Women Playing With Their Clits

Women Playing With Their Clits


Women Playing With Their Clits
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Prepare to take your oral skills to the next level.
When it comes to making a person with a vulva orgasm, most folks need more than plain old penetration. Your penis is great and all , but only a quarter of vulva owners routinely come during vaginal intercourse —which means a lot of people need some form of clitoral stimulation in order to climax.
Packed with nerve endings, the clitoris is one of the most sensitive erogenous zones . It has around 8,000 nerve endings , which is double the number in a penis, FYI. So what can you do to give your partner a mind-blowing clitoral orgasm? Well, for starters, make sure you know where to find the clitoris: at the top of the vulva, just under the spot where the inner labia meet. The clitoris also extends up to 5 inches inside the body—in fact, experts are beginning to recognize that the so-called "G-spot" is linked to the clit —but for today, we'll focus on that rosebud-shaped spot at the apex of the labia.
And now, to stimulate the clitoris. Sixty-seven percent of women who took part in an Indiana University study prefer stimulation in or around the clitoris, not directly on it. If you're not sure what your partner prefers, remember this universal piece of advice: ask them!
Surprise your partner tonight with one—or all—of these clitoral stimulation tricks, using not just your tongue, but also your lips, fingers, and toys. And don’t forget: there are a number of sex positions where you can reach around and stimulate your partner's clit with your fingers or a vibrator during penetration. There’s no reason why penetration and clit stimulation have to be separate; the two can (and should!) exist in perfect harmony.
Instead of just licking her, use your lips and tongue to suck on her clit.
"The entire vulva consists of sensitive nerve fibers," says Ian Kerner, Ph.D., author of She Comes First: The Thinking Man’s Guide to Pleasuring a Woman . "So being able to suck on the glans or the head of the clit and lightly nibble on her inner and outer labia, or suck a little on labia, will stimulate the nerve fibers."
The sucking will also lead to increased vasocongestion, or more blood flow, to the vulva and the clitoris—"like a little vacuum pump," Kerner says.
In that Indiana University study of 1,055 women , 3 out of 4 women said they love it when you trace little circles on or around the clit. You can use your tongue, your finger, or two fingers—or all of the above.
Sofiya Alexandra, co-host of Private Parts Unknown , a podcast exploring love and sexuality, calls this motion “rock around the clock.” She notes that some women prefer the six o’clock to midnight aka “the downtown express,” which is when you trace from the bottom of the clit to the top under the hood. “I’ve found that light pressure from six o’clock to midnight with the tip of a tongue can cause leg-shaking pleasure,” she says.
There’s a reason why so many vibrators come with pulsation patterns: The clitoris typically loves to be stimulated with a variety of rhythms, explains, Courtney Kocak, who also hosts Private Parts Unknown . “So instead of just rubbing up on the clit with zero cadence or intention, add a gentle pulse to your movements,” she says. “If you need some inspiration, think of those morse-code operators in the old war movies and focus on providing the little nub below the clitoral hood with gentle waves of pressure.”
While you're drawing those circles, try "hinting"—focusing on the area near her clitoris, and only occasionally coming in for a direct touch. In that same Indiana University survey — which was used to create the website OMGYES —7 out of 10 women said they were into this technique.
"Use one finger flicking all around the clitoris, but not directly on it," says Ava Cadell, Ph.D., author and founder of sexpert.com . "To bring your partner to orgasm, once she is at the height of pleasure, you’ll want to maintain a steady consistent stroke.”
When it comes to clitoral stimulation, 4 out of 10 women have a preferred side, the same survey found. Ask her if there's a side she likes better—and if she's not sure, experiment on both.
When you're flicking your tongue over her clitoris, imagine you are painting a fence from top to bottom, says Cadell, "alternating between up and down." Next, "go into the windshield wiper move of using your tongue to go side-to-side."
While a lot of attention is spent on the the tip of the clitoris—the part located at the top of the vulva—it also has two "legs" that extend up to five inches inside the body, known as the "shaft."
"Slide your fingers to either side of her clitoral shaft," Dr. Cadell explains. "Pull and push the clitoral hood across the clitoris and move in circles, diagonals, and spontaneous un-choreographed fashions so as to stay unpredictable."
Once your partner is in the midst of an orgasm , add some oral vibration to her experience.
"Make your lips into an O and take her clitoris in your mouth," Cadell suggests. "Then make humming sounds as you suck on her clit, as if you are playing a harmonica, so that she can feel the warm, wet vibrations."
We’re not talking about vaginal ejaculation or golden showers here. Water play is one of the first methods many women use to get off when they start masturbating at an early age in the privacy of their bath time.
"Water play is important," Cadell says. “When using a handheld shower head, let the water spray over her body in between her legs, then move it closer to her clitoris, moving the water stream back and forth.”
If you're hard, try using your erect penis to rub up against her clit.
"This is good if you are laying side-by-side facing each other ... or even on your knees above her, holding the tip of your penis in your hand to massage and rub her clit," Kerner says. "She can also grab your penis and use it like she would a sex toy on her clit."
Kerner recommends the We-Vibe 4 Plus as the best couples vibrator for clitoral action. With its U-shape, one end is inserted into her vagina, and the other end rests on her clit. If she wears it during intercourse, you can feel the vibration as well. And with the mobile app, you can stimulate her without even being in the same room. Give her a clitoral orgasm while you’re away on a business trip, halfway around the world.
If she's not into direct clitoral contact, try stimulating her inner labia.
"Touching or sucking her inner lips actually pulls on the clitoris, and it’s really useful for women whose clitoris gets too sensitive,” says Laurie Mintz, Ph.D., author of A Tired Woman's Guide to Passionate Sex .
There's an array of arousal oils and balms designed to bring tingling or heating sensation to her clit. ON Natural Arousal Oil for Her is a popular choice.
“Go slowly with trying these out,” Mintz advises. “Some women are too sensitive, and the sensation can be too intense.”
Want an all-access oral sex experience? Shanna Katz, M.Ed., a board-certified sexologist and author of Oral Sex That Will Blow Her Mind , previously gave Men's Health this tip:
Have her sit on a countertop, a sturdy table, or a laundry machine; if you kneel on the ground in front of her, you'll be able to your lips, tongue, and hands as much as you want. Plus, she'll be able to get a good look at you between her legs.

Girls, do you ever rub your clit during sex? Guys, do you mind a girl rubbing herself during sex?
Girls do you ever rub your own clit during sex?
Girls, do you ever rub your own clit during sex?
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I'm a good girl. I do what I'm told #mmhmm If he tells me to play with myself and give him a show, that's what I do. Besides that, though -- I mean... he's got a hard body (and wifey makes damn sure that ain't gna change). So, if I'm getting fucked, then, loverboy's Adonis belt gives me all the clit stimulation I need. ... unless the point is to tease me for being a bad girl. In that case, he might smash me from behind WITHOUT hitting my clit, just to torture me. And then pull out right when I'm on the brink of climax. He's way too good at these little games. Also, you know why God gave men more sculpted chins than She gave women, right? Same reason we have clits. Oh yeah. Oh FUCK yeah. Girl you use that boy's chin for what it's made for. www.girlsaskguys.com/.../q1942426-would-you-ride-your-boyfriend-s-face-if-he-asked-you-to
Most women need clitoral stimulation, so you guys should expect this and not get all bent out of shape about it. Instead, please put away the dick, exercise that tongue and lick her clit.
Once in a while he'll ask me to play with my clit while in doggy. Though I prefer that he does it, it's not too bad to take over. He doesn't mind at all- he actually finds it super hot.
So you'll never really do it to get off at all?
I get myself to cum by rubbing my own clit once in a while.. as I said above.
Depends what position I'm in of course. I'm very comfortable sexually with my partner. So i know he loves it when I'm all nasty and pleasing myself at the same time.
I include rubbing her clit in our lovemaking. But if she wants to also, then I am happy that she does it. I will have an orgasm anyway, and have a very good time, so my efforts are to make her have the best time she can. If she wants to rub her clit, then I want her to do that also. I am not going to be bothered byu her doing something to feel better! Go for it!
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I usually do this for her during sex to help her cum as in some positions the penis doesn't stimulate the clit very much. I like it if she rubs herself too. I enjoy being with a woman who does what she wants to pleasure herself, it lets me know she is enjoying herself.
Yeah sure. I know it makes it better for her. In a position where we're facing each other it'd be hard for me to rub her clit so it's cool if she does it. But in say doggy where I can easily reach around and rub it for her I'd rather do it because I'd rather be the one to get her off not herself.
As a guy, I would not mind at all. I would assume if she was touching herself she was getting into things and just wanted to feel even better. And it is hot to see her touch herself.
No, i certainly wouldn't mind it. But if given the choice, I'd prefer to do it for her.
Yes - sometimes a guy will get farther along the road to downtown O-ville and we need to hit the gas pedal to catch up!
I don't mind if she does at all as long as she's not jamming her kuckle into my crotch. If that happens it is really uncomortable.
I actually ask her to so yeah i am completely cool with it.
I do, but I much prefer my boyfriend to do it for me, but it does all depend on what position we are in at the time.
Yes, very much so. Clitoral stimulation is the only way I've found to be able to orgasm.
Yea same here I really need the clitoral stimulation
I seem to remember reading some time back now, that a lot of women can only get off this way, so I don't think it is that unusual to be honest.
something completely normal. if she doesn't do it then I will
Some guys might think it offensive but I think it's kinda sexy to see a girl getting into it so much
Sometimes she will do it or i will do it for her depending in the position
Sometimes she does it, sometimes i do. Normally one of us, though not always.
Love it... we both have a common goal... to make her feel as much pleasure as possible...
No, i think guys don't mind it actually i don't mind it
i do it or i just try to rub my clit on him if i'm on top that feels better
Yes i mind it's not nice and disrespectful to not rub her clit
I always do! It feels so good and it makes me orgasm much hard, better, and faster!
I wouldn't mind that but its cute how you think all guys have had sex on here.
I like rubbing my clit but love it even more wuen he does it.
It's the only way i can cum so. I don't know
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