Woops Wrong Hole

Woops Wrong Hole


Woops Wrong Hole
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Not exactly a keeper if he pulls that sort of sh*t,
Better that it end now, you're just wasting your time dating someone like that. I hope you find someone great.
Let me guess, he thinks girls don't poop! He must have been so shocked when he learned the truth.
Or he thinks OP used to be a man o.0
Not exactly a keeper if he pulls that sort of sh*t,
I hope OP won’t take this up the wrong hole...
With boyfriends like that, who needs enemas?
Answer: You
Well he sounds like a shit dick 🤣😂

Guys: Did you every try to stick it in her p**** but put it in her ass by accident or not by accident? Girls: Did this ever happen to you where the guy put it in the wrong hole? What happened, did you take it out or just continued?
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It has happened with my boyfriend, both ways XD If happened accidentally (he just rubbed the wrong hole, because he tried to put it in without using his hands XD .) I made a joke about it at the time, but it didn't upset me XD, it was funny and he was kind of embarrassed and excited about the idea of me being OK with the situation XD And it happened on purpose too, after we tried anal XD . He kind of rubbed it on purpose, like 3 times in a row XD . The first time, I said "it's not there!" and moved my hips away from him, and laughed it of... Seconds later, I literally bursted into laughter when I realized what he was trying to do XDD He got nervous and all red on his face XD was kind of cute XD and said "maybe next time, now stop pretending you're innocent, mister!" If you're not comfortable with your partner, then I guess these kind of things are not as funny as I think they are. Accidents, kicks, falls out of bed, bites, punches, teeth touching, "little clues" like this case you asked ... etc... it's all funny XD in a way or another XD
yeah, I use a lot of emoticons when typing... I always put an "XD" when I laugh to myself XD and this was funny to remember
hmm, once when I lost my virginity.. but he didn't miss, more like he couldn't put it in and it slipped to my butt, I had previous trauma from anal a long time ago and he's aware of it, so I begged him to take it out.. we had "take - 2" an hour later after I calmed down.. and the rest is private personally I'm not into anal as I stated above, had trauma from when I was 12 (details are personal), so I never ever want it to happen again.. thankfully he understands and decided not to do anal so long as I wished it note: after reading anonguy1's answer I just wanted to say this, if you even think about jerking off to my answer I will get you banned for life, and if I could I'd track you down and chop your johnny off with a cleaver and sell it to the black market tagged as special dog food for spare change, so don't even let it cross your mind.
Um.. conceited much? Maybe you sure mature up a little but just for the hell of it I'll jerk to your post since it seems like a challenge.
@tcartsid: huh? it has nothing to do with maturity, trauma doesn't get fixed by resolve, if it could I wouldn't be like this. I do agree that the last sentence I wrote was immature, but you can't deny that there are guys who do that, and you can't say I'm immature based on one example, everyone makes stupid comments every now and then
Yeah, I've slipped into her a**hole by mistake on a few occasions. Ouch! More often I slip into her p**** when I'm doing her ass, which hurts less but pissed her off more because she's gotten yeast infections from that.
Generally only if its doggy and hard to see. They usually say something too if I'm starting to go in the wrong place. Sometimes they say just do it anyways.
I did a few times purely accidental, going fast and too deep of strokes led to the wrong one but luckily only one gave her pain and the others were slow which she ended up liking so it was good, it is easy to rub it to the wrong one if you’re going hands free so ladies it is possible he may be telling the truth if he says it was accidental but he is a man so, you know…..
it has happened where I almost started to go in by accident but I didn't fit... most girls have been cool with it since I didn't push hard to go in. usually only happens during doggy and after it happens we just keep going. one girl even said 'not tonight' and we tried later but it wasn't going to work. most of the girls have just helped to spread open a little more and guide it back in. did get the head in one time which meant we took a little break to get back in the mood.
Since about literally an inch apart - it's probably quite common.
Ive never made this mistake. though I usually use my hand as a guide when I enter.
Umm, yes it's happened where the guy tries to push into me and I'm like uhh, up a little bit! Never actually gone in tho, thankfully!
This happened the first time my boyfriend fingered me, he put his finger in my ass on mistake.
Ha it's been close but no penetration. usually it's because the dude is fumbling around to much...
No but the first time I had sex I didn't even know what hole he should stick in it and I was 21.
Watch some p*rnos so you know what goes where

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