Witch Annerose

Witch Annerose


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Yukikaze Mizuki

Rinko Akiyama

Kurenai Shinganji

Asagi Igawa

Sakura Igawa



Justice Alliance members


Witch of Steel Iron Witch Steel Bitch (by Lee Mayfeng) Stone Cold Beauty
22 (Kabugata) 27 (Gamera vs. The Great General of Darkness) 34 (Kaiju World War Part 1) 40 (Kaiju World War Part 2)
Rikurou Tachibana, slaying her enemies, warm tea
Kaiju of Steel Kabugata Justice Alliance of Japan Gamera vs. the Goddamn Samurai Justice Alliance of Japan Victory Justice Alliance of Japan Victory Soul Gamera vs. The Great General of Darkness Kaiju World War: Part 1 Taigaia vs. Senryuukaku Kaiju World War: Part 2 All-Star Taimanin Gamera vs. Aldrych Justice Alliance of Earth The Movie: The Fated Collision Kaiju World War: Part 3
Rendered image of Annerose wielding Vajrayaksa
Portrait from Kaiju World War Parts 1 and 2

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“Well, let's get to work — I wonder what kind of request will you give to me. I'm expecting you, cute Taimanin boy.” —Annerose
Annerose Vajra ( アンネローゼ・ヴァジュラ , Annerōze Vajura ? ) is the deuteragonist and the female protagonist of Kaiju of Steel Kabugata and a supporting character of the three seasons of Justice Alliance of Japan . She is known as the "Steel Witch of Amidahara". ( アミダハラの鋼鉄の魔女 , Amidahara no Kōtetsu no Majo ? )

Annerose Vajra has black hair and yellow-ish green eyes.

Although she comes off as cold, aloof and standoffish, Annerose has Layers of Compassion and Care Buried within her and at times she's not afraid to show it those she truly cares about.

In the first few years since Rikurou was taken in to be Annerose's servant, their relationship was very rough for Rikurou to come across until the events of Kaiju of Steel Kabugata .

Prior to Rikurou being Annerose's other servant, Mitico Fleuretty is deeply devoted to serving Annerose.

In the first time Annerose totally don't interest about Tororo. She feel annoyed when Tororo keep going to tell her be bare his child when he saw her everytime. But later on Annerose has in serious danger Tororo will go to help her every chance, even though it might be a problem to his group. At last Annerose have felt to Tororo deeply.

As the Iron Witch of Amidahara, she has extraordinary displays of her strengths and magical abilities that makes her a formidable force to be reckoned with.

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Annerose is a feared and powerful witch living in Amidahara. She is half human, half demon and makes a living by running a detective agency. She wields the legendary sword Kongoyasha and her skill as a swordsman is second to none. While she is not down right evil Annerose is still ruthless when it comes how she conducts business.

Rikuro is a high school boy who, while on a school trip, gets kidnapped by slave traders but shortly rescued by Annerose. However, he is forced to bind himself to her through a contract. He is made into a living "zombie". He cannot die as long as Annerose still lives. He serves as both her servant and bodyguard. He sometimes go by his nickname Riku.

A demon girl who like Riku is bind to Annerose through a contract, and act as Annerose's maid and bodyguard. She acts pleasant when Annerose is around, but is very rude and antagonizing to anyone else. She is in love with Annerose, and hates anyone that peeks Annerose's interests. Mitico feelings of jealousy often causes conflicts between her and Riku, as Mitico doesn't want to loss her place as Annerose's "favorite servant". Her weapon of choice are battle axes.

A witch and a master assassin who is Annerose's long time rival. Mayfeng is a human woman that was able to gain the powers of a witch thanks to the magical tattoo on her back. She runs the Chinese mafia in Amidahara, and is almost as feared as Annerose. Mayfeng fights with knives attached to ropes and uses her magic to create poisons. Her abilities have given the nickname the "White Snake". Mayfeng ultimate goal isn't to kill Annerose, but to force her rival into sexual slavery.

A German magical that recently arrived in Amidahara. Barde sent his entire life studying demons and came to Amidahara to further his research. His ultimate goal is the link Amidahara to the demon realm.

An orc-like demon that works for Mayfeng.

A human high school student who came to Amidahara in search of her missing older brother. Described as a lively girl that tends to act before she thinks. She becomes a client to Annerose's agency, who she hires to help find her brother at Aishwarya suggestion. While she might seem like a normal high school girl, is capable enough defending herself in Amidahara. She fights with a submachine gun that she purchased from a local Yakuza gang before coming to Amidahara.

A sorceress that is the de facto ruler of Amidahara. She controls the "Crimson Tower" a casino-like establishment where the citizens of Amidahara engage in gambling and perverted activities, some of which Aishwarya herself engages in. She is given the nickname the "Crimson Queen". Aishwarya is a long time friend of Annerose and an occasional client.

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DarkNews by AF themes.
New Video Game Releases. Free Download.
Witch of Steel Annerose Free Download with Direct Links, Google Drive, MEGA, Torrent.
Witch of Steel Annerose Free Download with Direct Links, Google Drive, MEGA, Torrent.
The stage is set in an abandoned city called Amidahara, inhabited by monsters, criminals and armed refugees. There lives Annerose, a female witch blade, who runs a private detective agency.
One day, a girl named Miki comes by and asks Annerose for help in finding her brother. Starting from her request, Annerose gets involved in fierce power struggles between the dark forces in the city…
Google Drive – MEGA – Uptobox – Rapidgator – MegaUp – Letsupload – Torrent

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Annerose is a feared and powerful witch living in Amidahara. She is half human, half demon and makes a living by running a detective agency. She wields the legendary sword Kongoyasha and her skill as a swordsman is second to none. While she is not down right evil Annerose is still ruthless when it comes how she conducts her business.

Rikuro is a high school boy who, while on a school trip, gets kidnapped by slave traders but is shortly rescued by Annerose. However, he is forced to bind himself to her through a contract. He is made into a living "zombie". He cannot die as long as Annerose still lives. He serves as both her servant and bodyguard. He sometimes go by his nickname Riku.

A demon girl who, like Riku, is bounded to Annerose through a contract, and serves as Annerose's maid and bodyguard. She acts pleasant when Annerose is around, but is very rude and antagonizing to anyone else. She is in love with Annerose, and hates anyone that peeks her mistress's interest. Mitico feelings of jealousy often causes conflicts between her and Riku, as Mitico doesn't want to loss her place as Annerose's "favorite servant". Her weapon of choice are battle axes.

A witch and a master assassin who is Annerose's long time rival. Mayfeng is a
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