Will I Go Abroad As Per Kundli?

Will I Go Abroad As Per Kundli?

Vinay Bajrangi

Most people are keen to travel abroad, either for studies, vacation, business, or settlement. What entices them to foreign shores is the lure of better living standards, educational facilities, public life, income, and weather! However, going abroad or settling there is easier said than done. One of the most popular consultations topics with top astrologers across India is abroad settlement as per the birth chart. Though you may have the necessary qualifications and resources at your disposal, as long as you don’t have the Foreign Yoga in Kundli or birth-chart, studying or settling abroad will remain an unfulfilled dream for you.

One of the top best astrologers of India, Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, holds out thoughts upon the responsible horoscope for foreign travel in your life being one of the main reasons why a native could leave his homeland and find abroad settlement as per the birth chart. In your Janam Kundli or astrological birth chart, you’ll find your own personal Abroad Travel Yoga Calculator, albeit if you seek help from an experienced astrologer like Dr. Bajrangi.

Foreign Settlement & Birth Date

It is quite possible to find out about your prospects regarding foreign travel or settlement through a detailed study of your date of birth. An astrologer holds the expertise to study your foreign yoga in Kundli and spell out predictions of settling abroad, whether for education or career. The first thing you need to keep in mind is to get your accurate birth date – which includes the accurate time, place, and date of birth. In case you find the foreign Yog missing in your birth chart, astrologers these days can also carry out remedial measures to ensure that you have stronger planetary combinations regarding traveling overseas and even settling there.

It is mainly your ambition that drives your abroad settlement as per the birth chart. Though COVID-19 has put a halt to this dream for most people all over the world, visiting foreign shores can still be a possibility depending upon the position of the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th houses in your Janam Kundli. In order to explain better – the 3rd house of your horoscope signifies all the journeys and travels that you are destined to undertake in the present lifetime. The 8th house represents your sea travels while the 9th house indicates long foreign trips or business opportunities abroad, which might include longer stays too.

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Planets Responsible For Foreign Travels

There are certain planetary arrangements in your Kundli, which will make it possible for you to travel abroad, for education, work, or settlement. The most prominent house in your horoscope, 12th, is associated with foreign travel. Then there is the Moon, which is a natural benefactor when it comes to going overseas. The 10th house in your Kundli represents your livelihood and the planet Saturn is a natural influence upon your livelihood prospects, whether at home or overseas. Overall, the 10th and 12th houses, the Moon and Shani hold special significance when it comes to the question Will I go Abroad as per Kundli?

In addition, there are certain yogas that spell out your chances of moving to a foreign land. The most prominent among those is the “Rajju Yoga”, which is formed when all planets are in the “Char Rashi”. Char means movable! These signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. Additionally, the presence of Ashtamesh (lord of 8th House) and Dwadashesh (lord of 12th House) are located in the Kendra also means a higher possibility of traveling abroad.

Employment Opportunities & Foreign Settlement

Talking specifically about employment opportunities in a foreign land, there are certain astrological combinations present in your horoscope, which would indicate whether you have a chance or not -

  • The conjunction of Rahu-Sun in 1st, 5th, 9th and 10th Houses means the individual will find employment overseas.
  • Chances of an income from foreign sources increase when Dhanesh and Labhesh are strong and positioned in the 8th house, which is the house of expenses.
  • The Moon should be in the 12 house because it means you will either go abroad or earn money from foreign clients.
  • When the Dashmesh (10th house lord) is in the 12th house and the Dwadashamesh (12th house lord) is in the 10th house, you can look forward to working overseas.
  • Moon in the 6th House of your Janam Kundli or in the 10th house will increase your chances of going overseas.
  • Lagnesh in the 12th house and vice versa means the native is likely to settle abroad.
  • Shani is the facilitator of livelihood. If Shani and Moon are in conjunction, you will have a higher chance of visiting abroad and earning an income from there.

If you are someone looking for a chance to visit abroad for studies or a career, it would help to navigate the complex field of Abroad Settlement as per the Birth Chart with the help of an experienced astrologer like Dr. Bajrangi. You can connect with him on vinaybajrangi.com or contact his office on +91 9278665588/9278555588.

Source URL: https://sites.google.com/view/vinaybajrangis/blog/foreign-yoga-in-kundli

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