Woman Kills Man During Sex

Woman Kills Man During Sex


By Tracey Cox for MailOnline 10:18 BST 20 Sep 2017 , updated 10:19 BST 20 Sep 2017
You may think you've learned a thing or two about what the opposite sex enjoys in the bedroom.
But have you ever stopped to think about what they don't like?
According to Femail's sex and relationships expert Tracey Cox, there's a whole host of things women do during sex that men can't stand - and vice versa.
Read on to find out if you're guilty of committing a sexual faux pas at a crucial moment... 
Men (quite rightly) assume there's a long (long) list of what they do wrong in bed with women, mainly because our sexual systems are more complicated than his.
But don't assume this means we can do no wrong.
His orgasm might well be more automatic and guaranteed, but that doesn't mean he doesn't find certain sexual behaviours a complete turn off.
Indeed, men hate it when women are too noisy when they're in earshot of others, scratch his back and are too self conscious about your body. 
Here are ten things that consistently top his hate list…
Suggesting you watch porn together... then hating his reaction to it...
Most men watch porn on a reasonably regular basis – and most women know it.
Lots of women think, OK, I'm going to embrace this rather than get all funny about it, and suggest you watch it together. 
What they don't count on is playing second fiddle (ahem) to the person/people on screen.
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Most men keep their eyes glued to the screen and it's highly likely he'll do the same even if you're there with him.
'I was also taken aback by how aroused he got,' said one woman after trying it. 'He didn't ever get that turned on with me and it left me feeling sexually insecure.'
Lots of couples enjoy watching erotica together.
If you're going to try it, don't take it as an insult if he gets super turned on doing it with you and don't take it personally if his attention remains fixed elsewhere.
It's habit, not a personal rejection. 
Being too noisy when others can hear
A bit of moaning and groaning is fantastic but screaming and thrashing about like he's trying to suffocate you with a pillow is more than a little scary for men.
You think he'll like you being noisy because it means he's a stud.
He's dying at the prospect of having to face his flatmates/parents/kids/neighbours.
Close on the heels of being too noisy is being too noisy, too soon.
Over-exaggerated moans and groans when you've only just started kissing makes him one hundred per cent certain you'll fake it later.
As in adopting the 'dead starfish' position and not moving a muscle.
Lying back and thinking of England isn't just uninspiring, it's patronising.
It insinuates that simply allowing him have sex with you is enough of a turn on for him.
Going to the loo just before sex and not washing afterwards
This was the pet hate of my best male friend and his (now ex) girlfriend.
'Me giving her oral sex was the basis of nearly every sex session we had but she'd think nothing of going for a pee just before, with the door open, and not washing either her hands or her bits.
In films, scratching your fingernails down his back to show how excited you are looks damn sexy.
In reality, it just hurts – and comes across as more than a tad overdramatic.
Trying something new without asking first
Some sex surprises are great (a present of a new vibrator you know she likes, trying out a new oral sex technique on him).
Most of us know what sort of things fall into that category so let’s not pretend we don’t.
Being too self conscious about your body
Covering, up, only doing it with the lights off, not letting him look and admire you – none of these behaviours will score you any points at all with any man (or woman if you're gay or bisexual!)
Yes, we all have our insecurities and 'fat days' but if you're a few months in and he still hasn't actually seen you naked, you're taking things way too far.
Body insecurities don't just impact on his visual enjoyment, they often mean you won't try certain positions and are generally unadventurous in bed.
Women are way, way, way more critical about their bodies than their partners are of them.
If he says he finds your body beautiful, he does. Take the compliment and relax.
Only liking the missionary position
Women favour missionary for many reasons – some good (it's primitive and there's lots of eye contact), some not so good (it's the position that hides most of your body and requires the least effort from us).
It's hard enough keeping desire high when you're making love to one person for the rest of your life, but impossible when you're forced to do the same thing every single session.
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Begging him to hold off just makes him even more paranoid he'll ejaculate pre-maturely; the resulting anxiety ensures he will.
You're much better off letting him climax and then settling in for round two or getting your orgasm through oral sex.
Telling him to orgasm now sounds like a turn on but is often interpreted (correctly) to mean 'Could you hurry up and finish?'.
OK, so this isn't something we do during the act of sex but it definitely rates as unsexy behaviour for most men.
'My wife comes home from work in heels and pencil skirts and looks hot and sexy. But the minute she's through the door, off go the heels and on comes the tracksuit.'
This is a complaint I hear often from men who lose desire for their partner long-term.
I'm not suggesting you watch a box set in an LBD, but men are visual creatures and really do appreciate it if you make an effort to look appealing.
(This goes for both sexes, by the way. Just one word for men: socks. Four more words: never a good look.)
Agreeing to have sex then acting like you've done him a huge favour
Sex is supposed to be mutually pleasurable: if it isn't, then tell him what you need more of or want done differently so it is enjoyable for you.
'Seriously, it was like I owed her after we'd had sex,' one man told me.
'She might as well have put out her hand for my credit card and made it an honest transaction.'  
For more information about sex and relationships and for Tracey’s books and product range, visit traceycox.com.
Letting us do all the work when we’re on top
You’ve had a lifetime of experience thrusting, we haven’t - so are acutely aware we could be embarrassing the hell out of ourselves.
Help by holding our hips and lifting us up and down or at least move your hips up to meet ours.
Touching the bits of us that we’re self conscious about
You hate it when we hide our body, we hate it you repeatedly grab onto bits we’ve told you we hate being touched.
You think it sends a clear message of approval that our thighs or stomach are lovely and will stop us worrying unnecessarily.
Women are far more likely to end up with an STI than men are: we’re physiologically more susceptible than men.
We’re also the ones who may end up pregnant.
Pushing our heads down during oral sex
What do you think would happen if we pushed a big sausage down the back of your throat?
Is that something on your list of ‘Things I love to do’?
Rubbing the clitoris like you’re a boy scout trying to start a fire with two sticks
Great you’ve figured out that women like clitoral stimulation but you missed the point about it being very sensitive.
Some women like men to thrust really hard and really deep but for lots of women, it hurts..
It’s way too easy for your penis to hit the cervix – which is oweeeeee! painful.
Five seconds of kissing is not enough foreplay.
Neither is a half-hearted fumble around the breast area.
Almost as bad as no foreplay is you going straight for our bits with your fingers immediately as the session starts.
It takes time for us to warm up and for our body to respond to yours.
It’s impersonal and too generic: if you really want to arouse us, insert our name into that hot, sexy sentence.
Imagine a masseur massaging the same spot for 30 minutes: that’s how it feels when we have a marathon intercourse session.
If you’re still going after 13 minutes (which according to reputable research is the perfect length of time for intercourse) check we’re still connecting.
If you’ve gone on for too long, we’ll stop thrusting back and go ‘given up’ limp.
Insisting on making us orgasm when it’s clear we’re not going to
Sometimes it’s just not going to happen for reasons that are nothing to do with you.
Refusing to give up trying turns it into an ego thing. Not sexy. 
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The ten things women do during sex that men hate
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LAFAYETTE, Ind. – Anastazia Schmid was a free woman Tuesday – more than 18 years after she stabbed her boyfriend 39 times.
Schmid, 45, is not the same person she was on March 4, 2001, when she killed Tony Heathcote, according to those who advocated for Schmid.
Heathcote was defenseless against the attack because he was blindfolded and restrained as part of a consensual sex game the couple was playing, according to a case history included in a U.S. District Court's May 15 ruling that overturned Schmid's murder conviction.
During this sex game, Schmid went into a psychotic break from reality, according to a U.S. District Court. During the attack, Schmid heard a voice telling her that Heathcote was evil and needed to be eliminated.
She will be on parole for two years
On Monday, Schmid pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter.
She received an 44-year, 299-day sentence. With credit for good behavior and other time-cut credits, the new sentence amounted to time served.
Schmid was released Tuesday morning, Tippecanoe County Prosecutor Patrick Harrington said.
She will be on parole for two years, according to the court's sentencing order. If she violates parole, she can be sent back to prison to serve the 18 years she received off her sentence for good behavior.
Even if the U.S. District Court had not ordered the murder conviction vacated, Schmid only had two years remaining on a 50-year sentence she received in November 2002 (accounting for good behavior and other time-cut credits).
The U.S. District Court found that Schmid was mentally unfit for trial and unable to understand what was happening in the courtroom because of ineffective counsel.
That U.S. District Court ruling sent the case back to Tippecanoe County to decide how to proceed.
Ironically, Harrington offered Schmid the same plea agreement for voluntary manslaughter that she was offered in 2002 by then Prosecutor Jerry Bean.
In 2002, Schmid and prosecutors accepted that plea, but then Schmid's newly hired attorney rejected the agreement, and the case went to trial.
During Monday's hearing, Schmid took responsibility for the killing and expressed remorse, Harrington said.
"She apologized to the victim's family," Harrington said, noting that Heathcote's father and stepmother were in the courtroom.
Now that she's out of prison, Schmid will live in the Indianapolis area, Harrington said.
She's taken advantage of prison programs to earn an associate and bachelor's degrees, and she's enrolled in a master's degree program at IUPUI, Harrington said, noting Schmid has a full scholarship to IUPUI.
Whereas most offenders stand before a judge and pledge to make the most of prison programs to change their lives, Schmid proved it, Harrington said, summarizing Tippecanoe County Judge Steve Meyer's assessment of Schmid during the sentencing phase of Monday's hearing.
Schmid's supporters touted how she got her education in prison, participated in programs for mental health, and when there were no programs available, she started programs inside prison to help other prisoners struggling with mental health, Harrington said.
Follow Ron Wilkins on Twitter: @RonWilkins2
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