Wonder Whores

Wonder Whores


Wonder Whores
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And now it's 4 AM! Just one more turn...
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R5 : I have achieved the ultimate level of wonder whoring, building every single wonder in this game ! I played China (for early wonder rush) on king difficulty, which I know is not that much. I reloaded around 5 times to have advantageous tribal villages, which gave me a total of 4 builders and 2 scouts. Stole 3 others builders from other civs, because America waged two early wars on me, and Brazil one, followed by a sh*t ton of wars mid-end game for being the classier wonder whore of this world. Uluru’s culture output allowed me to rush the Great Library, so I had 5-6 eurekas this way. I also grabbed divine inspiration belief (+4 faith for every world wonder), which provided me a good amount of faith, only spent on great people as I developed my religion with the free apostles. As a “bonus”, I finished Hagia Sophia with the great engineer Isidore of Miletus, and the Eiffel Tower with Gustave Eiffel ! Oh, and I know I’m exposed to “no mines on hills + no Ruhr, 2/10” comments, so here is the save file if you want to do it yourself, I personally was pretty happy with my Petra Great Wall hills over there :) Btw I started this game before the fall update, so no Angkor Wat available, though I had an aqueduct in one of my cities.
All those un-improved tiles at turn 318 are triggering me.
He would have had to chop em for the production boost
You whore you! I try to do this also in most of my games ahaha
How though ? A lot of those wonders take 20-30+ turns each, and you lose builder boost at medieval. Sure you can choppy-chop your way to success, but you only have a few tiles for that
China's unique leader bonus is to use builder charges for 15% of the original production cost for ancient/classical era wonders, and builders get one additional charge. Snowball that by rushing the Pyramids for an additional charge, and get builders from tribal villages and/or steal workers during early wars. Don't even need pantheon or policy card for wonder building.
I tried to do this myself a few times, and i decided it is better for others to build them for me :) except ofc they always pick the shittiest possible place to build Petra and chicen itza.
How easy it is to reload goody hut builder though? I always thought that was a very rare event.
Well I think I got lucky here, because I didn't reload that much to have some free builders, but I wouldn't do it on a normal game tho :)
Nice work on the wonder whoring! And the writeups between your screenshots were pretty fun too. Well done!

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