Wonderwake - Privacy Policy

Wonderwake - Privacy Policy

Team Wonderwake

Last updated: 14.01.24

First things first

We love building good products. Yet, we don't do it at the expense of privacy. That's why we have built a product that does not profit off your personal data. Your data is your own, and we are committed to keeping it that way.

To make Wonderwake the best it can be, we only collect and process some anonymous data. We do so to understand which features our users like, and which ones not so much. We can't link any device, product usage, location or health data to an individual user.

We tried to write this privacy policy in a human language, so we hope it makes sence. If you still have any questions, concerns or suggestions, feel free to reach us at hello@wonderwake.app

Important definitions

Services - our website(s), product(s), service(s) and application(s) such as wonderwake.app and Wonderwake app.

You (User) - any individual who uses the functionality of the Services and has reached the age of full legal capacity in accordance with the legislation of the country of their citizenship.

Anonymous Data - data that is completely anonymized and cannot be linked to a particular individual user.

Personal Data - any information or data that identifies or relates to a particular individual user.

Service Providers - third parties that help us provide our Services to you. They may include:

  • Hosting;
  • Analytics;
  • Database;
  • Customer service software.

What data we collect and why

Device Data, such as:

  • Device type;
  • Operating system.


  • To understand the range of devices our Services should support;
  • To better debug issues specific to certain devices or operating systems.

Product Usage Data, such as:

  • How various product features are used;
  • Usage patterns.


  • To understand feature usage and improve our product;
  • To draw conclusions such as "people love using feature A, but couldn't care less about feature B".

How we collect, store and protect data

We use Google Firebase to collect, store, analyze and protect anonymous user data. That data is not linked to any information that is personally identifiable. The purpose of the information is for analyzing trends, administering the app, tracking users' engagement with the app, and gathering demographic information.

The process involves several steps to ensure data security and privacy:

Data Collection: We collect anonymous data, such as device information and app usage data, to improve our Services and provide a better user experience.

Data Storage: We store user data in Firebase's cloud services, which use industry-standard security measures to protect data. Firebase services encrypt data in transit using HTTPS and logically isolate customer data, ensuring that only authorized users can access it.

Data Protection: Firebase Security Rules provide robust, customizable protection for data in Cloud Firestore, Realtime Database, and Cloud Storage. In addition, Firebase Authentication and Cloud Firestore Security Rules handle serverless authentication, authorization, and data validation for mobile and web client libraries.

Data Access: Access to user data is restricted to select team members who have a business purpose to access it. Firebase also logs access to systems containing data and requires sign-in with Google Sign-In and 2-Factor Authentication.

By using Firebase, we ensure that user data is securely stored and protected from unauthorized access, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations and best practices.

When we may collect your Personal Data

When you reach out directly or otherwise choose to give us information. For example, when you ask for help, we’ll collect the information you share with us to help solve your problem.

What happens when you visit our website, wonderwake.app

We don't use cookies and we don't track visitors to our website, simple as that.

Under what conditions we may share data with third parties

We’ll only share data in the following circumstances:

  • With our Service Providers (such as sharing anonymous data with the analytics software), as needed to provide and improve the product;
  • If there’s a change in Wonderwake ownership (such as acquisition), data we have collected may be transferred to the new controlling party. Should this occur, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you before data we have collected becomes subject to different privacy and security policies and practices.

Why we collect data

In general, we collect anonymous data to provide and improve our Services. This data is used to make Wonderwake better (such as Device or Product Usage Data). We also collect data to make sure we’re able to:

  • Correspond with you if you reach out with a bug report, support request, or general inquiry. We may also send you updates, product information, or other marketing communications;
  • Meet legal requirements, safety measures, and enforce legal rights. We're required to comply with any legal process, law, or regulation that requests we disclose data we’ve collected, so long as we consider the request reasonable and lawful.

Age limits to who can use the product

As per our Terms of Service, we don't knowingly collect personal data about individuals under 16 years old. If you're a minor under the age of 16, please don't attempt to register or use our Services or send us any personal information. If we discover that we've collected data from a child under 16, we'll delete that information ASAP. If you believe that a child under 16 years of age may have provided Personal Data to us, please contact us at hello@wonderwake.app

Updates to this Privacy Policy

We're always working to improve our Services, which may require occasional updates to our Privacy Policy. If we make any changes, we'll notify you directly via email. If you haven't provided us with your email, the updated policy will still be applicable. We'll make every effort to ensure that you are aware of these updates, but ultimately, it's your responsibility to review and understand them. By continuing to use our Services, we'll assume that you agree to the updates. Feel free to reach out if you need further clarification.

How can you contact us

Email: hello@wonderwake.app

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