Womb Penetration

Womb Penetration


Womb Penetration

14.There is fever, loss of appetite, vomiting and pain in the ____________.

А) stomach
В) chest
С) heard
Д) head
Е) abdomen
15.Even the __________ or sight of food may the person sick.
А) smell
Б) colour
С) weight
Д) number
Е) importance
16.During the hepatitis, the appetite returns and the_______________ comes down.
А) arterial pressure
Б) temperature
С) fever
Д) weight
Е) pain
36.Synonym – uterus
А) uterus
Б) uterine
С) range
Д) womb
Е) ovary
49.Choose the right variant of the main verb. Elvis Prestley ____ in 1977.
А) dies
Б) have died
С) had died
Д) has died
Е) died
51. The main part of the head is called the ……
А) skull
Б) neck
С) face
Д) brain
Е) forehead
52. The join between upper arm and forearm we call the………
А) elbow
Б) wrist
С) cartilage
Д) ligament
Е) joints
82.Выберите правильный вариант арктиклей.
I entered … medical college at … age of 18.
А) -, -
Б) A, the
С) A, a
Д) The, the
Е) The, -
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Первое и второе задание английский язык

1. one frog – three ------ 2. one tree - five ------- 3. one banana – two ----- 4. one tomato – eight ------ 5. one balloon – four ------- 6. one rab

bit – seven ----- 7. one city – some ------ 8. one fish – many ------9. one bus - six ------10. one shelf – ten ------​

Jim and Della lived in New York in a small flat on the top of a high building.
Jim was twenty years old, Della was twenty one. They (to be) poor becau

they had to pay for their apartment. But they were happy because they loved
each other.
The next day was Christmas and Della (to want) to buy a present to Jim.
She put her money on the table and counted it. One dollar and eighty-seven
cents. That was all she (to can) save for months.
There was nothing to do but cry. Many happy hours she spent planning for
something nice for Jim. Suddenly she (to turn) from the window and stood in
front of the mirror. She (to pull) down her hair and let it fall to its full length.
There were two treasures in which they both took a pride.
One was Jim’s gold watch that (to be) his father’s and his grandfather’s.
The other one was Della’s beautiful hair. Now her hair fell below her waist
like cascade of brown water. She did it up again nervously. Then she put on
her old brown jacket and an old hat. She went out of the door down the stairs
to the street.
She (to hurry) to Madame Sofronie who bought hair.
‘Will you buy my hair?’ Della asked, panting.
‘I buy good hair,’ said Madame. ‘Take off your hat and let me have a look’
Down fell the brown cascade.
‘Twenty dollars,’ said Madame, lifting her hair with a practiced hand.
‘Give it to me,’ said Della. She sat down and Mrs. Sofronie started working.
Della (not to look) at her hair on the floor. At three o’clock she took her 20$
and put on her hat. The next two hours (to pass) like a happy dream. Della
was flying on rosy wings from shop to shop looking for a present to Jim. At last
she found it. It was made for Jim and no one else. It (to be) a platinum chain,
simple in design as all good things should be. 21$ they took from her and she
hurried home with 87 cents.
At home Della got out her curling irons and started working. In twenty
minutes her head was covered with little curls. She (to look) at her reflection
in the mirror carefully and critically. ‘I hope Jim won’t stop loving me with
short hair,’ she said to herself. ‘I did it for him. What (to can) I do with one
dollar and 87 cents?’
At seven o’clock coffee was made and a frying pan (to be) ready to cook
the chops. Della sat on the corner of the table near the door with the chain
in her hand. When she heard his steps on the stairs she (to turn) white for a
moment. ‘Please, God, make him think that I’m still pretty,’ she whispered.
The door (to open) and Jim stepped in. He stopped inside the room and
stood still. He was looking at Della, and there was an expression in them that
she could not read, and it terrified her. It was not anger, not surprise, not
horror, not any of the sentiments that she had been prepared for.
Della (to jump) off the table and went to him. ‘Jim, darling,’ she cried,
‘don’t look at me that way. I had my hair cut off because I (to want) to give you
a present. I had to do it. My hair (to grow) very fast. Say ‘Marry Christmas’,
Jim, and let’s be happy. Shall I put the chops on, Jim?
Jim (to seem) to wake out of his trance. He drew a package from his
overcoat pocket and put it on the table. ‘Don’t make a mistake about me,
Dell,’ he said. ‘There’s nothing in the way of a haircut that (to make) me love
my girl less. But if you unwrap that package you will understand why I was so
shocked when I saw you.’
Della took off the paper and opened the box. There laid the set of combs
that Della had dreamed of for a long time. Beautiful tortoise combs with jewels,
just the thing to wear in her beautiful but vanished hair. She knew that they
(to be) very expensive and now they were hers.
She (to hug) them to her bosom, and with tears in her eyes and a smile, was
able to say, ‘My hair grows fast, Jim!’ And she jumped up and (to cry) out, ‘Oh!
Jim hasn’t seen his present yet! She held it out for him upon her open palm.
‘Isn’t it wonderful, Jim? You (to look) at the time a hundred times a day
now. Give me your watch. I want to see how it look on it.’ Instead of obeying
Jim fell down on the couch, put his hands under the back of his head and
(to smile).
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму

Помогите вставить слова в правильной форме:
We are busy now, we.... ....dinner.
1. have
2. are having
3. having
4. do having
I often....shopping with

my mum at the weekend
1. go
2. goes
3. going
4. am going
Samantha never .... TV in the morning.
1. watches
2. doesn't watch
3. am watching
4. is watching
...children ..... a crossword ? Yes, they are
1. do do
2. does do
3. is doing
4. are doing
What.. you ... now?
1. wants
2. wanting
3. do want
4. are wanting
I sometimes.....my friends.
1. meet
2. am meeting
3. do meet
4. meets
What.... your dad....? He is a mechanic.
1. does do
2. do do
3. is doing
4. are doing
What .....you..... now?
1. is do
2. are doing
3. do do
4. does do
Look! He...goodbye to the children.
1. waves
2. is wave
3. do waving
4. is waving

Какое из глаголов,с правой стороны, подойдёт к предложениям? Нужно поставить в нужном времени (Past Simple,Past Continuous, Present Simple,Present Per

fect,Past Perfect,Future)​ Дам 10-15 баллов

12. Выберите правильный вариант:1) Thank you... much.a) sob) such2) The flowers are... beautiful!a) sob) such3) These are... beautiful flowers.

a) sob) such4) I have never seen... an interesting film.a) sob) such5) They were arguing... loudly.a) sob) such6) She was not... young as he thought.a) sob) such​

I. Fill in the appropriate modal verb.
1. Harry ____________ come to the party. I don’t know exactly.
2. He ____________ get up early. He is having a

meeting tomorrow morning.
3. Mum has already watered the flowers. You ______________ do it again.
4. It’s not true, I trust Dan. He _______________ not do this.
5. You _____________ not turn right here, it’s prohibited.
6. You look tired. I think you _____________ have a rest and enough sleep.
7. ____________ you help me, please?
II. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Ты не можешь перейти дорогу в этом месте (здесь). Это запрещено.
2. Если ты болен, тебе лучше остаться дома.
3. Мне не нужно идти в магазин. У нас дома есть продукты.
4. Возможно, он поедет во Францию в сентябре.
5. Не может быть, чтобы Джек снова соврал.

Поставьте существительные в нужную форму:My granny has many (sheep) and (goose) on the farm. There are many (man and w

oman) in the park.The (monkey) are in the cage.Here is a (key) to the door.There are many (wolf and bear) in the wood.Bring me some (hamburger). I have ten (pencil) and one (pen).Can you bring me some (potato) and a (carrot) for soup?The (child) must not play with (knife and match).I can ride a (horse).​

Кем я хочу быть и почему, Написать 100-120 слов на английском

Read the text, and then read the question. Click the correct option to answer each question.​

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14.There is fever, loss of appetite, vomiting and pain in the...
GitHub - Animal42069/BetterPenetration
Womb – Luxury Furniture
g4 :: # WOMB -MATES by Adrena




Code cleanup, bug fixes, and adding a simplified penetration option

Code cleanup, bug fixes, and adding a simplified penetration option

Code cleanup, bug fixes, and adding a simplified penetration option

Code cleanup, bug fixes, and adding a simplified penetration option

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This plugin seeks to solve to "telescoping" issue that occurs in HScenes in AI Shoujo and Honey Select 2. It also adds some additional features to overall improve the HScene experience. This plugin does not work for studio.
Replaces the default "telescoping" behavior by allowing the head to move past the point of penetration.
The head will reposition to maintain length, optionally you can allow the penis to begin to telescope after it has penetrated by a specified percentage
Works for vaginal, anal, and oral penetraion.
Maintain proper rotation of the penis, no more spinning shafts during certain positions.
Adjust the length and girth of penis.
Adjust the overall sack size.
Can add softness to the penis, to add a certain amount of squishiness after penetration.
Offset options to further tweak things when using characters with abnormal body shapes.
Supporst multiple male and multiple female positions present in Honey Select 2.
This plugin does not work for studio. I have a few ideas on how to make something similar work in studio, but it would be a major undertaking.
Male uncensor requires a shaft bone and a head bone, which most uncensors have.
No special female uncensors are needed, but if you use Roy12's vagina uncensor it will utilize the dynamic bones if they are present. This uncensor only works for AI Shoujo.
The mod works by keeping track of certain bones on the girl and using that information to set boundaries. Any character made in the game will have these bones. If somehow these bones aren't present then it will revert to default behavior. The mod tries to place the head inside the girl at a position that pierces the original target (vagina, anus, mouth). Due to sizes, lengths, angles and different positions this isn't always possible. It is recommended to use Mantas' BetterHScenes to adjust the characters in the scene to make the geometry involved more favorable
Requires BepInEx
Copy the dll to your install directory /BepInEx/plugins

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