Windows D3d11rhi Private

Windows D3d11rhi Private


* ООО "ИНСТРУМЕНТ" ОГРН 1127746305500 ИНН/КПП 7723834917 503801001 МО, Г.ИВАНТЕЕВКА, УЛ.ТРУДОВАЯ Д.7
Stewen MG
на голосовании 1 год назад
Fatal error: [File:Unknown] [Line: 249] Result failed urce/Runtime/Windows/D3D11RHI/Privat D:/Build/++Fortnite/Sync/Engine/Soate/D3D11Query.cpp:315 with error DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED DXGI_ERROR_DRIVER_INTERNAL_ERROR. Что это такое, если что игра фортнайт
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I’m in the middle of the process of porting our plugin to Dx12. This week I started to integrate it with Unreal. As far as I can tell, Unreal works both with Dx12 and Dx11 without needing a recompile or anything like that, you just need to set the -d3d12 argument when launching the engine and then the appropriate RHI will be created.
That being said I need to include both RHIs in my “Plugin.Build.cs”:
(Ignore the modules for now). The fact of only adding the dx12 include paths, and including lets say “D3D12RHIPrivate.h” from one of my cpp will cause errors like:
I’m only adding the DX11RHI module to my plugin build script, so I understand that the problem is more basic, there is a collision of methods declared mutiple times.
How could I handle this problem? I need to support dx11 and dx12 from the plugin.
I would like to add an extra sample of the problem:
This is reporting a: error C2084: function ‘DXGI_FORMAT GetRenderTargetFormat(EPixelFormat)’ already has a body.
To select the RHI I guess that this will ensure that only one will be created, I’m wondering if what I want to do is possible (or at least in the way I want).
I solved this by doing some hacking. In my custom cpp that includes the D3D12RHI methods, I declare a few macros that override the name of the conflicting methods. At the end of my file I restore this macros to have the initial name. It is hacky, but it is working…

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Windows D3d11rhi Private

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