Women Who Like Anal

Women Who Like Anal


Women Who Like Anal
What Women Love & Hate About Anal Sex

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What Women Love And Hate About Anal Sex


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Anal sex is one of the few remaining aspects of sex that many people consider risqué, perhaps even taboo.
However, that's beginning to change. Anal sex has gone mainstream with TV shows like The Mindy Project and Girls featuring anal play in primetime. "Many women who are considering anal sex for the first time have lots of questions. Most commonly, women have concerns that it will be painful, uncomfortable, and/or awkward. Nervous first-timers should start with plenty of foreplay, take things very slowly, and use lots of lube. Above all else, couples should be sure to communicate openly about what feels good and what doesn't," says Tristan Weedmark, We-Vibe 's global passion ambassador.
Of course, as in any other type of sexual connection, mutual trust is key.
Once you can get past the hang-ups or the fears many of us have, anal sex can open new doors to pleasure. "Many women and men experience the most intense orgasms through the new experience of anal exploration. Kick it up a notch for her by adding clitoral stimulation , either manually or with a powerful mini-vibe," says Weedmark.
But still, anal sex is one of those things women have very strong feelings about. Some love it, and some hate it… and for that reason, we got to the bottom of it (so to speak!) about how women really feel. Keep this in mind before broaching the back door in your own bedroom.
It feels really good when you take a good poop, so one would imagine that's the draw for trying some anal, right? Not really, says one woman I surveyed. "I've suffered from hemorrhoids from a very young age, so I had to be very comfortable applying creams to my butthole and using suppositories. I absolutely CRINGE at the thought of how the suppository makes its way up your canal before your anus closes and swallows it whole. It gives me the heebie-jeebies — like nails on a chalkboard. So, while I really like the satisfying feeling you get when something comes out of the butt, there's just no way I can fathom a cock going in there," says Alex, from Florida.
This seems to be the top reason as to why women say no to anal sex. "Let's face it. Guys that like being pegged enjoy it as it the dildo stimulates their prostate gland and that pleasure overrides most of the pain of entry," says Coleen Singer of Sssh.com , a porn site for women and couples. "Women don't have that benefit and unless totally relaxed and very well lubricated. Personally, if I haven't had anal sex for a while, I'll pop in a medium size butt plug for an hour or so before taking the penis as it relaxes the sphincter and makes penetration much more pleasant," says Singer.
Sometimes women are turned off by the hygienic and health aspects of anything going on in the backdoor. "Many women express concern about this as an issue, but as long as you poop and then everything is cleaned out prior with an enema beforehand, there is very little chance of catching anything in there! I prefer natural enemas with no scent as these tend to irritate the rectum which can lead to a painful experience," says Singer.
"Another thing I have heard from many women is that from the anatomical point of view there simply can be no pleasure out of anal sex for women," says Singer. Seriously. "'There's nothing up there that can actually make it feel good.' Although this simply isn't true (there are actually more nerve bundles in the rectum than in the vaginal cavity), a great number of women rely on this as one of their reasons for not wanting to engage in anal sex."
Many women say that a man's penis is just WAY to big to go in that itty-bitty hole. "I find that using a combination of a pre-anal sex butt plug and lots and lots of lube, this isn't the case though," says Singer.
Anal sex is just not something that is enjoyed by some women and, if not, this must be respected! Consent is extremely important when it comes to sex. Don't try to push she issue if she's really not into it.
Before we get to the reasons women love anal, here are some good anal lube options to stock up on if you're looking to give her an experience she'll love:
While silicone lube is often a no-no for toys, it's perfect for body-on-body action like anal. Backdoor Silicone Glide, an anal lube by Pjur, is thick and rich. With just a few drops, you'll be set — plus, it's condom- and non-silicone-toy-compatible.
If you're playing with silicone-based toys and need a water-based lube, Sliquid Sassy is a great option that's specifically intended for anal play. It's got a thicker texture than many water-based lubes as a result — almost gel-like — to offer you all the lubrication you need. As with all water-based lubes, it'll dry out faster than silicone, but a little bit of water splashed on the right area will "re-activate" it if you need a boost when it comes to the slippery factor.
Most women have a little wild streak in them and want to be a bad girl from time to time. "There's something alluring and mysterious about the dark side of desire. I personally swing between being the sexual dominant (including occasionally pegging my man) to being the submissive (which frequently includes having my guy's dick in my butt!)," says Singer.
It's all about getting there in the way that works for you, and then having fun with it. "Anal sex is great when you've been properly warmed up," says Angela White , an award-winning adult star. "That doesn't mean ramming a couple of dry fingers into my rectum and calling it foreplay. The anus is not self-lubricating like a pussy so you need to either use lubricants or provide plenty of spit. Also, if you're not man or woman enough to stick your tongue in my butthole then you're not sticking anything else in there," White says.
"As there are a lot of nerve bundles in the rectal canal, I know a number of women that say a combination of anal penetration and clit stimulation results in bone shaking, screaming orgasms," says Singer.
Relaxation is key and also making sure you're lubed up. "Like first timers, I mean really wet and slippery trust me sometimes that's the number one problem! The best sex position I've ever felt it in was laying on my stomach and he sneaked it in between my cheeks, laid down on top of me and rubbed my clit with one hand while supporting himself with the other, and whispering dirty things in my ear while nibbling on it," says Jillian Janson , an award-winning adult star.
Everyone likes it different, but the main point is positioning is key too. "The downfalls of anal is watching your diet and making sure your digestive system is on track. Which is why most professional porn stars are particular with what they eat, especially when they are planning a film shoot that involves anal sex," says Janson.
Be it spanking or paddling, nipple clips or anal sex, a bit of pain can really get the juices flowing for many women. "For me, it ramps up the energy during sex and often leads to a state of euphoria at the end (called "sub space" in BDSM terminology )," says Singer.
"My guy absolutely loves anal sex from time to time, so any time he does something particularly sweet, brave or helpful for me, I very often reward him with my waiting derriere. Not only does he totally appreciate me offering, but in the B.F. Skinner "operant conditioning" model of psychology, it reinforces him doing sweet, brave and helpful things in the future!" says Singer.
"I've tried it before and actually learned to relax and enjoy it, but only with one particular guy. He loves anal sex and was very experienced! The difference with him is that he made his priority to make sure I was relaxed, that I trusted him and was having fun. I tried it again with another person and had to shut that down immediately as that level of trust or care was absent. Although the physical dalliance between Mr. Anal Sex guy and I have stopped for a few years, we're still friends who check up on each other!" says Penelope from Los Angeles.
While it's theoretically possible to get pregnant from anal sex if the semen or ejaculate leaks out and into the vagina, it's super unlikely. "It's nice to not have to worry about the unwanted surprise aspect, and still get to have your fun. That's what I like about anal sex!" said Bonnie from New Jersey.

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​Plus, how you can make the experience better for both of you
More women might be open to backdoor sex than you think, according to a new study from Indiana University’s Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction.
After researchers surveyed more than 2,000 men and women about their sexual behaviors, they found that nearly 43 percent of men and 37 percent of women reported having anal sex with the opposite sex in their lifetime.
The findings are consistent with a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which found nearly the exact same percentages for both men and women.
Once taboo, anal sex has slowly been slipping into the mainstream, largely due to pop culture and porn , explains Kimbery McBride, Ph.D.— a sex researcher not affiliated with the study—in our playbook on how to make anal sex better for her .
While that 37 percent shown in the study suggests that a significant number of women are open to the idea, that doesn’t necessarily mean your partner is automatically game for anal sex. But if you have both expressed interest in experimenting with it, there are some things to consider before you do so.
In the past , sex researcher Debby Herbenick, Ph.D., lead author of the study, gave Men’s Health her advice on what you should know about anal sex. Here, the top tips from both her and McBride on what you can do to make sure anal sex is just as good for her as it is for you.
She has to want to try it. If you try pressuring her into it, she’s just not going to feel relaxed. So before you go anywhere near her backend, talk to her about it. That means having an open, honest conversation about it before you get to bedroom.
And even if she expresses interest in it then, you still need to check in with her during sex to make sure she's still on board—even if it’s in the middle of sex while you’re switching positions .
Making her feel comfortable is important, since her anus doesn’t self-lubricate like her vagina does. If she’s not ready for it, you’re just going to hurt her.
To avoid the issues mentioned above, use plenty of lube to ensure that she’s not in any pain. In fact, using lube will make sex feel more pleasurable for the both of you.
While you’re at it, make sure you use a condom . HPV and other sexually transmitted diseases —like herpes or gonorrhea—can be transmitted during anal sex.
We recommend this organic lubricant from the Men’s Health store if you’re look for an all-purpose option.
Be gentle and go slowly. Despite what you’ve seen in porn, going too deep too quickly is going to cause her pain. (Here are five things that only happen in porn .)
Depending on the sex position you want to try, you can also ease into things by letting her control the depth and speed. So if your go-to move is doggy style , have her back it up. She’ll feel safe—and you’ll get a great view.

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Have you ever given a thought about all the harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites that are found in that part of the body? Let me give you a feed-back of what you can find there. I will limit my arguments to 12 reasons here why this should not be done and it is a total red flag and no go - Bacteroides species - Salmonella - Shigella - Yersinia - Campylobacter - Aeromonas - Candida - E. coli - Cryptosporidium - Entamoeba histolytica - Rotavirus - Giardia - Intestinal parasites While a condom may reduce the risk of infection, it does not guarantee a risk free intercourse. And there are even brainless people that put a contaminated penis or tongue from the anus to other body openings. This is a criminal behavior because they all know what kind of risks of infections exist by transmitting pathogens from the anus to the vulva or mouth. I honestly could never understand why people that like that type of perversion are not concerned about body hygiene and the potential associated health risks with that type of sexual deviance. Furthermore it is demeaning and humiliating to the victim of such practices.
i think women would like it if men knew how to do it or want to do it right... there are men who make anal sex feel great... and those that just want to drive it in you and hurt you... they're more about how deep they can stick their cock up your ass then pleasuring and making the woman feel good... i've had great anal sex and i've had really bad anal sex... so it's a man to man consideration.
I can tell you from my own personal experience that some women love anal and can't seem to get enough of it. Most don't seem to like it though.
Depends on the woman. Which is the answer to every question on here about women.
I do. If I feel like it then it's great, if not I'm not doing it just to please.
I don't hate it but it's not that great either.
Some here say the do but not the women I know.
Some do, but I think the majority don't.

My dom wants to do anal and I’ve never done it before. He said if I don’t want to do it that’s fine and that I shouldn’t force myself to do something for him that I don’t like cause consent is sexy. I am very hesitant to try it but knowing he wants to do it kinda makes me feel bad. I’m thinking in the far future I might be ready but I’m not sure. I talked to him about it and he told me he’d go slow with lots of lube along with a variety of other things he’d be doing to me that undoubtedly turned me on. I want to please him, naturally, but I’m pretty scared to do so. I’ve gotten feedback from a few friends and coworkers, some say they like it, others it’s a hard no. Thoughts?
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Women who don't love anal typically fall into one of both of two categories. The first are those who have a mental aversion to just the idea of anal. One of your female responders here is a great example (the one who wrote "It's vile, filthy, disgusting and totally unhygienic."). Even if it felt amazing for her, she would never enjoy it because of her irrational mental aversion to it. The other group are those who have tried anal and had a bad experience with it. Unfortunately, this is really common because most people still don't understand how to prepare for anal, so they try it for the first time unprepared and it is, of course, painful and unpleasant. It's like someone trying to do the splits before spending the time to stretch and tone the appropriate muscles. Of course it's going to hurt. But when a gymnast does the splits it doesn't hurt at all, because her muscles are prepared for it. The muscles in your ass are no different. Women (and men) who enjoy anal simply have muscles that are in much better condition for the experience. If you want to try anal, do yourself a favor and get some good water based lube and the appropriate training toys and spend a few months training your ass while you masturbate. Go slow and stay in your comfort zone. And most important of all, have lost of orgasms while you do it, which will associate the feeling of anal stimulation with pleasure in your brain. You'll enjoy anal sex much more once you are finally ready to try it with your dom.
I’ve only had it a few times. First time hurt a lot, second time was uncomfortable, now I’m beginning to like it but takes some getting used to. It’s a very full feeling and can feel very strange but also very intimate. I was really excited to try it and scared too. Only do it if you’re ready and be prepared the first time.
Exactly. Use lots of lube and have privacy. It takes time before it gets
How old were you when you started trying it?
Like trying to put an old iPhone charger into a new iPhone port. It doesn’t fit and isn’t meant to
I think the more you talk about it with him, and research ways people prepare for it will help you out. Just remember there is no "time to be ready" for it. When you think you have done some research just give it a try. It's not like he needs to go all the way deep on you the first time. Also, try sex toys that can get you ready like a thin highlighter get the feeling of something there. Then move up in size. Get used to working up to bigger things with multiple sessions.
Some wonen are dead set against it wuthout even trying it. My ex wife was one of them, then all of a sudden she suggested we try it, and then she wanted it all the t
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