Witchcraft Sex

Witchcraft Sex


Witchcraft Sex
• Relax the mind and body through a favored relaxation technique.
• Prolong this state for around half an hour to sixty minutes.
• Visualize the intended outcome of the magical working.
• Reach orgasm; release the intention into the space.
• Express gratitude for the fulfillment of your wish or desire, either mentally or out loud.

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Nothing makes conservative minds more horrified than the phrase “sex magic”, presumably as it conjures up images of Satanic orgies and abuse used to achieve the most perverted of ends. Indeed this is the one aspect of Paganism, and the magical world in general, that is most often salaciously dragged through the tabloid press. Witches are not embarrassed of, or ashamed by the subject of sex. It is seen as being perfectly normal and enjoyable and as something that should be celebrated and venerated. After all, without it no human would exist. We owe our lives to sex and for some this seems to be a difficult thing to swallow.
As is usually the case though, sex magic has been blown out of all recognition by certain sections of the media and some religious organizations that have a vested interest in demonizing Wiccans. Perhaps the main difference between Witches’ views on this subject and large sections of the society that they live in is that Witches see that sex is a powerful way to make magic. As far as magical practice is concerned, sex has much the same effect on the mind and the body as chanting and dancing. That is, it stimulates and raises large amounts of energy and at the same time has a calming effect on the mind. Indeed, at the point of orgasm the mind tends to completely forget itself.
The most important thing that can be done when working magic is to reach the point of nothingness, the point at which the idea of self no longer exists. For it is here that a direct connection to the Divine can be established. This is the place from which all things arise, from where all things come to pass. The Witch or Magician strives to reach this state for here is the best place to work magic. When an intention or will for something to happen is cast into this void it travels quickly through the state of non-being into fruition; much more quickly than if it were let loose into the physical world with all its distractions and clutter.
The act of sex and, most specifically, the orgasm, provides one of the easiest ways to reach the required state of mind. Ideally, this kind of magic is best worked with partners of opposite sex who have the same intention. This is for reasons of female/male polarity. Here there is no reason why it cannot be achieved through all male or all female coupling or even through masturbation.
Like all things magical, sex magic takes practice . Here the difficulty is concentrating on the intention through an orgasm and releasing it at the correct time. Most people find this extremely difficult to achieve, primarily because the magical intention may simply not be very sexy or completely incongruous to the love-making.
That said, once mastered, this technique of magic is probably the most powerful there is. Great care should be used in setting an intention for this method. As always do not will things for others without their consent and knowledge and never use it for negative means.
• Prepare yourself for the act, you may wish to take a ritual bath.
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Tina Caro is a passionate solitary witch, an astrologer, a yogi, and she's a passionate supporter of all things holistic! Her favorites are green magick, moon rituals, and shadow work.
Today, I’ll show you a few sex spells and rituals that will help you boost your life between the sheets. Together, we’ll reconnect with your ancestral energy and your most intimate self while also strengthen the bond with your loved one.
Casting your own magic spells takes skill and patience and isn’t recommended in most cases. I provide these “do it yourself” spells for educational purposes, but it is strongly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster such as myself and allow me to do the work for you.
This way you know it’s being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable and I’m also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.
The purpose of the Great Sex Life Spell Casting is creating a more satisfying sex life. It’s can be cast for couples or individuals. It increases your libido, improves your performance/endurance, and increase the pleasure during sexual encounters.
I have helped hundreds of clients over the years, and I’d love to work with you as well.
Sex spells are magical rituals ready to help you boost your sex life, creating a unique luxurious burning desire between you and your partner.
These spells and rituals are a great tool if you feel any lack of confidence, any distance between you and your loved one but, most of all, to have the best sex of your life!
Let’s see now how these spells really work and which are the best spells to practice in the comfort of your home and without any experience required. Let’s begin.
Sex magic is almost all about red magic . Also called “magic of love”, “sexual magic” or “lust magic”. Red magic is an occult discipline used to operate most interventions in a sentimental and sexual environment, such as:
A ritualistic sex spell performed in red magic works exceptionally and is aimed at generating, awakening or increasing sensations and feelings of extraordinary intensity. This will cause a reaction thanks to a peremptory flow of energies having the purpose of arousing a love or a powerful sexual passion.
Plus, if your relationship is almost on the rocks, you will have the chance to empower your relationship, starting from the deepest form of desire and lust.
Here’s a list of the strongest sex spells chants an rituals that are suitable for all.
This spell will increase the sexual attraction between you and your partner. This should ideally be done often and when he/she is asleep.
Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly
Effectiveness: 3/5
The more often you do it, the better. This spell may have to be reinforced from time to time.
This is a straightforward ritual that only needs a few things to work.
Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly
Effectiveness: 3/5
This ritual must begin on the day of Jupiter ( Thursday ) between midnight and three in the morning.
Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly
Effectiveness: 3/5
You’ll need to use esoteric tools and techniques, which can lead to errors, if not used correctly.
That could cause a drastic fall in energy, due to energetic vampires or the approach of unwanted spirits.
To perform the spell, you must know the full name and last name of the person you want, and his date of birth.
Difficulty: Experienced Witch
Effectiveness: 5/5
Keep the remaining of the candle until you’re sure the spell worked.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Effectiveness: 5/5
Later, you can repeat it to rekindle the passion.
Here’s a trick to enhance this spell.
Use this trick if you already did the 1st part and didn’t get any effect, or if you’re in a hurry.
If you feel your sex life is a little bit stuck, try this ritual, and you will have the chance to reignite the passion!
A true sex spell or a ritual that is effective and not dangerous should be performed to bring benefits and positivity and NEVER to create forcing or constraints against the will of the person.
Remember, these spells are identified with the noble red magic and are not, and never will be connected with the black magic.
Important: use spells that are all about establishing a healthy relationship. Avoid using blood or any other organic substance as things could get tricky and dangerous.
Commit, play it safely, and you will have the chance to really see and experience a massive change in your love life, with some help of sex magic!
Tina Caro is a passionate solitary witch, an astrologer, a yogi, and she's a passionate supporter of all things holistic! Her favorites are green magick, moon rituals, and shadow work.
Magickal Spot is a witchcraft site dedicated to offering magical education, and we do this thorough explanation of the craft and its many nuances.
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By Amanda Hillsdale | Website | Facebook | Instagram
Does this Quarantine have you feeling off-balance? Now more than ever, we are in a place of rest and reflection around our bodies – which is the perfect time to explore working with your own orgasm to harness creative sexual energy and manifest a desired outcome.
Sex Magick is an effective tool utilizing the build up, climax and release of sexually charged energy during ritual practice for specific results. Sexual magick is different from “just” sex in that it is used for the express purpose of creating and manifesting, as opposed to sexual pleasure and / or procreation.
No one really knows with absolute certainty where sex magick originates from, only that it has been around since the beginning of mankind. Depending on whom you ask, some will say it started with the earliest of pagans celebrating Beltane, while others may discuss the healing qualities of eastern practices, such as Tantra, to treat underlying dis-easment in the body related to genital armoring.
I recommend creating a plan for what you are calling in. Let’s use one of my favorite examples: a career change. 
This ritual would be planned for a new moon, complete with herbs, along with candles in crystals in the appropriate colors. Begin with a cleansing ritual bath, adding your favorite salts to wash away the day and restore your personal energy. During the bath, visualize everything that has been weighing you down leaving your body, washing down the drain. After the bath, cleanse and create a sacred space just for this ritual work. Use fresh, clean bed sheets to remove any residual energy from other work, dreams, sex, or sleep . You may call in your quarters, spirits, elements, or create crystal grids to form a protective circle around your work (depending upon your personal beliefs and practice).
Once your body is in a comfortable position, start with breath work. Listen to how your body breathes, feel it in your organs. See golden light entering your body through the nose and exiting your body through the mouth, pulling the grey dis-easements out.
Begin masturbating, and focus your energy on your candles that have been charged and consecrated with your intentions, or on any sigils written on paper next to you.
Visualize what this next-level version of you looks like. While still masturbating, feel the softness of your body and the rise and fall of breath in your lungs as your excitement continues building. 
Focus your mind on what a typical day in your new career will look like. How early do you get up for this new career? What type of work will you be doing? How does it feel to be living in alignment with your purpose? As your energy continues to build, think of how great your new career will be – how this new career will make you feel emotionally, and what changes it will bring financially.
As your body reaches climax, close out your typical day, remembering how much you loved this new career. Affirm that with this energy, you are releasing all fears and doubts around it, and that you will start this new career when the universe offers it to you.
Allow your body a few minutes to rest and soak in the oxytocin and endorphins you’ve just generated with that euphoric feeling. You are the master of your universe, and you have the power to make changes happen.
Afterwards, remember to close your sacred circle, thank your quarters, spirits, elements, or crystals that held safe space during your ritual work. 
The after-care is just as important as the ritual work itself in Sex Magick.
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