Women Sperm

Women Sperm


Women Sperm
What Happens to Sperm Once They're Inside a Woman?
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A sperm’s journey from vagina to egg is only 15 centimeters long, but it’s a race with attrition.
There are approximately 200 million sperm in each human ejaculation, but only about 2 million sperm make it into the cervix. The rest are killed by the acidic fluids inside the vagina or lost in “ flowback ”—which is exactly what it sounds like.
Out of the approximately 2 million sperm entering the cervix, only about 1 million make it into the uterus. The rest are stopped by gooey mucus, or swim into dead-end channels inside the walls of the cervix.
Out of the approximately 1 million sperm that enter the uterus, only about 10,000 make it to the top of the organ. The rest are attacked and absorbed by white blood cells, which start to appear in force as soon as sperm enter their defensive perimeter.
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Out of the approximately 10,000 sperm cells that make it to the far end of the uterus, only about 5,000 turn in the right direction. The rest head toward the other oviduct, and unless both the woman’s ovaries have released eggs simultaneously (a rare event), those sperm are out of luck.
Out of the approximately 5,000 sperm that enter the uterotubal junction —a twisty space connecting the uterus and the oviduct—only about 1000 enter the Fallopian tube. The rest get caught in the mucus lining the junction.
Out of the approximately 1,000 sperm that enter the Fallopian tube, only about 200 reach the egg. The rest get attached to the lining of the oviduct, or just give out and die.
Out of the approximately 200 sperm that reach the egg, only 1 enters the egg to fertilize it. The rest are pushed away by the zona reaction , which makes the fertilized egg impermeable to additional sperm. Those last extra sperm? Yet more fodder for a woman’s immune system.
Top image adapted from LadyofHats via Wikimedia | CC0 1.0 ; Uterus from Johannes Sobotta, 1906; Fertilization from Blausen.com staff . Wikiversity Journal of Medicine | CC BY 3.0
Contact the author at diane@io9.com .

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Females do not produce sperm or semen. They produce a liquid
when sexually excited, but it has no sperm in it.
No one said it was actually sperm or semen the question was what
is it called. Males produce the listed terms while female
ejaculation has no specific term. However the contractual term for
the reciprocating relevant event associated with SPERM would be
ovum or egg but this is not the same as the fluid produced during
sexual activities for a female as semen is for a male. Semen for a
male also does not necessarily carry sperm as a male will still
produce this even after a vasectomy. These two terms are separate
in definition but related in event.
It is called the semen. It contains sperms etc
It is mainly due to the fact that the millions of sperm entered
ito the vagina after ejaculation takes place the semen is released
in the cervix. The semen then imeadiately coagulates so that the
female retains the sperm
The vas ductus or vas deferens is what the spermatic ducts are
called. However, semen leaves the body through the urethra.
The Seminal Vesicle gland produces a nourishing fluid for sperm
called semen.
The testes make sperm which is stored in the epididymis. When
one ejaculates the sperm is released and mixed with seminal(milky)
fluid from the prostategland. This is now called SEMEN.

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Here's one for the “ controversial sex studies ” files. Apparently women who regularly come into contact with semen are happier than those who don't.
The study appeared in Scientific American, an article about the various and sundry benefits of semen. Among them is the natural antidepressant qualities of semen. Note that the study didn't refer to sperm, but to semen, so it's not your man juice per se that's creating happy, shining women, it's the other chemicals that it travels in. We're guessing that this has something to do with the serotonin that's found in semen. That's right guys, your balls are a natural factory producing the same chemical people pay an arm and a leg to get.
There's another awesome chemical your nuts pump out as well: oxytocin. This is also known as the “love hormone.” It's linked to anxiety reduction, orgasms, maternal instincts and social recognition, all things that are known to make women at least crack a bit of a smile.
Three researchers tracked 300 women's responses to your endless supply of happiness. They compared women who used condoms or did not have sex to women who had unprotected sex and received the male sacrament of happiness on the regular. Using a standardized depression inventory, the researchers found that women whose vaginas regularly came into contact with semen were far happier than those whose did not.
It wasn't just that the women were less depressed when they did the study. They also had less severe depression when they felt it at all, and their episodes of depression were less frequent than those of women who were not receiving Dr. Testes Magic Elixir of Life.
The finding come as little surprise to men, who have known for generations that semen is good for what ails women. Is your girl having a particularly tough period? Give her some semen. Is she depressed? Semen. Mourning the loss of a loved one? Only one cure for that: Semen.
Still, the study doesn't address other problems that come along with semen. Things like sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy. The same qualities of the vaginal wall that allow it to sop up your seed like a biscuit sopping up gravy are the ones that allow it to take bacteria and viruses more easily. So ladies, if you're looking to cure your depression with semen, make sure that you're doing it with a guy who's been tested and that you're using some other form of birth control.
Further tests will be needed to verify the study. But the big winners? Women who have gone through menopause and are in committed relationships with men who do not have STDs. Congratulations, ladies. Take as much of the wonder drug as you like. You'll find that it puts a little extra spring in your step and gives your skin that rosy glow you've been looking for. And if you don't like the taste? We can help you out.
Men in relationships with women who are perpetually annoyed could not be reached for comment, but one thing is certain: If they can get their ladies into bed, they'll notice that they're a lot happier.
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At some point during the giving or receiving of oral sex, you might have wondered: what, exactly, does semen taste like? The answer is...well, it depends on who you ask.
It turns out, people have some very different interpretations of what that bodily fluid tastes like. Cosmopolitan asked 11 women to describe the flavor of semen, and here's what they had to say.
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1. “The texture and look is similar to Pillsbury cinnamon roll icing that has been out of the oven sitting for 15, maybe 20 minutes . But instead of it being sweet, it’s salty—yet not like any other salty snacks you’ve had before.” —Virginia, 27
2. “It’s a tolerable taste, but not something you would choose to snack on if it were an actual food item. The aftertaste lingers, leaving you with ‘sucking-dick breath,’ and the saltiness eventually fades away.” —Michelle, 24
3. “ It tastes almost like salty vomit…but you’re not exactly grossed out by it , but it still tastes funny and weird. Like when you vomit in your mouth maybe!” —Caitlin, 25
4. “The texture is like mucous—the kind you have stuck in the back of your throat. Warm, salty mucous.” —Adrienne, 24
5. “Honestly, I don’t think it tastes like much. The best way I’d describe it is slightly bitter water! It doesn’t taste as bad as people might think.” —Veronica, 29
6. “I think it tastes like oysters, but I hate oysters. So in other words, it’s slightly bitter and slimy yet somehow bland at the same time .” —Hannah, 25
7. “It tastes like you took some cheap hotel shampoo and dumped an insane amount of salt in it . Not a fan.” —Caroline, 23
8. “It’s the texture of watered-down Elmer’s glue with a dash of salt added for flavor.” —Lilian, 31
9. “It’s like congealed coconut water. It’s not bad, it’s just like…a strong presence in your mouth that’s flavorless.” —Haley, 25
10. “It tastes like old pennies. Like, musty old pennies. Really.” —Rachel, 24
11. “Thick milk. Actually, not thick—thicc.” —Gina, 29
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