Withdrawals in MenuBuilderBot

Withdrawals in MenuBuilderBot


Bots constructor @MenuBuilderBot allows you to automate the work with third-party payment systems in your bot. You can automatically accept payments, as well as withdraw funds accumulated by users in the bot. You can send reports on payments to public groups, at the same time, all funds are accumulated on your own wallets.

Withdrawal functionality works in close connection and complements the capabilities of Automatic Payments (top-ups), which in turn, allows you to accept and duplicate on the balance of the bot, payments received from third-party payment systems and wallets. Thus, users can automatically (without the participation of administrator) replenish their balance in certain "conventional units", the value of which is related to the value of the assets they have transferred. In this case, the data itself is stored in variables in the form of numerical values. The list of wallets, exchanges, payment systems and individual cryptocurrencies for which the auto payment functionality has been created is available in your bot:

☞ 🔐Admin | 🧩Extensions | 📂Auto Payments

All instructions on connecting Auto Payments, for each of the available payment systems, you will find there, although in this guide we will tell you about working with Automatic Withdrawals.

📜 The translation of the submitted materials into your native language can be automatically carried out using the Google translator. Follow the link and select the desired language in the title:

⬛ Automatic payouts (withdrawals)

This function allows you to organize the withdrawal of funds accumulated by your users on the balances (in variables) of the bot, to third-party wallets and payment systems. The withdrawal function is a button with the necessary functionality and settings, created by the administrator using the step-by-step Settings Wizard.

To work with this functionality, you need to understand the concept of variables and how the abstract data of variables in the bot correlates with real monetary assets received on third-party wallets.

The withdrawal button allows you to:

1. Set up the withdrawal of funds from the user's balance (variable) for subsequent withdrawal, with all the necessary conditions, messages and data collection required for the transfer. Funds can be automatically returned to the user's balance in case of declined withdrawal.

2 Set up and send a withdrawal request to the admins in a separate group, with the ability to approve or decline withdrawal, after reviewing the request and manually transferring funds - in the case of a semi-automatic withdrawal. For systems in which automatic mode is available, the transfer from an external wallet is carried out directly upon approval of administrator in the group.

3. Configure messages to notify the user about approval, refusal, or non-compliance with conditions.

4. Set up a group and message for public reports on payments in your bot.

5. For payment systems in which a fully automatic transfer of funds is available, separate settings for the wallet ID, as well as comment on the automatic transaction, are available.

⬛ Creating a withdrawal button

1. Purchase the required number of withdrawal buttons in your bot:

☞ 🔐Admin | 🧩Extensions | 📂Buttons

2. Create a regular button in the desired place on the menu using

🎛 Button Editor | ➕ Add Button

and go to its settings by pressing the [*] asterisk.

3. Click “Assign Withdrawal” in the settings menu.

4. To start configuring the withdraw functionality, click "Set Withdrawal". Withdrawal settings are presented in the form of a step-by-step Settings Wizard. Note that the wizard's messages are containing additional instructions and all possible options for each step.

4.1 Setting the group where to send messages of withdrawal requests. The user in the bot requests a withdrawal - the admins added to the group, receives the user's data.

The group must already be configured and the bot must be the admin in it. The group is pointed by pressing the button with the number corresponding to the required group. If this bot is not an admin in any group, then there will be nothing to choose from. Follow the link to see instructions on setting up a bot for working in groups. See the Settings Wizard message for additional instructions.

4.2 Specifying the user variable from which the specified withdrawal amount will be deducted. In other words, the withdrawal is carried out with this variable.

4.3 Specifying the minimum amount that the user can request for withdrawal.

4.4 Specifying the maximum amount that the user can request for withdrawal.

Setting up these parameters are optional. If the user specifies an amount that does not correspond to the parameters or there is not enough money on his balance, an error message will be displayed (the setting of which we will describe below).

4.5 The first message is an indication of the amount. This is the message that will be shown to the user when he clicks the "Withdraw Funds" button that you are creating. In this message, you must ask the user to enter the desired amount for withdrawal.

IMPORTANT: In all custom messages (here and below), you can use macros of your bot's variables, as well as additional macros that are specified in the instructions of the Settings Wizard for each step.

4.6 The second message is a request of user's details for translation. In this message, you must ask the user to indicate his address, wallet, phone number or other identifier in the format of the system for which the withdrawal is generated. You will be making a transfer to this wallet.

4.7 The third message is confirmation. It is assumed that in this message you must: collect all the data obtained in the previous steps and present them to the user. Ask him to confirm his request. All additional macros available for this message are specified in the instructions of the Settings Wizard.

This completes the initial setup of the Withdraw Button.

5. Success Message.

Here you can specify the message that the user will receive, if all the data entered by him is correct and the withdrawal request is sent to the administrators for consideration.

6. Fail Message.

Here you can indicate the messages that the user will receive if the data entered by him is incorrect or the withdrawal conditions are not met (the requested withdrawal amount is greater than the amount on the balance, or less than the minimum, etc.).

7. Confirm Message.

Here you can specify the message that the user will receive if his request was approved by the admin (this setting is optional).

8. Decline Message.

Here you can specify the message that the user will receive if his request was declined by the admin (this setting is optional).

9. Private Group Report.

The setting allows you to generate a withdrawal request that will be received by admins in a private group. In this report, you must put all the data that will allow the admins in the group to make a decision on confirmation or refusal to withdraw, and also have in front of you all the data collected from the user. All additional macros available for this message are specified in the instructions for this option.

IMPORTANT: In the group to which these reports are received, only admins should be present and the privacy of the group should be ensured by you personally - since the user data (without which the withdrawal is impossible, and which, for this reason, must be present in each of the requests) are personal and should not be available publicly.

10. Public Group Report.

Here you create a function (message) to duplicate the report, with data that can be presented publicly, that is a public report or confirmation of funds withdrawals. The settings are made using the step-by-step Settings Wizard.

IMPORTANT: We strongly recommend to DO NOT publishing any personal data of users - identificators, Telegram IDs, wallets of payment systems, mail addresses, etc., in a public space. All data in public messages and reports should be as anonymous as possible.

10.1 Setting the group where to send the public report message. As for a private report, the group must already be configured and the bot must be the admin in it. If this bot is not an admin in any group, then there will be nothing to choose from. Follow the link to see instructions on setting up a bot for working in groups. See the Settings Wizard message for additional instructions.

10.2 You can send a message to a public group both: immediately after the user has requested a withdrawal, and only after the withdrawal is approved by the administrator in the private group. This option is configured BEFORE adding the message itself.

10.3 Adding a message for a public report. All macros of your bot are available for use in the public report, see the Settings Wizard message for additional instructions.

11. Set PayID (may absent in your menu).

This setting is available only for systems with fully automatic withdrawal and allows you to set up a fully automatic transfer of funds from the wallet of your third-party payment system to the corresponding wallet of your user. The transfer is carried out upon approval of the withdrawal by the admin in the group. The settings are made using the step-by-step Settings Wizard.

IMPORTANT: The ability to connect and configure this functionality is considered individually for each of you, so the button may either be absent or not work in your case. Instructions for setting up and obtaining the appropriate API keys will be provided to you in case of a positive decision to provide this functionality.

11.1 Setting the PayID of your wallet. The ID number is assigned individually upon activation and will be presented to you when need be.

11.2 Comment on automatic payment. This is the text that will be placed in the "Comment" or "Note" field when transferring funds automatically - if the payment system supports it. In this message, you can use macros of your bot variables, as well as additional macros that are indicated in the instructions of the Settings Wizard.

⬛ Additional Information

To organize the financial system of your bot, the following are also available:

◾️ Balance Transaction Log

The log (Logging, Journaling) of changes is a function that saves the information necessary to restore the sequence of charges and is a historical record of all changes affecting the balance of the bot.

To add feature go to your bot:

☞ 🔐Admin | 🧩Extensions | 📂Logs and Data

◾️ Export of User Data

Allows you to export to a file the data of ONLY those users who at least somehow manifested themselves in your bot, besides just wandering through the menu.

To add feature go to your bot:

☞ 🔐Admin | 🧩Extensions | 📂Logs and Data

◾️ Currency Exchange Rates

It will add to your bot automatically updated exchange rates, which will have all the properties of variables, and also have their own macros for each currency pair and each exchange direction.

To add feature go to your bot:

☞ 🔐Admin | 🧩Extensions | 📂Logs and Data


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