Wonder Woman Captured Fanfiction

Wonder Woman Captured Fanfiction


Wonder Woman Captured Fanfiction

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Diana floated back to the ground and fell to a knee, her breastplate heaving as she looked at the massive crater Ares had left, the concrete of the runway burned away in a perfect half-sphere that was at least three feet deep. It was over. The German soldiers were beginning to come out of their hiding places, looking around as if surprised that they were still alive. Any of them that looked at her did so without any intention of attacking, not after what they just saw. How could they even reconcile the super natural feats they’d just seen? Only one of them knew how. And she knew an opportunity when she saw it. Diana panted as she rested on a knee, her heart feeling as tired as her body. Ares was no more. Her quest was over. But what now? She could never return to her home, her companions in man’s world were gone. Orange light began to shine over the horizon and Diana looked to it. The sun was rising. No, this wasn’t the end. Ares was gone, but the battle for man’s world would continue in the hearts of all mortals. Diana knew that now and the thought gave her hope. She may not be able to end all war and suffering with a single stroke of her sword, but she would find allies and continue fighting for the good of humanity. She still had much work to— “MRPH?!” Diana’s eyes widened in surprise as a damp cloth clamped over her mouth and nose. An arm hugged across her armored chest, pinning her arm down and pulling her back against her attacker. Reflexively, Diana grabbed the hand holding the cloth, intending to peel it off with her supernatural strength… but it held fast. Shocked, Diana bucked then yanked harder. It still held on. Diana tried to lunge to her feet, but her attacker pressed down, keeping her crouched where they had the leverage. Whoever was attacking her was as strong as she was, but that was impossible! She’d destroyed Ares! No one short of a god should be able to wrestle with her like this! “Don’t fight,” a familiar said, “Just let my formula do its work,” Diana stiffened. Isabel Maru? The chief chemist and weapons developer for Ludendorff; she wasn’t a warrior, much less a goddess! Thrusting with her powerful legs, Diana forced up to her feet, the pair of them staggering as Doctor Maru held on. Unfortunately, the effort made Diana feel strangely dizzy. Rather than using the momentary loss of balance to her advantage, Diana tottered and her knees almost buckled. Doctor Maru quickly reasserted her grip, hugging tighter under the amazon’s breasts and pulling Diana’s head back against her shoulder. The cloth smelled strongly of chemicals and with it held over her mouth and nose it was hard to breathe. Diana shook her head to try to get the annoying thing away, but Maru held it in place and tossing her head made Diana even more dizzy. She felt sleepy, slow, like she’d had too much wine. “Lucky I saved some of the general's strength tablets for myself,” Maru growled as Diana tried to twist free, “It must hurt you to know all your effort will count for nothing,” “GRRRMMH!” Diana forced away the dizziness, letting go of the hand holding the cloth and instead trying to elbow back into Maru’s ribs. Maru grunted as one of the elbows glanced off, but with her hugged so tightly the amazon couldn’t get much of an angle to strike her. “RHH!” the doctor snarled, “Stop struggling you foolish creature! It’s pointless!” Diana tried to hook her leg back between the doctor’s and throw her off balance, but she didn’t have the strength to flip her like she’d practiced with her amazon sisters. The pair struggled clumsily, Diana from being drugged and Maru lacking any skill, feet scuffing on the pavement as they staggered about. However, as the moments went by Diana became weaker and weaker. Diana arched her chest out, but her firm body was becoming softer and easier to handle, the world swimming before her. She was desperately confused. She had been immune to the poison gas that killed everyone in the village; what was this formula and why was it affecting her so? “MMPH!” Diana cried desperately beneath the cloth, calling on all her remaining strength, “MM-RRPH!” “My formula is amazing, isn’t it?” Maru said, as if reading her mind, “While I was trying to create a paralytic, this idea came to me out of the sky.” “MMMH!” Diana protested, prying desperately at Maru’s hand. Her struggles were becoming frantic as she felt herself weakening. “It didn’t have any practical applications,” Maru continued, “It certainly killed faster than it paralyzed, but wasn’t potent enough for a poison. It was just a curiosity… until I saw you…” Diana managed to buck again, her hips driving back into Doctor Maru. It was a feeble effort, more of a squirm, and the Doctor easily held on. Maru squeezed a bit tighter as she felt the amazon’s body softening, more and more holding her victim up rather than struggling with her. “Somehow, I knew this formula was meant for you,” Maru smiled, “Strange, isn’t it? Most illogical…” Breasts heaving beneath her chest plate, Diana slowly let her head rest back against Maru’s shoulder, her bare thighs wobbling. Her pinned arm hung limply, still holding onto Maru’s hand with the other but that one was starting to droop, hanging on rather than pulling. She started to slide down Maru’s body as her legs wilted beneath her, but the evil doctor boosted her back up, hugging the amazon tight. “Yes…” Maru pressed her lips to Diana’s ear, “The gentle beckoning of sleep… did you ever think it could be so terrifying? Give in to it… Sleep…” “MMH… mhhh…” Diana mewled, brow pinching in fear as she struggled to keep her eyes open. This couldn’t be… How could this be happening? She was helpless in the arms of a mortal? She tried to pull at Maru’s hand, but it was feeble pawing, her fingers slipping. The arm gave up a moment later, flopping down to her side with a moan. She was so tired… she just wanted to rest… “I will discover all your secrets…” Maru whispered, “Explore you… until everything you have is mine…” “Mmh…” Diana whimpered, her blue eyes becoming glassy. “Submit to that…” Maru continued, “Sleep… sleep knowing that I will strip you down until I see how you work… that you will serve my interests…” Diana’s troubled breathing was slowing down, becoming deep and even. She could barely understand what the woman holding her was saying, but she was saying it in a pleasant voice. It felt nice. Nice to just close her eyes… she was exhausted… As Diana melted in her arms, Doctor Maru sank, easing the super heroine to the ground. She kneeled behind her, letting the mighty amazon plop onto her butt and rest back against her. Maru didn’t even need to hold her arm down any more, instead reaching up to gently comb her fingers through the mane of black hair. “You will be nothing but a subject in my lab…” Maru grinned sadistically but spoke in a soothing voice, “A slave. Naked… without dignity… as completely mine as one of my microscopes. A beaker. At most a pet. And that is all you will ever be…” Moru could feel Diana’s gentle breathing through the cloth, the amazon’s eyes blinking slowly, starting to roll back. Her powerful body was as limp as a doll, pretty face smooth and peaceful, comfortable and drifting off. “Surrender to me…” Maru breathed, “Sleeeeeep…” “Mm…” Diana mewled softly, one last, faint protest. Then her eyes rolled back and closed with a gentle sigh. Maru held the cloth for another few moments, making sure the powerful creature was completely unconscious. Her captive didn’t stir, her breathing deep and even, utterly peaceful. Leaning in, the Doctor pressed a kiss to Diana’s cheek, almost like a mother kissing her baby girl good night. Then she scooched back and eased Diana the rest of the way to the ground. She kept the cloth over Diana’s face as she laid her down, shoulders first then cupped under her skull to carefully lay it down. Finally, making sure the cloth still rested on Diana’s mouth, Maru stood up. She dusted herself off quickly, flicking any debris she had acquired from the sleeves and tails of her lab coat, her pants, even pausing to brush some unruly hair back behind her ear. More than half of the bottom of her face was a plastic prosthesis, lips, nose, cheek and jaw an unsettling, doll-like imitation. As such it could be difficult to read her expressions, but now the part of her mouth that was still whole wore a smile of unmistakable satisfaction as she looked down at the unconscious amazon. Maru never resorted to something as barbaric as fisticuffs, but she found that it gave her a surprising thrill to be physically victorious, especially over one so powerful and beautiful. She made a note that it might be an interesting avenue to explore in the future, a further experiment to perform on her newest test subject. But now Isabel had to make sure that the powerful woman remained under her power. Reaching into the pocket of her lab coat, she produced a small medicinal bottle and a fresh cloth. She placed the bottle against the cloth and upturned it, waiting until the cloth had absorbed an adequate dose of her formula, then placed the bottle back in her pocket. Kneeling, Maru removed the cloth already on the amazon’s mouth and watched her for a moment. Even without any typical feminine adornments, the fallen woman was more than beautiful. There was an exoticness to her features that Maru couldn’t place, certainly not German but sharing some traits that were quite appealing. She had the crisp jaw line, pouty lips and graceful features of a mature woman, yet there was an impossible softness to her face. No grooves or creases that came from smiling or frowning; her face was as pristine and soft as a young girl’s. She looked impossibly innocent now, her lips pursed as she breathed gently, eyes peacefully closed. Maru couldn’t resist stroking her cheek, running a finger over her soft lips. Then with a pleased smile that all this was now hers, she pressed the new dose of formula over Diana’s mouth. About to get up, the villainous doctor paused. She wasn’t going to take any chances with someone this valuable and powerful. Reaching into her other pocket, she withdrew a surgical mask and placed it over the cloth. She tied the strings tightly behind the amazon’s head to keep the cloth nice and snug, in no danger of falling off. Then on a whim, she slipped the golden tiara from her brow. Maru held it up and looked it over in the growing sunlight. She knew quite a bit about metallurgy and she could see by the markings that while this looked like gold, it was actually much stronger. Even more interesting was that there wasn’t a scratch or scuff on it, despite the battle she’d just seen. Deciding to run tests, Maru slipped the tiara into her lab coat as she looked around. Most of the soldiers had fled but a few were still watching curiously, occasionally looking at each other as if wondering whether they should be pleased about the events unfolding. “You and you and you,” Doctor Maru pointed at the closest soldiers, “Collect this experimental subject and follow me. Carefully,” The three men’s expressions were hidden beneath the gas masks that they wore, but they visibly blanched, looking to the fallen goddess then back to her. They didn’t move, hesitant to even touch something they just saw cause such damage. Maru scowled at them, “Do you know who I am?” The men stared at her silently. “J-ja…” one of them finally said, “Stimmt… Ich wissen Sie…” “Then you know that not only am I capable of melting the three of you into the puddle of excrement parts that you truly are,” she hissed, “But also that as General Ludendorff is dead, I am your lawful superior. She’s a helpless girl and you are three strong soldiers. Now pick her up! And do not damage her!” The men stared at her for a moment, but then hesitantly moved forward to do as they were bidden. The three of them squatted down, one taking her wrists while the other two each took a leg, expecting her to be heavy. But the amazon was quite easy to lift. The three froze for a moment in surprise, looking at each other before laughing. One of them even gave her a little bounce, amazed at how something so powerful could be so light. “Careful, you idiots!” Maru snapped, “This subject is worth far more than your lives! If it only takes two of you, then two of you carry her!” Moving carefully, the men lowered her back down and resituated, one bending down to take her under the arms while the other clasped under her knees. Diana’s head rested back against one of the men’s stomach, half her face covered by the surgical mask but still breathing deeply and evenly. The soldiers shared a quick look; this was a duty they were happy to perform. “Now come,” Maru turned on her heel and began walking, “If the subject moves at all or even frowns in her sleep, alert me immediately. She should be inert for hours, but I’m not taking any chances,” The men followed, Diana dangling limp between them. When Diana woke, she felt like she’d slipped from sleep to a strange, sinister dream. The room around her was blurred and surreal, metal and glass shapes she didn’t recognize, glaring lights that floated over her head. The things she heard were warped and somehow muffled, none of it making sense. She blinked her eyes and tried to lift her arms, but something held them down at the wrists. Her body was heavy and weak, slow to react to her commands and doing so only with great reluctance and clumsiness. The room swirled about her as she managed to lift her head. She could see the length of her body lying flat, black iron clamps fitted around her wrists and ankles to pin them against a wooden table. Her armored boots and red breast plate were still in place, but the leather strap for carrying her weapons was gone. Past her she could see glass tubes filled with strange fluids, metal cabinets, a bronzed device that looked somewhat like a small telescope. “Unhh…” Diana groaned and laid her head back down, trying to make sense of all this. Closing her eyes felt nice, even if it made the room spin more noticeably. Diana heard footsteps but it took a moment for her to open her eyes again. At first, she thought it was some sort of strange blue blob creature from myth. Its body was humanoid but puffy and shapeless, with large round eyes like a bug and no mouth. As the creature leaned over her, she began to understand it was a person wearing a protective lab suit, complete with a hood to hug the hair down, the eyes were in fact goggles and their mouth was covered by a surgical mask. As Diana’s brow furrowed and she tried to form words, the person used a gloved thumb to draw her eyelid up and shine a small light inside. “Where…?” Diana mumbled, “Is… Wha’s...?” The blue clad person shined the light into her other eye then set it down to scribble a note in a small leather-bound book. “Ares…?” Diana managed to ask. The figure didn’t respond. They leaned down to Diana’s shoulder, where she noticed gauze taped down as if over a small wound. At the same moment Diana noticed there was an ache there, faint and far away due to her drowsy condition. The person peeled up the tape to examine what was underneath. “Extraordinary,” the voice sounded chipper, “A sample taken from tissue, muscle, and bone… and already the wound has almost healed,” The blue coated person smoothed the gauze back down and made some more notes. It took Diana a moment, but she recognized the voice. “Doctor…” She struggled to say, “Maru…?” The doctor turned toward her at that and Diana recognized the eyes behind the goggles. Calculating, dark, but with a sinister light to them. It was her. “You should save your breath for when your wits have fully returned to you, subject 1,” Maru replied, “It should only be a few more moments, if my calculations are correct. I do have some questions for you,” Memories began to return; things Diana had hoped were simply nightmares. Defeating Ares, but someone, Maru, grabbing her, weakening, fading… Diana groaned and pulled up on her restraints, managing to clench her fists and even arch her chest off the table. But the restraints held fast. They didn’t even creak. “I’ve given you a mixture that will allow you consciousness,” Maru didn’t seem alarmed at Diana’s attempt to get free, “But with enough paralytic to keep you quite helpless… and a bit tipsy, I’d wager,” Diana finally slumped back to the table with a gasp, breasts heaving, completely exhausted by the effort. She closed her eyes and panted, unable to even find the energy to speak. “With my original formula, I’ve been able to generate numerous
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