Women From All African Countries

Women From All African Countries


by Tarik updated 2 years ago 21k Views 114 Comments
Sudanese women are friendly and attractive, plus English is widely spoken. Due to the low language barrier, South Sudan is a good place to find an African girlfriend or wife.
However, the US Department of State has issued a Level 4 Travel Warning encouraging people not to visit the country at the moment due to civil unrest.
With so many African countries to visit, South Sudan isn’t the safest at the moment but there are many beautiful women looking for boyfriends and husbands.
If you are up for an adventure, then continue reading to learn how to find the South Sudanese woman of your dreams.
Juba, the capital of South Sudan, is the largest and safest city in South Sudan to meet ladies. You could try to meet women during the day along the street or at shopping malls. However, Muslim countries are very strict when it comes to talking with women in public.
Your best option is to go out at night or use online dating sites & apps.
A good place to meet South Sudanese girls is by going to the top nightclubs in Juba. Here’s a list of the best clubs:
Online dating is a good way to meet girls before your trip. It’s also an alternative for men who don’t drink or enjoy going to nightclubs.
Rwanda boasts an incredibly low cost of living plus a plethora of beautiful women to choose from.
English is the official language so you’ll be able to communicate with Rwandan ladies easily
The country is stable and safe for tourists and expats, making it a good spot to pick up a sexy Rwanda chick.
If you’re planning a trip to Rwanda, you’ll find the most beautiful women in the capital city of Kigali.
Kigali is the largest city in Rwanda and offers the best nightclubs & bars to meet girls. You can try meeting girls during the daytime or at night.
Kigali nightlife is booming and new nightclubs are popping up all over the cities. Here is a list of the top Kigali nightclubs:
Because English is widely spoken, you can use online dating to meet Rwanda women.
Morocco is full of Arabic speaking beauties who want to get to know you. It’s about time you started studying Arabic!
The country is stable and safe for expats, making it a very popular travel destination for meeting Moroccan women.
Casablanca, the capital of Morocco, is a good place to find beautiful Moroccan girls who are interested in meeting foreigners. With over 3 million residents, it’s by far the largest city in Morrocco and the best for finding girls.
Islam is the dominant religion in Morocco so it’s not as easy to approach girls openly during the daytime. It’s better to go out at night or use online dating sites.
Casabalnca is a large, sprawling city with lots of good nightclubs and bars. Here’s a list of the best ones:
Here’s a list of online dating sites that you can join to chat and meet Moroccan women:
Kenya, the birthplace of United States President Barack Obama’s father, is a rising jewel in Africa. With over 2 million tourists annually, Kenya is an excellent choice for first time Africa travelers.
English is widely spoken, plus the capital of Nairobi is considered one of the world’s largest technology hubs. It’s the “Silicon Valley” of Africa.
Kenyan women are some of the most beautiful women in Africa, and arguably, the most beautiful women in East Africa. This makes Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, an extremely popular travel destination for men looking to meet their kenyan beauty.
Nairobi is a stable and safe city as well so you can book your trip to Kenya with confidence.
Nairobi is the biggest city in Kenya and it’s the best overall choice for meeting girls. Many girls speak English but the official language of Kenya is Swahili. Learning some basic Swahili will go a long way and make meeting women much easier.
Kenyan women are very interested in meeting foreigners and you can approach them during the day, at night or sign up for some online dating sites.
Here’s a list of the best Nairobi nightclubs:
You can try these Kenyan online dating sites to meet women:
Visit Egypt and grab lunch with an Arabic beauty while en route to see the Pyramids.
Eritrea, located right next to Ethiopia, is a small but vibrant country full of beautiful ladies. The local language is Tigrinya.
Ghana is considered “Africa for Beginners” for many reasons. Ghanians are extremely friendly to tourists/expats and English is widely spoken.
If you visit to Accra and meet a Ghanian lady, you may never go home again!
Ethiopian girls are known for their wide eyes and beautiful grace. Learn Amharic and take a dream trip to Addis Ababa in search of your Ethiopian queen!
Djibouti is a tiny country with a population under 1 million, but still boasts some of the best looking women in Africa. Learn French and meet your future wife.
Somali girls live on the “Horn of Africa” and are definitely worth the trip. Take in the beautiful Indian Ocean while sharing a cozy spot with your Somalian beauty. Pick up the local Somali language and you’re golden.
With over 50 different countries in Africa, I know it’s impossible to list them all. So I’m asking you for your help in making this list the best on the internet.
What are your top 10 countries with the most beautiful women in Africa?
Please share your top 10 list in the comments. Which countries would you add? Which countries would you remove from the list?
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Tarik is the founder of ExpatKings.com. If you need personalized consulting or advice, I am available for hire. Please check out my Services.
Send tips & comments to: editor@expatkings.com.
Keep up the good work fellas!
I got Seychelles and Cape Verde in my list. Would like to get some info on those places in the future
Very good list. I am surprised Senegal, Cape Verde, Seychelles, Nigeria & South Africa did not make the list but this the Top 10 not Top 20 list.
Comment:I wonder how come Ethiopian ladies be come number three the should be number one, because there’s astonishingly ferfect girls in that country, what I know is Ethiopia is more blessed when it comes to girls everyone knows!
hey dont forget dt somali girls are the most beutiful ones and they are worthful and amazing
dont compare ethiopians i know them
Comment:In Somalia you need not to choose a woman, just close your eyes and pick up any woman, they are really beautiful!
ofcorse that is. i wonder these rank is in horne of East Africa. the poor countries but with beautiful girls.
you should first learn how to spell perfect an secondly you should know somalian women are better looking and are one of the most blessed when it come to gentics
Your English is all over the place. Ethiopians r queen of Africa.
wooow iam from somalia iproud my sisters
I think this list is ok. Some of them are
on point and some of them are not. I have seen many African countries and it’s true the east is blessed with beautiful women. This list is just to inform you and not to cause a fued. So if you don’t feel like your country is not where it should be, just let it go. It’s not a competition.
Very true somalis are unique and their girls have unbelievable beauty.
Definitely cosign for Ghana; in fact, I’m surprised Ghana isn’t #1! Ghanaian women are beautiful.
Agree with the other poster on the shameful omission of Nigeria, Senegal and other countries in West Africa. It seems weird that 5 of the top 8 African countries feature women with Arabic or Indian features/ancestry. Are traditional African features not idolized when evaluating AFRICAN beauty? Geez…
Ghana should be #1 I am surprise is not
The horn of Africa has NO ARAB in us we are full African blood and we are indigenous people and we have no mixed with any other countries. But to be honest all women of Africa are number one
Lol! Dont be ridiculous! You definitely have Arab blood, how else did you receive your religion of Islam. Ever heard of the sub sahara slave trade? It predates the transatlantic slave trade, in fact the European followed the blueprint by your Arab oppressor! The same people who casterated your men(Enochs) , raped your women and made you take their relgion !
Yeah Bro You Sleeping On Cape Verde lol
1. Ethiopia
2. Cape Verde
3. Liberia
4. Ivory Coast
5. South Africa
6. Angola
7. Nigeria
8. Ghana
9. Sierra Leone
10. Morroco
That’s a good list! Always wanted to visit Ethiopia.
My list
1 Somalia
2 D jibouti
3 Sudan
4 Morocco
5 Egypt
call +2519026523 ethiopia girls are more beautifull from africa
Who is at the end of that phone number?
Correct, that is right. Thanks for this
All of these six groups are of same race and close genetical African subgroup. If you pick 100 women of 18 years at random and compare the beauty of each group one will have difficulty to make decisions on ranking these 6 countries. However, I’m biased towards putting Somalis, Eriterians, Ethiopians, Djiboutian, Burundis and Rwandis
Hhhhhh don’t forget meaning of Abyssinia Ethiopian name from Greece word that means those have ugly faces.
You mad we cute and I don’t see no “ugly faces” in Ethiopia
Somalians girls are fineeeeee as hell man on God.
Those light skin peeps are not original Africans. Not even with the trademarks of an African woman.
Mine us to say that Eritrea should be number one
I definitely agree. Together with Ethiopian ladies.
For my case the list is fine we as somali men we proud of our ladies as we also rank number one in the list of handsome men in Africa
Ghana should be #1 I am a white man and I met a Ghanaian lady, OMG she was fire
Comment:First come to Somalia then you judge!
ghanaaaaaaaaaaaaaa they be looking cuteeeeeeeeeeee
Great my Country South Sudan is in top 10 and iam willing marriage Ethiopian lady.
your mistaken Liberia the first internationally, even the late M. Jackson sing a song called Liberian girl, eve a Nigerian guy sing a song about Liberian girl also,both man and woman Liberian are beautiful and amazing and handsome, no jock about that no day in my life I have ever seen ugly person walking around in the street of Liberia.
Yes Samuel Sowah Liberian girl i beautiful in African # 1 on the list.!
Ghana???GTFO Ethiopia,Eritrea,Somali,Djibouti,cap verde,seychelles,Rwanda,Burundi,Morocco,Tunisia,Algeria,libya,Egypt and Kenya.
Comment:where is Cameroon and Nigeria on thatl list?
Am from Ghana and i am suprise Rwanda girls are not No1. They are really beautiful and i need one
These lists are the biggest load of bullshit ever. I have been across Africa and as an African I can not say which country has the most beautiful women. This shit is divisive and whole load of utter shit!
Most of you who said Ethiopia shouldn’t be on the first place haven’t seen how wonderful Ethiopian women are.
Are you fucking kidding me Djibouti should be at the last and Somalian third and cape verde 2nd and Ethiopian 1st you should have seen our girls those in the picture are the ugliest there are so many beautiful girls in Ethiopia and by the way who gave you those pictures
1. Eritrea
2. Ethiopia
3. Somalia
4. Gambia
5. Djibouti
6. Morocco
7. Moçambique
8. Nigeria
9. Namibia
10. Sudan
Thanks to tell us that thing and you are right
😊South Africans… We are very beautiful. We speak proper English and we are independent. If you want fashion in Africa,come to the SOUTH.
Yes. South Africa is beautiful. I want to visit soon.
Lol you guys don’t speak no proper English
Shame on you! English is just colonial language. Africans have their own indigenous language & culture.
1. Rwanda
2. Ethiopia
3. Somalia
4. Egypt
5. Djibouti
6. Morocco
7. Tunisia
30. Ghana
150. Nigeria
Yes! Our girls are number one in the list. Proud to be somali
Somalis really to be number one coz they are clean and chocolate clour. Woow proud to have one!!
Beauty is measured by Natural Instinct. not one of the African women portrays in the pictures represents a Typical African woman… all the hair are Fake wearing extensions and the skin tone is highlighted…
Somalia have no wigs and they have original hair batter than your hair.
African women are beautiful. Even without their extensions and highlighted skin. Don’t forget that black women have amazing bodies that are natural while white women always get plastic surgery. Black women don’t need plastic surgery for a new butt because they actually already have one. Before you go hating on black women think about all the black women who are reading your crap.
You left out the most important TOP 2!: Uganda and Nigeria.
The best women by far!
1- Ethiopia
4- Eritrea
5- Seychelles
6- Rwanda
7- Angola
8- Djibouti
9- Cape Verde
10- Niger
11- South Africa
13- Senegal
14- Kenya
15- Namibia
16- Mozambique
Which country should i visit in Africa where the mediocre boobs of a normal woman is big. May be atleast 3/4 th the size of a Football .
hhhhhhh iam from Rwanda but African girls we are unique in oud own way 90% are really beautiful
BT personally I like Ghana,guinea girls in west Africa Eritrea,Ethiopia andy country lol….
I have never gone in other counties soo I can’t judge
Yes. Ghana and Guinea girls are very beautiful. East Africa is a hidden gem as well. What are the women like in Rwanda?
this list is made by a somali person I suppose. ethiopia is number one. Djibouti shouldn’t even be in the list
Hey, this article is amazing and interesting. keep up the work.
proud to be somalian lady we have natural hair alhamdulilaah we are 1 of africa nd we alwys the one we also rich nt poor
Comment:bla bla bla.Kenyan girls possess more beauty than those somali warheads.
Comment:Rwanda should come in top 5
check all the miss rwandas!!!!!
1. Eritrea
2. Djibouti
3. Somalia
4. Kenya
insert all other countries
as for ethiopia f*ck it shouldn’t even exist
as for you who are interested in Eritrean beauty go there you will get nervous on every street for the sheer beauty of Eritrean women so many!!
oh! and f*uck Ethiopia
Every girl is beautiful in their own way
Why can’t you guys just stop fighting and leave it..remember this is the author’s opinion…make your own list on your own website
Haha this is a joke clearly this person has never been to africa…
Where’s Zimbabwe and South Africa on this…
west African Liberian Girl, Guinea,
even my friend tell me that Ethiopian girl i beautiful in east Africa
1: Kenya 2 : South Sudan 3 : Namibia 4 : D.r.c Congo 5 :Namibia 6: Mauritania 7 : Uganda 8 : Bukinafaso 9 : Gambia 10 : Swaziland
Well I’m white, so can only comment on the women I know in the UK.
Ghanaian women are very nice looking, and friendly for the most part. There were quite a few in my area of London growing up, and generally got on well with them.
Nigerian women are ok, but I’ve tried dateing a couple and we just didn’t click.
I’ve met a few very beautiful Kenyan women. They are very friendly as well.
I’m not into Arab women, so they don’t do it for me.
The Somalian women in the UK are not attractive, most of them dress in Muslim clothing, don’t speak English and are rude. I don’t rate them at all either in looks or personality.
I met one South African woman (Zulu), and she was hot. She was lovely as well.
I am african and lucky to have visited some african countries .There are good looking and not so good looking people everywhere. However, African women are beautiful ,especially those with natural hair and natural skin tones.
Ethiopians and Eritreans are the best ever
Somali women are beautiful. I’m not Somalian, I’m white but the Somali people I know are way more beautiful than the ones in the picture. They have beautiful natural hair and eithiopians can’t meauser up to them, beauty wise
I’m not African I’m white but from my perspective Somalian woman are so beautiful in real life theses photos don’t do them justice. And for those people who think that somalina women are unattractive due to their Islamic wear it’s because they are following their faith unlike most of us in the world
As African i think horn of Africa girls are beautiful [ Ethiopian, somalian , Eritrean, ] also don’t forget Rwanda specially tudsi tripe
East African women are stunningly beautiful. Have you travelled there before? Which countries?
Its good kenyans are not scrambling for beauty here because beauty without brains and character is vanity.Kenyan women are known to be intelligent, have a warm heart and so welcoming with beautiful smiles. Beauty is all about the heart and not just physical appearance.
Talking of beautiful African women I expected you to accord our rich color of black ebony some respect,not some skin toning.And natural endowment in the body,natural full lips,curvaceous body and strong posture.
I don’t get the guage you used to measure this beauty you are shouting about.
Hey don’t forget Mali or Niger we’re Touareg beautiful girl are there
I heard great things about Mali. Looking to add more African content in the near future.
See..they can’t accuse brothers of not liking or wanting to be with black women..I love black women, just not the ratchet ones here in the US and I refuse to be involved with one ever again here. I mean look at the faces of the women in the photos..happy, beautiful, warm, welcoming and receptive. No of this “niggas ain’t shyt” attitude, “I don’t need no man” and “why you talking to me nigga?”..smh.. I must say with the Ethiopian women, those eyes….
dem issssssssssh I wonder why south sudan is on this list.that country has the most urgly looking human beings.my list is.
south Africa
and all the Arab contries not forgetting nigeria
Why no one considers Tunisian women pretty? I find them very beautiful
I’m a Ghanaian but surprised south Africa and Angola are not part
Hey don’t Trust mostly somali girl they are are not into dating app so if you looking somali girl in dating app my friends stop wasting you time they prever to face to face
interesting ! Thanks for information !
On this list i would pick Egypt their beauty are stunning and looks so natural.
Yes. Egyptian women are very beautiful!
Thanks for your good website and information !
I think there are many many beautiful and Hot African ladies from all over the continent. The body shape and to magnificent breasts entrances me. I think Ghana but only just, so many hotties, amazing.
this is rubbish how can this go without mentioning Nigerian girls especially Owerri-Girls
the ranking is unacceptable please go for a proper research
And please don’t insist in front of your Moroccan chick that Casablanca is the country’s capital, she will drop you for a less lowbrow sugar daddy
1 Ethiopia
2 Tunisia
3 Eritrea
Mostly eastern & Northern african lady are pretty
it is very good for me because i need it in this time
Some of the countries are worth it no doubt, but for some
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