Windhan Energy; Exchange Tokenized Vitality Platform

Windhan Energy; Exchange Tokenized Vitality Platform


Windhan Energy Overview Project

Windhan is ERC20's efficient power vitality dependent on the blockchain. Increasingly meritocratic is the Crowdfunding and exchange stage that utilizes blockchain innovation to make the nearness of the up and coming age of sustainable power source. 

This unites efficient power vitality makers and buyers to sell and purchase sustainable power source without paying an excessive amount to organizations, providers and different go-betweens. This is a stage that unites vitality engineers, speculators and purchasers through a worldwide system and decentralization that empowers financing and dispatch of vitality resources. 

Windhan guarantees that material sustainable power source ventures are enrolled on the stage as per the cutoff points set by pertinent laws. This stage is outfitted with all apparatuses to enable engineers to make cash by making little interests in huge amounts. Going about as a go-between that associates financial specialists with engineers and speculators. This comprehensive methodology will diminish the requirement for huge money related organizations and consequently quicken the financing procedure. 

At the point when a stage is financed, resource based markers will be printed to speak to the commitment of every speculator. Incomes from our activities are disseminated to financial specialists as vitality advances (called venture markers). Financial specialists will almost certainly utilize the Windhan application to pay their power bills with WHN markers – paying little respect to their position or valuable area. 

Windhan utilizes vitality markers to institutionalize, streamline and open vitality environments that exist comprehensively. Vitality pointers give liquidity and extend access to capital. It likewise furnishes access to worldwide direct exchange with sustainable power source for everybody. 

How it functions 

The arrangement is to give extends that are upheld by network resources joined with sustainable power source stages on the blockchain and enable them to back and exchange vitality tokenized. To reserve and exchange tokenized vitality. 

Objective of the Project 

Our fundamental objective and long haul objective is to back vitality, exchange and vitality tokensation extends, Windhan's sustainable power source ventures and stages are starting to talk about the issue of how the vitality area and blockchain innovation are appropriate. 

Sustainable power source Based on Blockchain 

Environmentally friendly power vitality based blockchain. Progressively meritocratic is the Crowdfunding and exchanging stage, which utilizes blockchain innovation to make an age of sustainable power source. This unites environmentally friendly power vitality makers and purchasers to sell and purchase sustainable power source without paying an excessive amount to organizations, providers and different middle people. This is a stage that encourages the buy and clearance of carbon credits through a worldwide system and decentralization that unites vitality engineers, speculators and purchasers and empowers the financing and dispatch of vitality resources. 


Solid power plants give us this power, which, shockingly, does not generally profit by their activities. Be that as it may, a considerable lot of these power plants are unsafe and risky for our wellbeing and the biological condition of our property. Furthermore, obviously I'm discussing the kinds of stations that utilization atomic power, and the wellsprings of non-inexhaustible crude materials to deliver solid power. Sadly, the outcomes of such station work are vast and there is something that should be fathomed. 

Advantages of wind power

Is a solid wellspring of clean vitality for the long haul future? Wind turbines produce contamination free, dependable, financially savvy vitality. It's moderate, spotless and feasible. One breeze turbine can be adequate to produce vitality for the family unit. 

The blade is associated with a drive shaft that pivots an electric generator to deliver power. Wind turbines require a steady normal breeze speed of around 14 miles for each prior hour wind turbines can deliver power. To deliver a lot of power, numerous machines can be introduced together to frame wind fields.

Token Details

windhan roadmap


Windhan Incorporated

Windhan Incorporated with a vision to provide cheap and renewable energy using wind farms


Land Purchases

Land Purchases in Kazakhstan for Wind Turbine Park.


Approval for Wind Turbines

108MW Wind Turbine Park Approval from the Government of Kazakhstan


All permissions

All permits and licenses are obtained (buildings, construction, road works and on-site network approvals) Due Diligence from the Project.


Power Purchase Agreement

Government Supported Power Purchase Agreement for 15 years.


Launched the Crowd Funding Platform

The idea was born because it launched the Crowd funding platform for Renewable Energy Projects.


Formation and Management

The establishment of the company and the Management team was established.


ICO solutions

After the ICO is complete, we will install wind turbines in the next 18 months


Green Energy Platform

For 18 months we will also develop a Green Energy platform; Alpha version in 3 months.


Windhan Park

Taman Windhan will operate

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Username: abeexy


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