Woman Take Dick

Woman Take Dick


Woman Take Dick

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When a New York reporter from News12 The Bronx asked a 100-year-old grandmother about hitting the century mark, the conversation went straight to the gutter.
In an interview that did not air (for obvious reasons), the reporter asked her questions about her age. Out of the blue, the woman asked him, “How ya d*ck hanging?”
The reporter was obviously taken by surprise, wiping his face in embarrassment. “That’s funny,” he said. “Let’s talk about your birthday.” During the interview, the grandmother’s answers are difficult to understand at times, but when the reporter asks her what she plans on doing for her birthday, she was perfectly clear: “Getting me a piece of d*ck,” she said.
The woman’s family, including small children, were in the background laughing the whole time as their matriarch peppered the young reporter with Andrew Dice Clay-like replies. A woman in the background can be heard asking the reporter if he’s OK and to “take a deep breath.”
Eventually, the young man pulls himself together and asks the woman one more question, “What does it mean to you to make it to 100.” She smiled and said, “What it means to be 100-years-old is I can get 100 d*cks.”
Her family members stepped in and insisted that she discuss the good family values she taught them instead. “You didn’t tell us nothing about no dicks,” a woman is heard telling the woman. Talk about “the good stuff,” one family member says. The grandmother then says, “The good stuff is the d*cks!”
Watch this 100-year-old grandmother talk about birthday d*ck (Warning Explicit Language):
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