With the support of international experts, master plans are being developed for the development of Shakhrisabz and Kamashi districts

With the support of international experts, master plans are being developed for the development of Shakhrisabz and Kamashi districts


With the support of the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), VDI/VDE/IT is developing master plans for the development of Shakhrisabz and Kamashi districts.

The master plan is an important tool for reasonable planning of the economy of the territory in the medium and long term and is a document that reflects the directions of development and specialization of the territory, the need for infrastructure, the measures that need to be implemented to fulfill the wishes of the population and entrepreneurs, as well as the possibility of attracting investments and allocating business land.

Everyone involved in the development of the territory, that is, central authorities, local khokimiyats, mahallas, entrepreneurs and representatives of the population who are directly involved in this process, is involved in the development of the master plan.

In April of this year, international experts, together with local authorities, conducted a preliminary on-site (diagnostic) study of the regions' capabilities, their problems, "growth points" and potential, as well as their implementation.

At the second stage, international experts will sow Shakhrisabz and Kamashi regions on June 6-10 this year and continue research.

In particular, on June 8, round tables and seminar-trainings were organized in the Shakhrisabz region, at which proposals were put forward for cluster, that is, the interconnected development of the driver industries of the region, and tourism, agriculture, IT and services.

Representatives of local authorities, assistants to the khokim, chairmen of mahallas and the population, entrepreneurs, who expressed their proposals and recommendations on determining the directions of development and specialization of the district, also took an active part in it.

Based on the results of round tables, training seminars and research, the first draft of the master plans for Shakhrisabz and Kamashi districts will be prepared and will be re-discussed with the business community and the local population in July.

After the development of master plans is completed, practical work on their implementation will begin.

Information Service of the

Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction

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