Women Messy Diapers

Women Messy Diapers


Women Messy Diapers
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(Forced Diaper Messing) “Oh come on, Lua!” I growled upon feeling at my waist and realizing that my thin underwear had suddenly been traded out for thick, humiliating pink padding just like the babyish garment that Anny’s pre-school age daughter could be seen wearing. “All I did was make a silly joke, you can’t just punish me for that!” “Don’t get your pampers in a bunch, Maxy.” Lua said, stifling a giggle as they stared down at the large, baby-patterned diaper I had just been forced into. They gripped their wand, the thing that had magically put me in this embarrassing thing, close to their body. “Just undo it before Anny returns to pick her daughter up and thinks I’m incontinent or something!” I exclaimed as I tried to hold my skirt down to cover over the humiliating thing that cushioned my crotch and ass, to no avail. The diaper was so puffy that my skirt was practically held up by it for all to see that I was wearing it, and attempts to make it discreet by forcing my legs
(Age Regression and Diaper Mess Humiliation) "There is no way for you to possibly defeat me! I am the great sorcerer Feirlaw!" I boasted, staff gripped. "This spell will return you to a much more fitting state!" "You will not hurt anyone from this point onward!" Tyrine declared, holding her sword close, prepared to fight. Unfortunately for her, I was the most powerful sorcerer in the entire kingdom, and a lowly warrior had always been useless against my curses. For some reason, even though I threatened to destroy her like the rest of her kind, she never seemed to back down. She called her utter stupidity "bravery." "Goodbye, Tyrine of Gilyr." I waved my staff in a circle in the air, before pointing it at the hero, about to destroy and humiliate her like the omnipotent sorcerer that I am. So ridiculous it was that she even dared go up against me when I have the ability to raze entire cities with a snap of my fingers. "You took my baby sister away from me, Feirlaq! To
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Mar 28, 2017


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Adult Baby Diaper Lover Sissy

Several questions for those who mess their diapers. Feel free to comment on any of the questions

1. How long do you go before changing ? And why ?
2. In public how do go about cleaning up ? Do you clean right away or wait until you home ?

Any suggestions for public messing would appreciate. I have embraced wetting public but consider messing.

Thanks in advance for any input

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Adult Baby Diaper Lover Babyfur Diaperfur Little Incontinent

1. How long do you go before changing ? And why ?

2. In public how do go about cleaning up ? Do you clean right away or wait until you home ?



Adult Baby Diaper Lover Incontinent

Several questions for those who mess their diapers. Feel free to comment on any of the questions

1. How long do you go before changing ? And why ?

2. In public how do go about cleaning up ? Do you clean right away or wait until you home ?

Any suggestions for public messing would appreciate. I have embraced wetting public but consider messing.

Thanks in advance for any input

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Diaper Lover Babyfur Diaperfur Little

1. How long do you go before changing ? And why ?

2. In public how do go about cleaning up ? Do you clean right away or wait until you home ?

Any suggestions for public messing would appreciate. I have embraced wetting public but consider messing.

I don't mess in public unless ABSOLUTELY necessary if I can't make it to the bathroom in time. As far as cleanup; I try to keep a spare diaper and a disposal bag with me. Otherwise if I am close to home when I do mess; I just clean up at home.
1. Immediately. I like the sensation by after than I want to get out of it as fast as possible.
2. I don't wear in public so my answer is N/A



Adult Baby Diaper Lover Babyfur

I've only ever messed in the privacy of my own home and I usually change immediately - most of the time when I do it my parents are home, so I retreat to my bathroom or bedroom then clean up in the bathroom. There was, however, a time when I was home alone and stayed in it for about and hour and forty-five minutes. It wasn't bad, I just sort of lay on the floor instead of sitting.

Then there was the time when I was in the middle of dropping a load in my bedroom when my parents called me to get the dog's toy she lost under a recliner my dad was sitting in. So I was forced to take my partially poopy padded butt out to the living room right by my dad. -_-



Adult Baby Diaper Lover

1. I normally try and keep it to half an hour max. I've experienced itching whilst still messy and bad rashes after the deed, so air on the side or caution. Half an hour is still usually enough time for me to enjoy playing .

2. The only places I've messed outside my own home are in very quiet secluded areas. The last thing you want to be doing is forcing others to smell your poop.
1. As above. I change as soon as convenient and if I didn't think that could be safely within half an hour or maybe absolute max one hour, I'd try to hold it or find somewhere to do it other than in my nappy.
2. I have a well rehearsed scheme and carefully prepared changing bag with all necessary supplies. I use the disabled / family bathroom / baby change where available but can change in an ordinary stall if needed - I don't care who knows what I'm doing because I do it in a considerate and sanitary manner. It's not difficult but it takes practice to be swift, hygienic and not at risk of making a mess of clothes or surroundings. Somewhere on this site I've detailed the specific procedure I use.

Only the usual tip - don't go near anyone when you're smelly!



Adult Baby Little

1. It depends, if I was wearing disposable diapers I would wait til I felt like I needed to be changed. But I only have cloth so I stay in a messy diaper til I start to leak. Doesn't take much.

2. I wouldn't mind going in public as long as I'm outside or in a place for a very short period of time.

Since I've never had a poopy diaper outside my house before, I would say just don't make it noticable.

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I agree that if you have a choice you shouldn't mess outside if you're going to be anywhere near others.

For changing you want disposable gloves, wet wipes, toilet paper, sealable bags and a spare nappy.
As little time as possible, especially in public. Why? Because being in a messy diaper sucks, thats why.
I clean up the best I can when out, I use adult wipes.

My advice about public messing... DONT , if you don't have to it isn't worth the hassle. On top of that you still sometimes can get a rash from it even if you do clean up well.
Yuck and Yuck.
1st yuck - I do it every morning since i'm diapered every night. I recommend that if your planning on messing, or even staying in a wet diaper that you A: trim your pubic area thoroughly b: clean the area very well using wipes, soap and water, c: use a barrier cream, like desitine.
I never stay in a messy diaper for more than 20 min tops, it stinks, and if you have a fantasy of a baby or toddler in one longer than that, I would consider it bad parenting unless the child was sleeping.
As far as doing it in public, no thanks, I respect the public and I'm sure there all not consenting to my fetish / lifestyle.



Adult Baby Diaper Lover Babyfur Diaperfur

1. How long do you go before changing ? And why ?

2. In public how do go about cleaning up ? Do you clean right away or wait until you home ?

I poop in my diaper in the morning. I keep it on for a little while, then have shower.
I don't poop in my pants or diaper in public.



Adult Baby Diaper Lover Babyfur Diaperfur

1. How long do you go before changing ? And why ?
2. In public how do go about cleaning up ? Do you clean right away or wait until you home ?



Adult Baby Diaper Lover Sissy Little Carer

I have had the experience of being in a Filled Diaper for at least a few hours and I can certainly say that it can leave you feeling quite Sore in those tender places..Also I find this experience to be mostly Intimate to be shared in Private with those of like Passions, Desires with experience, compassion and acceptance or just myself mostly, unfortunately..And I would not want to bother those outside this realm as it were, I think. It is Quite Whiffoderous and not Everyone Enjoys that. It might be fun to take a ride in the car with a friend for a thrill though!..I once rode my bike around the block at night..But being overtly obvious in public takes me out of my security zone I guess..



Adult Baby Diaper Lover Incontinent

Messing in public is something that happens to me often. I'm not exactly full on incontinent but I have such severe bowel urgency (started after a bowel resection from diverticulitis - about a foot of large colon removed. see my profile for a more complete explanation) that I usually don't even try to make it. The times I've tried I've failed miserably. I"ve had this condition for 20 plus years and wear diapers 24/7. The first year was hell because #1, it was all so new to me and #2, I had very loose BM's. My doctor told me to use a bulk producing fiber supplement ( I use 3 to 4 doses of Metamucil a day ). This firmed things up great but it did nothing for the urgency. While it did firm things up significantly, it also increased frequency and volume. I use a Confidry 24/7 as a "diaper liner" under a cloth pull-up diaper with heavy gauge plastic pants. The disposable keeps the BM mostly off my cloth diaper and makes laundering so much easier. I also use Desitin ( zinc oxide ) to prevent rashes and Nullo to eliminate odors. I absolutely detest changing in public. With the protection I use it's too much of a production. I will if I really really have to but I avoid it at all costs. I keep a change "kit" in my car but I haven't used it in years. It's not uncommon for me to have 3 or 4 very large BM's a day so if I want to have a life and get out to do things ( shopping, library, golf, kayaking, etc.) it's inevitable that I'm going to have a load (or 2) in my diapers at some point. I've gone as long as 8 hours in a messy diaper and at this point it doesn't bother me anymore. I almost never get rashes thanks to the liberal use of Desitin and "air out" my skin whenever I have the opportunity. If I have loaded my diapers to capacity, I'll head home for a proper change and shower. I can never get clean enough with a public change. This has been going on for a long enough time that, as strange as it might sound, I'm used to having a load or 2 in my diapers and it really doesn't bother me. It's the change that's a royal pain. I sold my business a couple years ago and retired early so my time is my own and I come and go as I please. The plastic pants and Nullo allow me to be anywhere and not be offensive. I could be standing in a crowd, reading at the library, at mass in the morning or at the coffee shop in town, have an enormous BM and nobody would ever know. I'm sure some of you might wonder how I can stand it but over 20 years I've grown quite used to it. I was recently on a flight coming back to Chicago from Florida and had an unusually large BM about halfway through the 3 hour flight. Nobody around me knew. The only smell coming from me was cologne. I'm still young and refuse to let it rule my life. I know the protection I use is enough to allow me up to 10 hours or more if need be. I also know that my heavy protection sounds like a lot of diaper and it is. I always dress casual but comfortable and as discreet as possible. If you looked real close you might be able to tell but I manage to hide the bulk of my diapers quite well. I don't feel the anxiety that a lot of the younger generation experience when wearing in public much less having a load in my diapers most of the time. My advise to those on the fence or worrying about it is that the more you do it the easier it gets. A big part of it is how you carry yourself. If you are paranoid, your going to look paranoid. Be confident and act normal. I had no choice so I had to adapt. Anyone thinking about going at it voluntarily just needs to take the proper precautions and just go about your business as normally as you can. Good luck.

- - - Updated - - -

Messing in public is something that happens to me often. I'm not exactly full on incontinent but I have such severe bowel urgency (started after a bowel resection from diverticulitis - about a foot of large colon removed. see my profile for a more complete explanation) that I usually don't even try to make it. The times I've tried I've failed miserably. I"ve had this condition for 20 plus years and wear diapers 24/7. The first year was hell because #1, it was all so new to me and #2, I had very loose BM's. My doctor told me to use a bulk producing fiber supplement ( I use 3 to 4 doses of Metamucil a day ). This firmed things up great but it did nothing for the urgency. While it did firm things up significantly, it also increased frequency and volume. I use a Confidry 24/7 as a "diaper liner" under a cloth pull-up diaper with heavy gauge plastic pants. The disposable keeps the BM mostly off my cloth diaper and makes laundering so much easier. I also use Desitin ( zinc oxide ) to prevent rashes and Nullo to eliminate odors. I absolutely detest changing in public. With the protection I use it's too much of a production. I will if I really really have to but I avoid it at all costs. I keep a change "kit" in my car but I haven't used it in years. It's not uncommon for me to have 3 or 4 very large BM's a day so if I want to have a life and get out to do things ( shopping, library, golf, kayaking, etc.) it's inevitable that I'm going to have a load (or 2) in my diapers at some point. I've gone as long as 8 hours in a messy diaper and at this point it doesn't bother me anymore. I almost never get rashes thanks to the liberal use of Desitin and "air out" my skin whenever I have the opportunity. If I have loaded my diapers to capacity, I'll head home for a proper change and shower. I can never get clean enough with a public change. This has been going on for a long enough time that, as strange as it might sound, I'm used to having a load or 2 in my diapers and it really doesn't bother me. It's the change that's a royal pain. I sold my business a couple years ago and retired early so my time is my own and I come and go as I please. The plastic pants and Nullo allow me to be anywhere and not be offensive. I could be standing in a crowd, reading at the library, at mass in the morning or at the coffee shop in town, have an enormous BM and nobody would ever know. I'm sure some of you might wonder how I can stand it but over 20 years I've grown quite used to it. I was recently on a flight coming back to Chicago from Florida and had an unusually large BM about halfway through the 3 hour flight. Nobody around me knew. The only smell coming from me was cologne. I'm still young and refuse to let it rule my life. I know the protection I use is enough to allow me up to 10 hours or more if need be. I also know that my heavy protection s
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