Wips Royal Outdoor

Wips Royal Outdoor


Wips Royal Outdoor

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✅ ABSOLUTELY SAFE TO USE - Made with organic ingredients, our flushable wipes are safe to use even for adults and babies. It also promotes a healthy pH balance, making it a female friendly for vaginal hygiene. ✅ ULTIMATE PROTECTION - Infused with Aloe Vera and Vitamin E, our vegan biodegradable wipes are ideal for sensitive skin. Its gentle enzymes and minerals have moisturizing effects to prevent dry skin and itching. ✅ NOURISHES THE SKIN - These are not your ordinary unscented wipes! Soaked in a blend of essential oils, they have natural cleansing properties that will leave your skin feeling soft and healthier. Perfect for sensitive skin. ✅ MADE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE - Whether you’re at home or on the go, our nourishing wipes make clean up easy. Perfect for travel, each individually wrapped sheet fits inside a pocket, purse, gym bag, or glove box. ✅ EASY ON NATURE & THE EARTH - Our wet wipes are not only safe for you but also for the environment. It’s guaranteed free of alcohol, glycerin, paraben, and fragrance. It’s flushable, too!
✅ ABSOLUTELY SAFE TO USE - Made with organic ingredients, our flushable wipes are safe to use even for adults and babies. It also promotes a healthy pH balance, making it a female friendly for vaginal hygiene. ✅ ULTIMATE PROTECTION - Infused with Aloe Vera and Vitamin E, our vegan biodegradable wipes are ideal for sensitive skin. Its gentle enzymes and minerals have moisturizing effects to prevent dry skin and itching. ✅ NOURISHES THE SKIN - These are not your ordinary unscented wipes! Soaked in a blend of essential oils, they have natural cleansing properties that will leave your skin feeling soft and healthier. Perfect for sensitive skin. ✅ MADE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE - Whether you’re at home or on the go, our nourishing wipes make clean up easy. Perfect for travel, each individually wrapped sheet fits inside a pocket, purse, gym bag, or glove box. ✅ EASY ON NATURE & THE EARTH - Our wet wipes are not only safe for you but also for the environment. It’s guaranteed free of alcohol, glycerin, paraben, and fragrance. It’s flushable, too!
Ships from and sold by Perfect Deal drop .
✅ Full Body Safe - Made with organic ingredients, our flushable cleansing wipes are safe to use for adults, babies, and kids. The are also pH balanced to maintain a healthy skin and vaginal pH, making it a female friendly option for feminine hygiene. ✅ Ultimate Skin Protection - Infused with Aloe Vera and vitamin E, our sustainable wipes are ideal for sensitive skin. Its gentle enzymes and minerals have moisturizing effects to prevent dry skin and itching. ✅ Nourishing and Moisturizing - These are not your ordinary unscented wipes! Soaked in a blend of essential oils, they have natural cleansing properties that will leave your skin feeling soft and healthier. ✅ Multi Purpose and Easy-to-Carry - Whether you’re at home or on the go, our non toxic wet wipes are here to meet your needs. Simply pull a sheet out to clean your face, hands, or body. Perfect to use if you're on your period, needing to clean up after intimacy, or sweaty after the gym, these wipes are a great way to freshen up and to stay clean and healthy. ✅ Flushable, Eco-Friendly, Non-Toxic - Our eco-friendly wet wipes are not only safe for you but also for the environment. It’s free of alcohol, glycerin, paraben, and fragrance, guaranteed. Plus they are flushable and biodegradable, too!
✅ Full Body Safe - Made with organic ingredients, our flushable cleansing wipes are safe to use for adults, babies, and kids. The are also pH balanced to maintain a healthy skin and vaginal pH, making it a female friendly option for feminine hygiene. ✅ Ultimate Skin Protection - Infused with Aloe Vera and vitamin E, our sustainable wipes are ideal for sensitive skin. Its gentle enzymes and minerals have moisturizing effects to prevent dry skin and itching. ✅ Nourishing and Moisturizing - These are not your ordinary unscented wipes! Soaked in a blend of essential oils, they have natural cleansing properties that will leave your skin feeling soft and healthier. ✅ Multi Purpose and Easy-to-Carry - Whether you’re at home or on the go, our non toxic wet wipes are here to meet your needs. Simply pull a sheet out to clean your face, hands, or body. Perfect to use if you're on your period, needing to clean up after intimacy, or sweaty after the gym, these wipes are a great way to freshen up and to stay clean and healthy. ✅ Flushable, Eco-Friendly, Non-Toxic - Our eco-friendly wet wipes are not only safe for you but also for the environment. It’s free of alcohol, glycerin, paraben, and fragrance, guaranteed. Plus they are flushable and biodegradable, too!

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Теннисный стол влагостойкий WIPS Royal Outdoor (СТ-ВРУ)

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Влагостойкий теннисный стол WIPS Royal Outdoor СТ-ВРУ используется при положительной температуре воздуха.
ФСФ 15 мм с водоупорным покрытием и антидеформационным усилением по периметру.
Сетка в комплекте!
Вес стола: 66 кг.
Производство Россия.
Теннисный стол усиленный WIPS Royal Outdoor СТ-ВРУ , отличный теннисный стол для игры на открытых площадках! Влагостойкий стол используется при положительной температуре воздуха. Цвет: зеленый. Сетка в комплекте! Игровое поле: ФСФ 15 мм с водоупорным покрытием и антидеформационным усилением по периметру. Ножки: складные металлические на роликах. Материал: стальная профильная труба 20 мм.
Размер в разложенном виде (ДхШхВ): 274 х 152,5 х 76 см. Размер в сложенном виде (ДхШхВ): 152,5 х 50 х 189 см. Размер упаковки (ДхШхВ): 157 х 11 х 141 см. Вес стола в упаковке: 66 кг. Вес стола без упаковки: 59 кг. Прекрасный влагостойкий теннисный стол, для занятий спортом в любую погоду.
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✅ Full Body Safe - Made with organic ingredients, our flushable cleansing wipes are safe to use for adults, babies, and kids. The are also pH balanced to maintain a healthy skin and vaginal pH, making it a female friendly option for feminine hygiene. ✅ Ultimate Skin Protection - Infused with Aloe Vera and vitamin E, our sustainable wipes are ideal for sensitive skin. Its gentle enzymes and minerals have moisturizing effects to prevent dry skin and itching. ✅ Nourishing and Moisturizing - These are not your ordinary unscented wipes! Soaked in a blend of essential oils, they have natural cleansing properties that will leave your skin feeling soft and healthier. ✅ Multi Purpose and Easy-to-Carry - Whether you’re at home or on the go, our non toxic wet wipes are here to meet your needs. Simply pull a sheet out to clean your face, hands, or body. Perfect to use if you're on your period, needing to clean up after intimacy, or sweaty after the gym, these wipes are a great way to freshen up and to stay clean and healthy. ✅ Flushable, Eco-Friendly, Non-Toxic - Our eco-friendly wet wipes are not only safe for you but also for the environment. It’s free of alcohol, glycerin, paraben, and fragrance, guaranteed. Plus they are flushable and biodegradable, too!
✅ Full Body Safe - Made with organic ingredients, our flushable cleansing wipes are safe to use for adults, babies, and kids. The are also pH balanced to maintain a healthy skin and vaginal pH, making it a female friendly option for feminine hygiene. ✅ Ultimate Skin Protection - Infused with Aloe Vera and vitamin E, our sustainable wipes are ideal for sensitive skin. Its gentle enzymes and minerals have moisturizing effects to prevent dry skin and itching. ✅ Nourishing and Moisturizing - These are not your ordinary unscented wipes! Soaked in a blend of essential oils, they have natural cleansing properties that will leave your skin feeling soft and healthier. ✅ Multi Purpose and Easy-to-Carry - Whether you’re at home or on the go, our non toxic wet wipes are here to meet your needs. Simply pull a sheet out to clean your face, hands, or body. Perfect to use if you're on your period, needing to clean up after intimacy, or sweaty after the gym, these wipes are a great way to freshen up and to stay clean and healthy. ✅ Flushable, Eco-Friendly, Non-Toxic - Our eco-friendly wet wipes are not only safe for you but also for the environment. It’s free of alcohol, glycerin, paraben, and fragrance, guaranteed. Plus they are flushable and biodegradable, too!
✅ ABSOLUTELY SAFE TO USE - Made with organic ingredients, our flushable wipes are safe to use even for adults and babies. It also promotes a healthy pH balance, making it a female friendly for vaginal hygiene. ✅ ULTIMATE PROTECTION - Infused with Aloe Vera and Vitamin E, our vegan biodegradable wipes are ideal for sensitive skin. Its gentle enzymes and minerals have moisturizing effects to prevent dry skin and itching. ✅ NOURISHES THE SKIN - These are not your ordinary unscented wipes! Soaked in a blend of essential oils, they have natural cleansing properties that will leave your skin feeling soft and healthier. Perfect for sensitive skin. ✅ MADE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE - Whether you’re at home or on the go, our nourishing wipes make clean up easy. Perfect for travel, each individually wrapped sheet fits inside a pocket, purse, gym bag, or glove box. ✅ EASY ON NATURE & THE EARTH - Our wet wipes are not only safe for you but also for the environment. It’s guaranteed free of alcohol, glycerin, paraben, and fragrance. It’s flushable, too!
✅ ABSOLUTELY SAFE TO USE - Made with organic ingredients, our flushable wipes are safe to use even for adults and babies. It also promotes a healthy pH balance, making it a female friendly for vaginal hygiene. ✅ ULTIMATE PROTECTION - Infused with Aloe Vera and Vitamin E, our vegan biodegradable wipes are ideal for sensitive skin. Its gentle enzymes and minerals have moisturizing effects to prevent dry skin and itching. ✅ NOURISHES THE SKIN - These are not your ordinary unscented wipes! Soaked in a blend of essential oils, they have natural cleansing properties that will leave your skin feeling soft and healthier. Perfect for sensitive skin. ✅ MADE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE - Whether you’re at home or on the go, our nourishing wipes make clean up easy. Perfect for travel, each individually wrapped sheet fits inside a pocket, purse, gym bag, or glove box. ✅ EASY ON NATURE & THE EARTH - Our wet wipes are not only safe for you but also for the environment. It’s guaranteed free of alcohol, glycerin, paraben, and fragrance. It’s flushable, too!
Ships from and sold by Perfect Deal drop .

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