William Somerset Maugham «Mr. Know-All» (19/20)

William Somerset Maugham «Mr. Know-All» (19/20)


Уильям Сомерсет Моэм «Мистер Всезнайка»

Next morning I got up and began to shave (на следующее утро я встал и начал бриться). Mr Kelada lay on his bed smoking a cigarette (мистер Келада лежал на своей постели, куря сигарету). Suddenly there was a small scraping sound (вдруг там был = послышался скребущийся звук = шорох) and I saw a letter pushed under the door (и я увидел письмо, просунутое под дверью). I opened the door and looked out (я открыл дверь и выглянул). There was nobody there (там никого не было: «там был никто»). I picked up the letter (я подобрал письмо) and saw that it was addressed to Max Kelada (и увидел, что оно было адресовано Максу Келада). The name was written in block letters (имя было написано печатными буквами). I handed it to him (я передал это ему).

Next morning I got up and began to shave. Mr Kelada lay on his bed smoking a cigarette. Suddenly there was a small scraping sound and I saw a letter pushed under the door. I opened the door and looked out. There was nobody there. I picked up the letter and saw that it was addressed to Max Kelada. The name was written in block letters. I handed it to him.

"Who`s this from (от кого это)?" He opened it (он открыл его). "Oh!"

He took out of the envelope (он вынул из конверта), not a letter (не письмо), but a hundred-dollar bill (а стодолларовую банкноту). He looked at me (он посмотрел на меня) and again he reddened (и снова покраснел). He tore the envelope into little bits (он разорвал конверт на мелкие кусочки) and gave them to me (и дал их мне).

"Do you mind (вас не затруднит: «вы не возражаете») just throwing them out of the porthole (только выбросить их в иллюминатор)?" I did as he asked (я сделал, как он просил), and then I looked at him with a smile (и потом взглянул на него с улыбкой).

"Who`s this from?" He opened it. "Oh!"

He took out of the envelope, not a letter, but a hundred-dollar bill. He looked at me and again he reddened. He tore the envelope into little bits and gave them to me.

"Do you mind just throwing them out of the porthole?" I did as he asked, and then I looked at him with a smile.

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