Woman Double Penetration

Woman Double Penetration


Woman Double Penetration
Why Marvel's Karen Gillan Embraces Her Anxiety
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This content is imported from Giphy. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Korin Miller
Korin Miller is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, sexual health and relationships, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Self, Glamour, and more.

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At least now you know you're not the only one who checks his e-mail when he's not around.
I have a confession to make: When my husband Chris is out of town, I tend to act a little...differently.
I'll wait hours to shower after going for a run, lounge around the house in my grody workout gear, and eat ice cream straight from the tub. I also always go to bed in my comfiest and most unsexy pajamas (a onesie with a butt flap, thank you very much).
I spend so much time bringing my A-game when he's around that it feels a- freaking -mazing to do the complete opposite when I'm left to my own devices.
Of course, one time he came home early and caught me in the act. I was standing in the kitchen, eating ice cream with a fork, while working my holey, '80s-cut running underwear, a sports bra, and greasy hair. It was heaven...until he walked in.
While I was mortified, it still hasn't stopped me from doing the same thing every time he's out of town. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who has little habits that I keep from my other half. Just to be positive (because I really, really don’t want to give up my onesie), I took a survey of my married girlfriends. Here's what I discovered (the names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent):
"My husband never logs out of his e-mail when he's done and sometimes even leaves it up on our computer. So of course I'm going to look at it. I've never found anything even remotely off, but that doesn't stop me from looking around his inbox and sent folder every once in a while." — Sarah
"Sometimes, I'll check out my husband on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and spend time looking at what he posted. It's kind of weird, but I guess I'm just curious to see what he's talking about and who he's talking with when he's not with me." — Katie
"I've never farted in front of my husband—at least that I'll admit—but sometimes I have a gas problem, especially when I order this one dish I love from a Mexican takeout place near my house that's loaded with onions. I only order it when my husband isn't going to be around for 24 hours so I can fart in peace." — Laney
"Every once in a while, I'll look at my husband's texts. I'm paranoid he has one of those apps that tell you when someone's been on your phone—but apparently not paranoid enough." — Amy
"My husband is big on recapping his workday in detail when he gets home. It's so boring, so I usually tune him out. I discovered that I can say the right things at the right time by reading his facial expressions. If he looks upset, I'll just say something like, 'I'm sorry,' when he stops talking. He thinks I was listening the whole time." — Erin
Here are a few other things many married women do but would never own up to:
Throw out your husband’s ratty Homer Simpson boxers when he’s not around and then pretend to help look for them when he starts panicking about not being able to find them.
Watch the next episode of The Walking Dead without your man, but pretend to be shocked at the twists and turns when you watch again with him.
“Forget” to unload the dishwasher, take out the trash, or make the bed, so he has to do it.
Polish off the leftovers from the night before and then play dumb about their whereabouts.
Talk for ages about how “stressed” and “overwhelmed” you are, so he volunteers to take on your regular chores.
Speed through sex because you really, really want to be done in time for the new episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians .
So, okay, keeping some habits on the DL in your marriage is apparently normal, although I bet women aren't the only ones who do this. Just to be sure, I asked a married guy friend.
His response: "Sometimes I unplug the Wi-Fi router if I lose an argument."

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A weekly exploration of women and power.
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General Assignment Reporter, HuffPost
Elite Daily asked several women to draw their ideal penis . Using a ruler, they obliged.
Some were reluctant. Some eagerly took to the task.
"This is actually my favorite thing to do, is to draw penises," one participant said.
If this somewhat NSFW video proves anything, it's that penis preference is about as diverse as artistic talent.
General Assignment Reporter, HuffPost

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F or those who have done double penetration with a lady, can you actually feel the other guys cock in the other hole while fucking her? Does the other guy enhance the DP or turn you off a bit? Feelings on DP for people who have experienced it?

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Y es. There's not that much tissue between him and you. There is only just so much 'room' inside her. So it tends to tighten your 'vacancy".

It's hot.
Y es you can def feel the other guy. I have tried this twice with two different girls. The one girl was tiny with barely any space between her pussy and ass. The second girl was a bit heavier and it was not as noticeable. Both girls absolutely loved it. As did we!!! I would recommend this to everyone at least once in your life
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By Nina Contento AND Brittany Brolley / Updated: Aug. 23, 2021 1:24 pm EDT
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Ladies, we can almost all agree... there are habits we all deem embarrassing, but in reality, they're actually very common. These are things we can get away with in the privacy of our own homes, cars, and offices, but also in the biggest crowds of people — if we're sneaky. We are all human and we've gotta get by somehow. So, now that cat's out of the bag, girls. But it's okay. We get it, and we're assuming the rest of us get it, too.
After speaking with a few brave ladies, we've found there are some habits that occur more often among women. Guaranteeing these women would remain anonymous, they listed off some of their tendencies at rapid fire, while others smiled and nodded in a blushing agreement. Check out what they said and why these habits can be looked at as common secrets.
Let's start with the obvious. Women do fart, even though our grandmothers swore that wasn't the case. But the facts don't lie. Everyone does, despite what your boyfriend or little brother thinks. Women fart just as much as men, passing gas an average of 10-20 times per day, according to Dr. Purna Kashyap , gastroenterologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. A TED-Ed video he helped create explains how passing gas is actually a sign of healthy gut function. Things like beans, oats, soy, and dairy can cause you to be more gassy than usual. Now, if you believe your excessive flatulence is affecting your day-to-day life, you may need to change your diet, or see a doctor to make sure it's not something more serious. 
Cyber-stalking. Relax, it's the legal (yet still frowned-upon ) kind of stalking. OK, maybe we shouldn't call it "stalking," because that sounds pretty intense, but it's normal to be curious about who dates who, who works where, what your neighbor had for breakfast, or what the girl in your bio class wore for Halloween in 2006 — scandalous . Your ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend took a nice trip last winter, and that's... cool. He never took you on vacations, but you don't really care. You're just passing the time, right? 
Or remember that guy you met at the bar last night? He was super cute, but you only know his first name, so naturally as soon as you got home you searched all of Facebook for Ryan in the Upper East Side. You find him, over-analyze all of his pictures, find out his likes and dislikes, and learn he has a cat named Frank . Hey, this can be a good thing. It could save you from relationship hell by finding out beforehand that he's got some crazy obsession or that he already has a girlfriend. There are even tips out there on how to cyber-stalk like a pro . Keep it to a minimum though, ladies, and keep some mystery in your life.
Come on, who really has the time to wash your hair every day? It's quite a process and usually includes shampoo, conditioner, oils, and other products, so we end up putting it all off for just one more day, right? There's a reason top-knots are so popular. Apparently, that fast-paced lifestyle is better for your hair. "The natural oils that come from our scalp need time to spread throughout the hair, whether it be running our fingers through it or styling it. Not only is it an important key in keeping your hair in good condition, but shampooing everyday can result in a dry scalp," said Alyssa Badiali , professional hairstylist. "The texture and density of the hair will determine how long you can get away with it. I say, the longer the better." 
So, to keep from shampooing too much, but also avoiding greasy or dirty-looking hair, dry shampoo can be a girl's best friend — not to mention many smell wonderful. It will give you that clean hair feel in seconds. Could have fooled everyone, right? 
It's not that we don't do laundry, but sometimes we don't have time or energy to hand-wash our delicates, especially when the process takes a lot of time and we're partial to the one bra that perks the girls up just right. Believe it or not, according Jennifer O'Connell , Rigby & Peller Lingerie Stylists London, bras can become damaged if you wait too long . "Bras can get discolored and start to deteriorate or stretch faster if not washed often enough," explained O'Connell.
According to lingerie expert, Kim "Kimmay" Caldwell , "Bras that go too long without a wash can cause a few problems. First, depending on the material of the bra, it can lock in foul odors from your body and your environment. Second, your body oils and perspiration can build up on the bra, breaking down the delicate or stretchy materials, like elastic. Over-washing and under-washing are both a no-no."
If only they didn't come with such time-consuming instructions. "If you wash your bras by machine, we [also] recommend that you hook them and put them in a lingerie bag and then wash on the delicate cycle in cool water," said O'Connell. But wait, it gets better. "The washing machine is bad for bras, but the dryer is absolute murder!" explained Caldwell. Yes, this is what takes up all our time and is probably why we don't wash our bras properly or as often as we should. But in order for us to not do any damage to our beloved support system, we need to take care of them the right way.
So, how often? Rigby and Peller said we should do this after two or three wears with proper lingerie soap. Caldwell gives us a little more time, saying it's time to wash after four to five wears. And why lingerie soap, you ask? "Because bras are mostly made of elastic and delicate materials, regular soaps are too harsh. Whether you hand-wash or put them into the gentle cycle of your machine, be sure to use a soap meant for lingerie, lace, or even hosiery," said Caldwell.
Using sex appeal as a leg-up is a common, yet overused habit for a lot of women. Some may suggest it works best when getting pulled over, asking for a raise, or trying to get something you want. It's definitely frowned upon among many, but not always. In Erotic Capital: The Power of Attraction in the Boardroom and the Bedroom , Catherine Hakim goes into detail about why women should use their beauty and sex appeal to get ahead in life. She says an attractive person is more likely to land a job and be promoted.
One study in Italy has shown that beauty is, in fact, a large factor in getting a job. Out of 1,000 resumes sent out, all the same with minor changes to names and addresses — and a different photo — women perceived as attractive received a 54 percent call-back rate, while unattractive women received a whopping 7 percent call back rate. Wow, and they say beauty is only skin deep.
We bite our nails for so many reasons. Maybe they're too long, maybe you're stressed, maybe you broke one and now they all need to match. Or maybe it's just a habit you just can't quit. We have bad news for all you nail-biters out there. Not only is it unsanitary, but according to a study in the Indian Journal of Dental Research , biting your nails is bad for your teeth and your jaw. It can cause small fractures on your teeth, and even may cause bacterial infections in your mouth and stomach. Yikes. So, the next time you go to put your fingers in your mouth, don't.
Remember when your mom used to slap your hand away from your nose even though you thought you were being super incognito? Well, some habits, even the gross ones, never die. You do it in places no one is looking, like driving your car by yourself, probably without even realizing it. It happens, we've all been caught with our finger up our noses despite our best efforts in hiding it. Multiple studies have proven we all do it, but one Dutch study in 2006 proved why we should stop. According to the study, those who pick their noses have a better chance of getting a bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus, which can cause skin infections, bloodstream infections, respiratory infections, bone and joint infections, and even food poisoning. Think about that before you go digging for gold.
Raise your hand if you've ever gotten your period when you didn't expect it. Aunt Flo just loves showing up unannounced, and although you probably try your best to keep a spare tampon in your bag, it doesn't always happen. Sometimes you won't even know you've started your period until you're already in the stall — dropped trou and all. So, what's a girl to do?
Well, until you can track down a real tampon, you work with what you've got. In a matter of moments, you can assemble a makeshift tampon by rolling toilet paper into a cylindrical shape. Although this method is common, obstetrician-gynecologist Lauren Streicher explained on The Dr. Oz Show (via Sharecare ) that it's not a good idea. "The reason is even though it looks like it's really firm, the minute it gets moist it's going to apart and there's no way you're going to get it all out of you." This could then lead to irritation and cause bacteria to develop.
Streicher gave the okay to use toilet paper as pads in a pinch, but you'll definitely want to 86 those TP tampons.
If anyone were to ask you about your beauty regimen, you could probably easily list off your favorite night cream or eye serum, but there's one part of every woman's routine that is hush-hush. We may not talk about it much, but tweezing random chin hairs is an all-too-real aspect of our lives.
As far back as 1961, doctors have been trying to understand these pesky hairs. After
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