William Somerset Maugham «Mr. Know-All» (7/20)

William Somerset Maugham «Mr. Know-All» (7/20)


Уильям Сомерсет Моэм «Мистер Всезнайка»

Then he seized the pack (потом он схватил колоду).

"Do you like card tricks (вы любите карточные фокусы)?"

"No, I hate card tricks (нет, я ненавижу карточные фокусы)," I answered (ответил я).

"Well, I`ll just show you this one (хорошо, я только покажу вам вот этот)."

He showed me three (он показал мне три). Then I said I would go down to the dining-room and get my seat at table (потом я сказал, что спущусь в столовую и займу место за столом).

"Oh, that`s all right, (о, /это/ хорошо = не беспокойтесь)" he said. "I`ve already taken a seat for you (я уже занял место для вас). I thought that as we were in the same state-room (я подумал, что раз мы /путешествуем/ в одной каюте) we might just as well sit at the same table (мы могли бы так же сидеть за одним: «тем же» столом: just as well — с тем же успехом/также)".

I did not like Mr Kelada.

Then he seized the pack.

"Do you like card tricks?"

"No, I hate card tricks," I answered.

"Well, I`ll just show you this one."

He showed me three. Then I said I would go down to the dining-room and get my seat at table.

"Oh, that`s all right," he said. "I`ve already taken a seat for you. I thought that as we were in the same state-room we might just as well sit at the same table."

I did not like Mr Kelada.

I not only shared a cabin with him (я не только делил с ним каюту) and ate three meals a day at the same table (и ел три раза: «три еды» в день за одним: «за тем же» столом), but I could not walk round the deck without his joining me (но я не мог прогуляться по палубе без его сопровождения: «без того, чтобы он ко мне присоединился»). It was impossible to snub him (было невозможно дать ему отпор). It never occurred to him (ему никогда не приходило на ум: to occur — случаться; приходить на ум) that he was not wanted (что его не хотят видеть: «он не желаем = нежелателен»). He was certain that you were as glad to see him as he was to see you (он был уверен, что вы /были/ так же рады видеть его, как он был /рад/ — видеть вас).

I not only shared a cabin with him and ate three meals a day at the same table, but I could not walk round the deck without his joining me. It was impossible to snub him. It never occurred to him that he was not wanted. He was certain that you were as glad to see him as he was to see you.

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