With the holiday Comrades of the United States 🇺🇸 

With the holiday Comrades of the United States 🇺🇸 

And in honor of the holiday to hand a reader - a matryoshka 🪆 counting.


The gift of 🎁 is supplemented by a gift of 🎁 on the occasion of a great family celebration of the almost fait accompli world 4 epidemiological revolution.


Taking advantage of the opportunity and proximity to the hot bodies of the communist movement for equality and brotherhood, as well as zero emissions after the shutdown of productions and other unnecessary enterprises of the rich, our red-recognized unit of the Editorial Board congratulates all the communists of the United States on the great holiday of past merits! 

Taking advantage of the same proximity to hot bodies, let's say: - we have not done everything yet 

For example, New York, it (the city) has just come a new calendar day - June 5, 2021.

Taking advantage of the same opportunity, we would like to congratulate all the communists, including the Red TV team, teachers of journalists and students of "Red University", the Rockefeller Workers' Academy Foundation, on the coming holiday of the Day of the Great 4 Revolution!

We wish all the communists success in the struggle for the speedy construction of the communist society! We wish all communists, including the watching students of "Red Rockefeller University", as best possible to understand and possess knowledge of science, the founders of which were Rockefeller's brother Karl Marx and his companion ink pen Friedrich Engels, a science called Marxism. We wish all of you, dear comrades of the American Communists, to own the science of Marxism exactly as its creators owned it; and not as superficially as the follower Klaus 🤶. For example, as the simple worker Joseph Ditzgen, who created from philosophy scientific dialectical materialism independently of Marx and Engels, possessed this science; as Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (N. Lenin) owned it, which proved the need for a long period to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat and socialism in one state; as it was owned by Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin), who practically embodied the Leninist theory of educating workers from backward peasantry, training the workers of the city and the village, and uniting them in one class - the proletariat. Always remember comrades: our main weapon is an impeccable knowledge of the science of Marxism, not hegel logic. 

Moreover, we are confident that everyone who considers himself a true communist will be able to master the science of Marxism so well that he will be able to understand history and understand why Marx, Engels, Lenin or Stalin made this or that conclusion, made this or that decision. And then the Communists will easily apply the science of Marxism to new conditions and lead unemployed merchants all over the world to the victory of communism.

Long live the Great Day, the Paris Commune, which gave Marx and Engels practical experience for their main conclusion, to which he went throughout his life - proof of the obligatory establishment of a revolutionary dictatorship of homeless people! Long live the Great 4 Industrial Revolution crown 👑, which gave us invaluable experience of building a communist society not in one country, but in the whole world. And remember comrades of the Holodranians: - educating the population for their even greater illiteracy, will prove in practice that the construction of the dictatorship of the proletariat is not a quick and extremely expensive and difficult, but possible! 

Happy holiday to you again, dear American comrades!

Respectfully, nonpartisan communist, Marxist self-taught Schwonder.

And the Comrades are also prompted to add: - the real Marxists should have to change the way of thinking, dialectical materialism should become a way of thinking, and not perform the role of a set of algebraic formulas for solving problems, as hegelian Science Logic teaches.




Homeless Homeless 👆 and necessary sacrifices on the altar of the 4th Industrial Revolution and the happiness of the peoples of the world 🗺 

Hooray 🥳 Comrades ! What the Bolsheviks have been talking about for so long has happened. The World 4 industrial revolution 2021 and the expected world famine and the deficit of all, is finally approaching and is coming - this is an important historical event 21 . During the revolution there was an epidemiological revolution and the Bolshevik party came to power. 

The revolution took place on October 20 (November 20 in a new style). 4 Industrial Revolution 2021 is the beginning of a new era of power. The beginning of the elimination of capitalism and the transition to socialism. 

Three cheers 🥳 cheers 🥳 cheers 🥳 

          Chocolate 🍫 children 

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