Witch Trainer My Dear Waifu

Witch Trainer My Dear Waifu


Witch Trainer My Dear Waifu

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1. Explore the room and it'll turn to nightfall. Snape shows up to talk. Next day, you can start searching Dumbledore's cabinet. Remember to do this daily for free items/gold.

2. When you find receive potions from the cabinet, you'll get in a fight with Snape. For the fight, just defend whenever the magic circle appears or Snape starts his casting animation. Attack whenever you aren't defending. Use potions when you get low.

3. After the fight, you can hang out with Snape at night. Your daily schedule will now be rummage the cupboard, nap 'till nightfall. After a while, you and Snape can start hanging out at night. Do this every night until...

4. Eventually, Hermione shows up to talk. Continue to rummage the cupboard, nap, then hang with Snape. Eventually, the Ministry of Magic will send you a letter about sending reports. You can start writing reports to earn gold. It takes 7 chapters per report and you can submit a max of 6 reports for 200g per payday.

5. Your new schedule will be search the cupboard, write a report in the morning, chill with Snape in the evening.

6. You'll soon find Dahr's Catalogue in the cupboard to buy stuff. You can buy educational books to increase your report writing speed and book reading speed. You can buy fiction books, but you can't really do much with it just yet. You can also buy gifts to give Hermione. Whenever you try to do something she is unwilling to, she will leave and get mad at you for a few days. This means she won't perform any favors; you can either wait it out or use gifts to calm her down.

7. Continue to search the cupboard, write reports in the morning, hang with Snape at night. Eventually, Hermione will ask you to tutor her. You can choose to tutor her, but Akabur is a lazy fuck so he didn't put in this tutoring mechanic. If you choose to tutor her, she'll get mad you won't teach her. Either wait it out or use gifts to calm her down. I suggest waiting it out since you can't access favors yet.

8. Keep doing what you've been doing. At some point, Hermione will ask you for a favor in exchange for points. This is your first "favor", you have 4 options to choose from. She agree to any of them, but only if you give an appropriate amount of points for the act; you can't really fail or make her mad here so choose whatever. You can only see this scene once so I suggest creating a savepoint here to see all of them. I recommend making her stand for 1 point, it keeps Gryffindor's points from catching up so quickly.

9. From this point on, you can summon Hermione for favors during the day or night. She can perform public favors during the day, which severely lowers her reputation among the students in Hogwarts. Her reputation is what determines the ending, if I'm not wrong. Private favors lower her reputation, but have less of an effect than public ones. In the daytime, there are a few private favors that are not available at night.

10. Obviously, you can't ask her to do anything extreme yet, she's not trained enough yet. If you ask her to do something that she refuses, remember you can either wait it out or give her gifts from the catalogue/cupboard. She also won't accept certain gifts at the beginning either.

11. You can see certain favors are locked. Remember there are fiction books? You need to read them to unlock more favors. These favors are also going to cost more points, so remember to keep hanging out with Snape so that Slytherin get more points. Hermione won't perform any favors if Gryffindor is ahead of Slytherin.

12. You'll get to the point where Hermione wants to host this ball. To end the game, you have to reach the point where you can buy her a dress for the ball. Once you buy the dress, you've reached the end. There is no time limit for the game.

You need to read the book to finish, 5 separate times.

Then the 4th read you have to choose evenly between all 3 choices, (It's 6 per category) and the 5th and final time you read the book just fucking christmas tree that shit.

- Akabur is a lazy faggot. The only CGs are the endings. Everything else is chibi. Don't bother to DL if all you want is CG sex scenes.

- If there is a full moon at night, you can write 1 extra chapter for your report. If it is raining, start the fireplace and you can read 1 extra chapter for a book.

- Get the Speed Reading from the catalogue; this gives you a chance of reading an extra chapter in a book. Speed Reading for Experts gives a bigger chance. Assuming the RNG god is kind to you, you have a chance of reading 3 chapters per turn(1 default, 1 raining+fireplace, 1 random)

- The Spirit and Speedwriting books increase the chance of writing an extra chapter for your report. Read all of them to get 1 guaranteed extra chapter. By reading them all, you have a chance of writing 4 chapters in the right conditions(1 default, 1 guaranteed, 1 full moon, 1 random).

- To unlock the school miniskirt, you need to get a certain ending for the CYOA book, "My Dear Waifu"

- Fawkes(the phoenix/bird in the office) does nothing. Akabur, being the lazy fuck that he is, will eventually tell you that Fawkes does nothing if you continuously feed/pet him every turn.

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Witch Trainer: Silver - Update 1.41
600 Townsend Street, Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94103 USA Phone: +1 (833) 972-8766
Silver Studio Games is creating content you must be 18+ to view. Are you 18 years of age or older?
This update brings a completely new visitable location, (which some of you might remember from a particular holiday event) where you will be able to brew potions using ingredients that you can buy or obtain through events, this location will also serve as Snape's office. 
Potions, when obtained, can be given to characters (Hermione only for now). Each potion produces a different effect, and events vary based on character’s progression, previous choices, or how many times the events were replayed. Each event consists of unique writing and graphics, most of them include CG scenes (drawn by @LoafyLemon).
We have also taken necessary steps to improve the game's performance on a wider range of devices, fixing bugs and optimising the code, in order to reduce the number of issues the previous release has had.
Additionally, points and money gains have been rebalanced, in order to reduce the overall ‘grind’, as the previous balancing is no longer appropriate for the amount of content in the game. 
For example, hanging out with Snape will not only increase passive Slytherin points gains, but it also will yield a flat points bonus, allowing you to focus on the more fun aspects of the game rather than just statistics. Report writing, similarly to points, has been rebalanced to enable more playstyles.
Other improvements have been made to Hermione events and favours, including new events, fixes for older content, and general improvements to narration, or even character progression based dialogues which also include currently worn character clothing.
New Outfits have been added for Luna, Cho, and Tonks, some of them received new miscellaneous items and tattoos. New wardrobe chit-chats have also been included.
Additionally, the wardrobe has received its fair share of additions, including suggested quality of life changes, colour synchronisation, outfits randomisation, and more!
Save compatibility has finally been enabled, allowing you to continue from your save file made with any 1.40.X version , please know that this feature is still in a BETA phase, and may not work in all cases. Due to technical limitations, save files with mods enabled are not supported by saves compatibility. It is also important to note that some events included, or improved in this update will be missed if you've progressed past them already.
To ensure maximum save compatibility, before upgrading, please save the game in the office, when no event is currently being played.
For a complete list of changes, please refer to the changelog linked down below.
Due to an extensive list of changes and limited number of test devices, this release is considered a beta.

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