Woman Having Sex With A Horse

Woman Having Sex With A Horse


Woman Having Sex With A Horse
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Elvis, a spotted saddle horse, has been removed from his owner’s custody after crushing a woman to death. According to husband Rick Brownlee, Mary Brownlee had grown up around horses and this wasn’t her first time, so he was not worried she would be injured.
Rick Brownlee, Steven Hutchinson, and Joseph Hutchinson, who all live in the home where the horse was stabled, were not immediately forthcoming about the manner in which Mary had been killed.
Officer Michael Deschenes says at first they pretended not to know how she had been killed when they were questioned.
“Of course it was suspicious because she had her pants around her ankles. There was a puddle of what appeared to be a large amount of ejaculate. I told them that they were going to fess up or they was all going to jail.”
The men finally confessed, and police seized a video showing Mary Brownlee’s last minutes. On the video the men can be heard cheering, laughing, and breathing heavily while the horse mounted Mary. Investigators say the cracking of her ribs can be isolated on the tape. Because Mary was being crushed she was unable to scream for help.
Joseph Hutchinson says they honestly did not know she was in trouble. “I heard a snap. Just thought it was the fence starting to give. I’m real sorry the horse had to go through this. You can tell he’s awfully traumatized over it.”
According to police, the horse will be placed with another local rancher who has promised that he will not let anyone have sex with it.

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Jean Marie Bugoma plead guilty to bestiality.
Bexar County Jail

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A Texas man who admitted to having sex with a horse and sexually assaulting several others has been jailed for a decade.
Jean Marie Bugoma, 24, was convicted on Wednesday after pleading guilty to bestiality, KSAT reported .
The sick acts occurred at a San Antonio equine boarding facility on at least three occasions between June 2020 and February 2021.
In the first instance, Bugoma was caught on surveillance camera walking through the stables naked, according to an arrest affidavit.
The owner noticed soon after that two of his horses were injured and a vet later determined the animals had been sexually assaulted.
Authorities said Bugoma went to the stables again months later and had sex with one of the horses.
Two other horses had also been “hobbled,” which meant their legs were bound together.
When the owner caught Bugoma back at the stable in February last year, authorities obtained a warrant that determined DNA taken from one of the horses matched that of the suspect.

Do not have sex with horses. Seriously, don't.

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Unbelievably, many women have done this over the years. In some places, women into a certain form of bestiality called " belly-riders " would lie suspended from a harness hung from the horses back while they march in a parade, sometimes naked, but always wearing skirts if clothed. (This practice in parades has since been outlawed in those countries since the women kept getting killed .)
The problems with this are many, since it's still your perogative if you want to have sex with horses or not, hey, ain't nobodys buisness if you do, I will not pass judgement on this practice, other than the medical problems I will now mention.
In conclusion, do not have sex with horses unless you are a professional, have the proper training, don't care what other people will think if they find out, and don't mind the possibility of extreme bodily injury and/or death, and breaking the law .
I mean, I've heard of daredevils, but this is ridiculous.
(edit: I first wrote this when I was about 15~ years old.� Now that I'm 35 I'd like to say that my position on having sex with horses remains negative.� As a young man I stated that I would not judge others for having sex with horses.� I lied. If you had sex with a horse between 2000 and 2019 please know that I did, in fact, judge you.)
In my class on European History, we are lucky to have perhaps the world's craziest teacher. Mr. Ackerman fills his lectures with tidbits he finds amusing and historical side notes, many of them vulgar.
My personal favorite involves the death of Catherine the Great of Russia , which reputedly occurred as she was attempting to have sex with a horse. This of course never actually happened , but it interests me nevertheless because I have no idea how a rumor like that could have been started.
Were there tabloids in the 18th century ? Or did some foe of the Tsars pay historians to lie? And either way, why would you try to make people believe such a thing? It reminds me, in a way, of the Piltdown Man .
Of course, the whole horse-fucking rumor is all the more hilarious when you consider that the woman who was possibly the only benevolent, effective leader in Russian history is remembered only for her nonexistent, perverted means of death .
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Bestiality, the act of having sex with an animal, tends to conjure images of a mucky, socially inadequate, desperate farmer sneaking into the barn after dark, or depraved groups of thrill-seekers forcing sex with drugged, abused, or otherwise mistreated animals (like the case of Douglas Spink a
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