With a list about fresh updates or up-to-date status with chainid in transactions

With a list about fresh updates or up-to-date status with chainid in transactions

Roman Sivakov

(metamask so far -, the others +/- add. it's worth paying attention to the top few upd for links, where we do a search on ...


Discussion of data type for chainid. status: Draft

EIPs: EIP-155, EIP-3014, EIP-3770, EIP-4527.

scopeObject, etc

Actually, here is the latest from wagmi-dev (normalization and all) 

Here too are updates on interfaces, clients, etc. On the topic of chainid

Well and safe more (spring) a long time ago. there and in the context of AA, and with wagmi and stuff.

Here about tokens and chains. Using you as an example, among other things, so that's a bunch of stuff.

 Here about MAX_SAFE_CHAIN_ID = 450359999627370476;

MetaMask ignores this field.

The chain ID is derived from the user's current selected network at window.ethereum.networkVersion.

*In the future, MetaMask might allow connecting to multiple networks at the same time, at which point this parameter will become important, so it might be useful to be in the habit of including it now.

Haven't had a chance to look at it yet, but maybe I should:


Blocknative Web3-Onboard,


and the one with walletconnect last.

Original Draft via deepl!

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