Women Sleep Naked

Women Sleep Naked


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By Valeria Nekhim Lease and Maggie Parker
Sleeping in the buff with your partner definitely has its perks—like getting to snuggle against their warm body instead of their super-worn t-shirt. But that's not the only upside of going to bed in your birthday suit. In fact, whether you sleep alone or with your S.O., snoozing sans clothes can improve your health and sex life because #science. Here are all the reasons you should start sleeping naked tonight:
According to the National Sleep Foundation, the amount of time it takes you to go from being fully awake to fast asleep—called your "sleep onset latency" (SOL)—has a direct impact on your sleep satisfaction. Surprise, surprise, staring at the ceiling and counting sheep is nobody’s idea of a good time.
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A key way to reduce your SOL is lowering your body temperature. Falling temperatures signal to your body that it’s time for sleep, and one simple way to do this is by ditching your clothing.
Decreasing your body temperature not only helps you fall asleep faster, it also helps you sleep more soundly. "There are lots of benefits to getting deep sleep, and sleeping naked can often help accomplish that," explains Dr. W. Christopher Winter, MD, sleep specialist and author of The Sleep Solution: Why Your Sleep Is Broken and How to Fix It.
Dr. Winter says the temperature most conducive to sleep is 65 degrees. And, in case you didn't know, your body temp changes frequently throughout the night, meaning it’s easier to start out naked. This enables you to control your temperature with blankets rather than risk disrupting your sleep by having to remove layer after layer of clothing.
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People who snooze in the nude are more likely to report being happy with their relationship, according to a survey by Cotton USA. The brand surveyed 1,000 British adults who were either married or in a relationship to find out what they sleep in and how they feel about their relationship.
A whopping 57 percent of nude sleepers said they were happy with their relationship, while only 48 percent of pajama wearers and 43 percent of nightie wearers felt the same (who still wears a nightie?!). And only 38 percent of onesie wearers (yes, onesies) said they were happy with their relationship.
While this isn't exactly a scientific study, it does make sense that naked cuddling could boost relationship satisfaction. Skin-to-skin contact releases the soothing chemical oxytocin, which has a positive impact on fueling intimacy between partners, says Dr. Winter.
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The oxytocin that’s released through skin-to-skin contact also has an effect on stress reduction. While this doesn’t apply to individuals sleeping alone, Dr. Winter says the simple act of removing your clothing prior to getting into bed can be stress-relieving for some couples. And the more relaxed you are going into your sleep environment, the better your chances are of getting deep sleep.
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Deep sleep means your body produces less cortisol (the stress hormone), Dr. Winter explains. Stress affects many of your bodily systems, so reducing it can lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of a stroke or heart attack. It’s also pretty obvious people who are less stressed have happier relationships and better sex lives, just saying.
There's nothing like some skin-on-skin action between the sheets to get your juices flowing. From a purely mathematical standpoint—it’s pretty safe to say your chances of having sex increase if you sleep naked. And while more sex doesn’t necessarily translate to better sex, practice does make perfect…
Sleeping naked gives your vagina a chance to breathe and may contribute to its general health, says Dr. Winter. It’s also known that tight-fitting and sweaty underwear can up your chances of getting a yeast infection since yeast typically grows in warm, moist environments. When it comes to your overall sexual health, there's no better place to start than with your vaginal health.
In case you need a recap: Sleeping in the buff helps decrease your body temperature, which, in turn, promotes deep sleep. The more deep sleep you get, the better your chances are of losing weight, says Dr. Winter.
Yes, It's Possible To Stay Fit Without Going Broke
Another way snoozing nude can keep you from putting on the pounds? Dr. Winter says by being a little colder at night you’re forcing your body to expend more energy to keep itself warm, thereby boosting your ability to burn calories. (An exercise you can do without leaving your bed? Score!)
Hey, you can't expect nighttime serums to do all the work, right? One secret to getting your beauty rest may be sleeping nude. That's because deep sleep is essential for the secretion of human growth hormone. Aside from making us grow, Dr. Winter says growth hormone is vital when it comes to fighting off infection, recovering from the rigors of the day, and staying young.
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Sleeping naked is a great way to feel more comfortable in your skin (literally) and build confidence in the process. One study concluded that spending a portion of your day naked could improve your body image and self-esteem. Confidence doesn’t just make you happier—it’s the foundation of success in all areas of life.
Bottom line: If you’re still not convinced that sleeping naked can benefit your health, relationship, and sex life, here’s one more reason to disrobe: less laundry. Now, will you at least give it a try?
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