which she will give you sex whenever you want it in exchange for money and hollow promises of help becoming a Trophy Wife. You will likely have sex with Call Girls and High School Girls as well, which will cost you blackmail money to Corrupt Cops and Pimps. Once you become a politcian you will get a counter showing how much sex you had once the counter is full you get busted and will have to pay off the Corrupt Cops . Currently, the only level 70 politician is a certain " S3xoph0n3_playa ". There's no indication of who this might be.

As a female character, your goal will be to get as much money as possible while having the least amount of sex with as few male characters as possible. See: Marriage

You will start the game as an unpopular Highschool Girl and try find a way to have sex and give oral to as many Highschool Boys as possible. If you are able to make enough money quickly, you will be able to get plastic surgery and become a Trophy Wife or Mistress early in the game. Since it is difficult to advance so quickly, you will more likely become a Slut or a Whore depending on who you sleep with. If you perform exceptionally poorly, you may even end up as a Crackwhore . You can still level up by attending a "Talk Show."

If you sleep with too many lower level characters, you will become a Slut . From here you will be able to continue sleeping with anyone that'll sleep with you and try to improve your technique and acquire money. If you are able to find a Pimp, you can become a Whore and if you are able to develop a sufficiently high level of technique, it is possible to become a Porn Star . Practice makes perfect.

If you sleep with a Pimp, you may be able to upgrade to the Whore class. As a Whore, your job will be to sleep with whoever your Pimp tells you and try to score the fanciest clientele you can. You will likely end up staying a Whore or making enough money to attract classier clientele and become a Call Girl . A good way to become a Call girl is to get e
Blonde Sluts Nude
Emma Watson Leaked
Porn Star Cindy Crawford

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