Women Will Dominate

Women Will Dominate


Women Will Dominate

will women dominate the earth in the future? help. | Yahoo Answers
5 reasons why women will dominate your relationship - YouTube
Women Will Dominate and Cuckold You (If You Let Them) | Girls Chase
Why are so few women sexually dominant ? - Quora
WOMEN will dominate the world! by GirlzRuleOwnFuture on DeviantArt

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The dark side of female morality: girls love to cuckold and
humiliate men who let them. Understanding this is key to liberation
from the victim cycle.

Prefatory warning: this is one of those hardcore articles where I
show you the dark side of women, seduction, and society.

We’re going to discuss some aspects of female morality that may make
you uncomfortable (or may excite you; depends on whether you’re after
fun flings, or The One). This article will be in the vain of this one and this one by Chase.

After the darkness, we will come back to the light. But first we’re
going to venture into the dungeons.

Warnings aside, if you’re still with me, then let’s get to it.
A cool mix of hip-hop and house, women in their tightest and most
revealing outfits, and men spending above their means on bottle service
in hopes of attention and ass. A typical nightclub.
As I turn to walk down the stairs, I see a cute girl walking the
opposite direction. Her eyes are down, so she doesn’t see me. When she
passes me, I check her out her rump.
Her ass is out of this world. My body moves on its own. I grab her
just above the elbow and squeeze lightly. She turns around and smiles.
“You look stunning in that dress,” I say.
“Hailey. But I should let you know I do have a boyfriend .”
“Don’t worry, we’re just talking, no pressure.”
I pull her to an alcove nearby. I hold her close by the small of her
back as we chat. She reciprocates my touch, putting her hand on my
chest and arms. Not even ten minutes later I tell her we should grab
some air. She looks to her left and says that her friends are literally
a few feet away from us on the terrace.
“Good, you can text them where you are.”
I grab her hand and walk her out of the club and into the smoking
section. As we exit, a guy says to me, “I love your hair, man!” I thank
him and walk to the fence. When I turn to her, I see the guy is
standing next to us. “Yeah, man, I really like your hair.”
This time I ignore him. He’s trying to swoop. He then turns to her
and says the same thing. “I really like your hair, too.”
Yep, definitely trying to swoop. She looks at him, eeks out an
awkward smile, then looks at me with an expression of concern. I smile,
pull her close, and stare into her eyes like we’ve been lovers for
centuries. She smiles and the guy walks away after we
resume our
conversation. To avoid further interruptions, I walk closer to the exit
of the smoking area. I spin her around, check out her ass, tell her
it’s amazing, and rest my hand on there. She smiles at me. She looks
behind me and remarks at one of the bicycle taxis, “Ooo, those lights
are so pretty!”
“Let’s go see,” I say, and grab her hand.
We immediately pass by the taxis and continue walking. When we
arrive at the intersection, she tugs on my hand and tells me she can’t
go. I keep walking. She follows, but then grabs my hand and again
“Text your friends that you’re going to get food with a
friend. I’ll
bring you back when we’re done.”
She says okay and follows. She asks me what we’re going to do. I
smile at her and tell her we’re going to have fun.
“Ahh, I can’t do this! I have a boyfriend!”
“Haha, okay. We’ll just smoke and chat... or we can have
steamy hot
sex. Whatever you’re down with!”
She giggles and we resume the journey, again. She tells me more
about her life and her dreams. When we arrive at my place, I load a
bowl, hit it, and shotgun the hit into her mouth. We kiss. Her tongue
tries to snake its way down my throat. I grab her ass, lift her in the
air, walk her to my bed (i.e., the floor), lay her down gently, and it
gets hot.
“You’re cute and I really want to fuck you, but I’m in a
relationship.” She keeps kissing me, pulling me into her, and calls me
cute a hundred more times.
Then she gets up and moves toward the door. I stay laying down and
watch her walk away. I want her to be
comfortable ... and my god,
ass. Only after a few steps, she turns around and smiles at me. She
lifts up her dress, pulls down her panties, and sticks her ass out.
“You wanna smash this pussy, don’t you?”
I get up, push her against the wall and kiss her.
“If you want to smash this pussy, wait until I’m single,” she
smiling and pulling me into her. I grab her ass again, lift her up and
put her back onto the bed. Then I stand up, pull down my pants and whip
out my junk (I mean, I have to return the favor, right?).
She stares at it. I take a step toward her and tell her to shove it
in her mouth. She meows like a cat, licks the tip, and starts jerking
me off.
“Yeah, you should definitely put it in your mouth. Then you
can go
back and kiss your boyfriend so he can taste my dick.”
Her eyes widen and her mouth opens in shock. She tries to sustain
the mock offense, but then she finally cracks and smiles.
Then she grabs my cock again and asks me if I’m uncircumcised. She
tells me she’s never been with an uncircumcised guy. I get back on top
of her and kiss her. I kiss my way down to her legs and slip off her
panties. She tells me she’s getting a bikini wax in a few days and that
we should wait until then to screw.
I grab her ass, pull her to my mouth and eat her like a rack of BBQ
“You’re so bad!” she says while moaning and pushing my head
into her
When I come up for air, I scoot my hips forward, kiss her and enter
her. She moans and pulls me in. A few minutes later she tells me we
have to stop. We chill for a few minutes and talk. Then we start
kissing again.
“Okay, maybe put it in for a little bit,” she says to me.
We go back at it, but then decide that I probably should get a
When I stand up, her phone rings. Her friends are frantically
wondering where she is. We check the time. It’s 1:20. Oh, and her
boyfriend is on his way to pick them up from the club. “Oh my god, I
fucked up!” she yells.

What is it about girls with hats and cheating? Ever notice that?
Seriously, it’s weird.

I calm her down and tell her I’ll call her an Uber. She simmers down
and we walk outside together. As we wait for the car, we kiss and hold
each other close.
“You loved my cock inside your dripping wet pussy, didn’t you?”
I tell her I want to see her again, and she agrees. We then decide
that she’ll save me as a girl in her phone in case her boyfriend gets
suspicious. Our story is that we got food together.
I’m thinking about that delicious meal we had the other night ;)
Oh my lanta... yes, a lick-your-lips kind of meal
I plan to expand on this in a future article on cheating, but here’s
the important part that you need to learn from this.
She initially put up resistance, not because she has a
boyfriend, but because of her boyfriend. The
distinction is
that women don’t think categorically. Men do. We systematize and
compartmentalize. That’s why most philosophers are men. We try to
debate and codify morality on paper so that we have an XYZ formula for
every situation. Women don’t operate from this type of morality.
They’re much more practical and fluid.
She put up resistance because if she traded in for my junk, she
wanted to make sure it was much better than her boyfriend’s. It was
about what she could get from it, not
because she really cared about
her boyfriend .
When she freaked out after her friends called her, it wasn’t because
she felt guilty, but because she felt she might get caught. Again,
practical morality.
If I would have busted inside her and knocked her up, she very
likely would have done her best to rope the borefriend into raising the
kid, maybe even going so far as to convince him it was his. It’s simply
a smart move, since she didn’t know if I had the resources or desire to
stick around and play daddy; she barely knew me (depending on the
socioeconomic status of couples, the percentage of men who falsely
think they are the father of their children is as high as 10-12% ;
and it’s as high as 33% in cases where the man suspects it isn’t his).
Back to the story, here’s the most important part: the girl
enjoyed all of this .
For her, it was a thrill to be led and dominated
by a new man. It
was a thrill to sneak around behind her boyfriend’s back. And it was a
thrill to be possibly caught. Further, note that my telling her that
after licking and taking my cock, she was going to go home and kiss her
boyfriend... only got her more excited. Both she and I were dominating
her boyfriend together, and she loved it. The proof was in the
And it was wet as hell. He was the cuckold, and I was the bull.
Does this make her bad – that she not only did what she did, but
enjoyed it? First, you need to remember that she’s not operating by
your mode of thinking. If you try to force your morality on women, you
are going to forever be a bitter Manospherian. Sure, you may get enough
compatriots to change the culture and renew the
cycle of
liberalism-conservatism, but this will land you in exactly the
position of Hailey’s boyfriend – you will be a cuck.
Does culture affect a woman’s promiscuity? Sure, but it’s not a
safeguard. A friend of mine who worked in India told me of a
sociopathic player who swept the entire IT office and shagged tons of
married women. This is in a culture that bans alcohol, arranges almost
all marriages, and is as culturally shaming as you can get (you can’t
even touch women in public). Same with Middle-Eastern cultures. If a
woman wants to cheat, she’ll cheat, even under the threat of death. And
if you’ve ever put your dick in a super-conservative Christian girl’s
butt because she’s “saving herself,” you know that even when repressed
by religion and culture, she’ll find a loophole .
Nothing will save you from bad game.
If you’re a cuck, you’re a
cuck. Period. Imposing your individual will on the world is much more
masculine than relying on glacial shifts in society to do it for you.
Women want to be penetrated by your will. And if they don’t get that
penetration from you, they will get it from someone else.
If you’re not familiar with the words “bull” and “cuck” (or
“cuckold”), they are used as fetish terms in the BDSM
Technically, a cuckold is a man who consents to his girlfriend or wife
sleeping with other men. On the lighter side, he knows about it, is
told the details, and maybe shown pictures/videos. On the extreme side,
he watches and documents it himself, sometimes participating and
servicing or being gored by the bull himself.

You may or may not appreciate his assistance.

The term has been used in literature since the 13th century and
comes from the cuckoo bird, which lays its eggs in other birds’ nests.
Is this just some fringe fetish? For me, maybe. I would love to be a
bull who is invited over by men to take care of their girlfriends and
wives (and I’ll make it happen, eventually). But I’ve seen pretty
vanilla friends of mine tell their girlfriends to dance on me or make
public sexual suggestions about her getting naked in front of everyone.
I’ve also seen guys make pretty active efforts to girlfriend swap or
even share their girlfriends, some of them normally very macho and
I think it’s a mix of empathy and the desire to submit. The
empathy side is being able to understand that your girlfriend would
enjoy getting plowed by other guys, maybe more than one at the same
time. I mean, look at porn. The sights and sounds of her pleasure turn
us on. A lot of cuckolds profess to the lending of their wife as being
an act of unconditional love and compassion.
As for the desire to
submit, well, dominance requires control and effort. This is why most
guys aren’t dominant – it’s
too hard .
You have to be constantly
vigilant of challengers, of figuring out how to get what you want , and
(depending on the sexual marketplace you’re in )
you may have to be
consistently improving your social skills , your wealth , your status ,
your body , your fashion , etc. For some men, submitting is just easier –
let someone better take the
Perhaps it is also a natural phenomenon in human biology for men and
women to be attracted to cuckolding. Spartan society encouraged older
or sickly Spartans to ask young, virile men to bone the older or sicker
man’s wife, to impregnate her with a strong son, for the good of the
Spartan gene pool.
Spartans could accomplish this because they were probably the most
collectivist society in history. They wanted the strongest and most
dominant culture in the world. When Phillip II offered the Spartans a
place in the league of Greeks to fight Persia, they refused, since they
would not join a group where the Spartans were not the leaders. Mocking
single men who refused to get married, leaving unhealthy babies to die
above a cliff, and shrugging at the death of soldiers during practice
were efforts to eradicate weakness in the gene pool.
I do not think the Spartans were an anomaly, either. They were
probably just the most honest about some of the drives we all feel. It
doesn’t even have to revolve around sex – that’s just the final,
animalistic consequence of cuckolding.
It’s about women getting the best they can get.
Women like getting men to give them drinks,
dinners, gifts ,
Instagram likes , and undying attention and devotion .
Why? Well, why
not? Who doesn’t want those things? If you guys were handed these
things for looking nice and having something everyone wants, you
wouldn’t think twice about taking advantage of it.
Women love humiliating their
boyfriends – if they can be
Ever see a girl start shit in public with her man?
In some cases, she’ll dominate him.
Last year, a girl I was sleeping with invited me over for pizza
after a night of drinking with her sister and the sister’s boyfriend.
We were walking to the house when I handed her a pack of condoms and
told her that these were for later. She called me ridiculous and then
put them in her purse.
“Oh, by the way, my sister is pretty pissed at her boyfriend
now,” she then said.
“Well, we left the pizza on the counter while we went to buy
and drinks, but he forgot to put up the fence for the dog... and the
dog ate the pizza. My sister is probably yelling at him right now.”
“Uhhh, okay. And he’s just taking it?”
“Haha, yeah, she wears the pants in the relationship.”
We walk into the house and then onto the porch where the couple is
sitting. The sister has this poised, dominant sitting posture while the
boyfriend is hunched over, head hanging. I meet the sister and she
smiles at me. I then meet the boyfriend but can’t hear his name the
first time he says it. He repeats it again, and then he says:
“Yeah, I’m in trouble right now. I fucked up.”

He’ll think of something to make it back up to her.

His girlfriend then stares at him with a smile of condescension
across her face. I turn to the dog and smile. The dog and I hold eye
contact. He barks at me. I laugh again, and the dog lowers his head a
“Yeah, he’s not used to people holding eye contact with him,”
sister says.
Publicly shaming her boyfriend not only signals her dominance and
value, but also her availability. Her vagina is open to conquest.
Other times, instead of dominating their boyfriends directly, women
will enjoy seeing their boyfriends get tooled by other guys. Two years
ago I was at my college bar, drinking and social butterflying around
when I ran into a chick who I’ve been in love with for some time. The
feelings were mutual, too, but she was a hardcore Christian. Although
she professed that she wanted to date me, she wouldn’t be okay with me
sleeping with other girls (my criteria for us dating). Anyways, I was
holding her by her waist and then also grabbed her sorority sister, who
used to date a fraternity brother of mine. She used to despise me for
my no-fucks-given attitude , but
time and preselection can change
anything. We were all giggling and yelling about something, so I
grabbed both of their asses. They giggled and grabbed mine back.
Unfortunately, her boyfriend, who was standing in front of us the whole
time, didn’t appreciate it. Don’t know why.
He said to me venomously, “Hey, man, don’t do that!” but didn’t make
any move toward me, only giving me a death stare. He was one of those
self-righteous white knight types , so I knew he
wouldn’t do anything
beyond that. I smiled at him and made a kissy face. His girlfriend then
got in between us and pulled him away, smiling at me as she did.
On a much more recent night, I was at a bar with a friend, dancing.
Scanning the room, I see a cute blonde walking my direction and holding
eye contact. I extend my arm and she comes in and hugs me, resting her
head on my chest. Never met the girl in my life. Then, some boy who was
walking behind her hangs his head and mopes to the bar. She looks at
him for a second, scowls, then looks back to me, smiling. I ask her who
that was, and, in a dry, disappointed tone, she says it’s her
boyfriend. For some reason, I was a good guy that night and told her to
go talk to him.
The domination doesn’t even need to be done to a guy’s face. I’ve
told plenty of girls who I’ve slept with while they had boyfriends that
their boy is a bitch/pussy. They would call me an asshole and then
continue to text me and chase me for sex (note: this is very different
from how most guys talk shit on other men . It’s usually said in
response to a comment the girl makes about her boyfriend and is a
natural reaction when you know she doesn’t respect him. It actually
paces her reality and voices
something she would rarely say out loud).
There are also times when women like to be shared by their
boyfriend. This is the safest option for her. Not only does she get the
security and love of her boyfriend, but she gets to taste new men,
without any risk to her reputation or
relationship (her getting other
men will let her slowly gain dominance over the boyfriend and
strengthen the relationship in many cases, no matter how seemingly
outcome-independent he may seem or claim the sharing to be).
There a plenty of examples in movies and television, as well. On the
show Spartacus, Spartacus and his gladiators storm a city as they
conquer Rome. As one of the city’s officials tries to burn the city,
Spartacus puts a sword through his mouth... in front of his wife Laeta.
Spartacus keeps her as a prisoner, and she despises him – until she
becomes his lover. The man who kills her husband is the most erotic mix
of hate, intimidation, and lust a woman can conceive of.
On a tamer note, watch Steven McQueen smash his buddy’s girl Melba
in The Cincinnati Kid . Or in the movie Alfie , when
Alfie unknowingly knocks up his best buddy’s on-and-off girlfriend...
she gets the friend to raise Alfie’s kid, even though he knows it’s not
As always, someone may protest the morality of these actions. But
that doesn’t change the fact that it happens. It’s an everyday reality
that you must face and learn about lest
it happen to you .
Now for one of the more interesting questions – how does
she know if you’re a cuck or a bull?
By testing you , of course!
Fundamentally, it’s that simple. You’re
either a bull who won’t put up with her shit, or you’re a cuck who will
fail and freeze.
She’ll challenge a request or order of yours directly, twist your
words around, put up resistance, make you jealous, or ignore you. This
is also called flirting. Every girl loves to do it. Why? Because
it’s a
win-win for her. If she dominates you, she discovers you’re not the man
she thought you were (the fact she gave you a chance by testing you
means she had some hope). If you’ve ever been victim to a test of a
dominant woman, and failed, you probably know very well the smug sense
of superiority that washes over her face as she wins.
Women love dominating men weaker than her. What makes women so
brilliant is that they don’t need brute force of frame. Why fight when
all she has to do is ask you something innocently, and just smile?
Do women actually enjoy cheating on men? Are they always open to a
replacement? Does the idea of dominating their man turn them on?
Aye. They do, they are, and yes,
it surely does. I’ve been reading
romance novels lately, and one
theme that I see among all of them is
that the man who gets her is a dominant, oftentimes douchey male with a
heart of gold . Yet there is always a second male in the
story who is
courting her respectfully. While she somewhat despises the arrogant
jerk, she is utterly bored and blasé about the nice guy who plays the
slow game with her . What makes this even more fun is that
the man she
wants will either talk crap about the loser guy or even tool him in
front of her. And while the women will play dumb, feel sorry for the
less dominant male, and chastise the dominant man, she still gets with
the latter.
It excites women so much that they write
it into their fantasy
novels. And millions of other women buy it and finger themselves to the
I told you this is a hardcore article.
But whether you want to face
it or not, you know the pain, because...
There’s a classic story from Tucker Max called the “ Tucker
Has Moment of Reflection, Ends Poorly .” A booty call of Tucker’s
calls him before she goes on a blind date. She wants a pre-date
“protein shake.” She comes over, blows him, then goes on her date
(funnily enough, she ends up seriously dating this guy).
While Tucker is gloating and celebrating his bullish behavior,
however, he has a sudden epiphany.
He’s probably been that guy before. He’s probably kissed or slept
with a girl not even an hour after she’s taken the fluids of another
man. This notion sends him into a manic depressive state in which he
drinks the Euphrates via shot glasses and dances with himself in front
of a mirror.
This is the correct response to realizing that you’ve probably been
cucked and don’t even know the extent of it. Your world should be
thrown into turmoil.
To make sure this really sinks in, stop reading right now and ask
If you’ve been at this dating thing for a while, I can assure you
the answer is
To what extent? I’m not sure. You’re probably not sure, and you’ll
likely never know. Every once in a while, I’ll learn something new
about women, and then I’ll reflect and get this itch in my
consciousness that something isn’t quite right.
That’s Truth whispering to you, and it’s a good thing.

may not feel it at first, but there’s true freedom in letting go of old
illusions and embracing the way of the world.

A bull is simply a cuckold who decided he didn’t want to play that
game anymore.
I started this journey because I got played by a girl. She had a
boyfriend and chased me as a potential bull. But when I didn’t have the
balls to penetrate her, she put me in her back pocket and
strung me
along as a source of validation. This doesn’t make her bad. It makes
her practical. It taught me the game, and I couldn’t be more grateful.
It opened my eyes.
You don’t want to get dominated by a woman? Then don’t be a
cuckold. No one’s forcing you to submit to women.
You don’t want to go somewhere or do a specific activity with a
girl? Don’t do it.
You don’t want to have a particular conversation or listen to her
whine? Change the topic, or leave.
You don’t like her attitude? Fix it, or leave. Don’t sit
there and take it.
She’s not supportive of you, and she wastes your time with endless
drama? Well, you’re probably not pursuing your dream or
penetrating her properly. So either do that, or leave her and find
someone less demanding.
And yet, men have been submitting to the requests of women since our
time in Paradise.
When Eve was intrigued by the Knowledge of Duality and was seduced
by the Serpent, she ate of the Fruit. But she did not want to be alone.
She offered it to Adam, and he accepted.
Thus Adam became the first cuckold, and the Serpent became the first
When condemning Eve, God cursed her with the desire to cuckold:
“And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule
Or, as an alternative ancient translation puts it,
“And though you will have desire for your husband, he will
rule over
you.” (Genesis 3:16)
When punishing Adam, God cursed him with mortality:
“For you were made from dust and to dust you will return.”
Interestingly enough, after this, God cast them from Paradise to
ensure that Adam and Eve didn’t complete their apotheosis by eating
from the Tree of Life.
Now, whether this is real or metaphor is completely irrelevant (so
relax, anyone who gets miffed at the mention of religion). This is the
perfect illustration of the lovely struggle between the sexes.
The Tree of Life and freedom. What this means literally is up to you
– as a man, what do you truly desire?
Which brings me to the translations of woman’s fate. She will
forever desire to control you or to have desire for you, as
in she wants her desires to be your desires. These are, in my opinion,
the same thing. If she can get you to want what she wants, she has her
Problem is, any man who has
submitted to a woman will know – she
doesn’t actually really want your submission. She is eternally
searching for
complete devotion from Man, but this is not her place. Which is why her
fate includes the appendage “but he will rule over you.”
At least a bull will rule over her. If you strive after
what you want and aren’t sidetracked by what your woman or any woman
expresses is her desire for you, then the chase is resumed. She will
continue to love you and lust after you.
The lesson, then, is: do what you want . Strive
after what you want. And only allow other men and women into your life
who will support you and your desires. Cast the rest from your
Paradise. All women and men will respect you for this.
But do so without bitterness or regret. Without these brutal angels
we call women, we would have no reason to do the things we do.
Despising their nature is to despise your fate, and that makes you a
big cry baby.
But hey, if you want to play that game, don’t hesitate to give me a
call when your girlfriend gets fed up with your whining. I’ll take care
of business for you. ;)
Hector Castillo is the star of the Girls Chase YouTube channel , and the web’s top expert on getting laid in college. In his small town university, he went from World of Warcraft nerd to president of his fraternity in 4 years... And on the way, he bedded close to 50 women. Learn to do the same in his book King of College . To follow his life up close, follow his Instagram here . Listen to the 40-minute interview with Hector on his story and some of his prized tech... and sign up for a 12-week coaching course with him, here .


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