Will CCP truthfully accept international community inspection? 

Will CCP truthfully accept international community inspection? 


We can explore the issue from three perspectives.

It was just a show

In the beginning, the itinerary WHO agreed with CCP did not include Wuhan - the most affected city. They eventually allowed a few people to go in Wuhan upon WHO’s insistence. The investigation group began their trip between 16 to 24 February. During their nine days stay in China, they spent the first two days (16 to 17 Feb) in Beijing. In the next three days the team divided to two groups heading towards Guangdong Province and Sichuan from 18 to 20 respectively. From 21 Feb onward, they regrouped at Guangzhou to discuss and prepare the inspection report. On 22 Feb, selected team members went to Wuhan and returned to Guangzhou to continue writing the inspection report. The author listed in details the itinerary in order to point out the envoy had avoided the most thorny issues. Initially, CCP did not want the investigation team to visit the hardest hit Wuhan city in the pandemics. They tried to excuse off that Hubei Province and Wuhan were ‘busy’ in combating the plague, they ‘did not’ have time to recept WHO group. (This could be seen from the fact that the press released of the WHO group did not include Wuhan before they headed to China.) Yet because of the insistence of the experts, CCP reluctantly agreed to allow a few members of the team to go to Wuhan on the 22 Feb. The leader of the joint inspection group, Assistant director of WHO (Canadian Epidemiologist) Dr Bruce Aylward slipped of his tongue that they had not visited the dirty district of Wuhan. (note 1) Therefore, the WHO group and their so-called report was a mere formality.

WHO’s report was written to fit CCP’s notion

The joint investigation group leader Bruce Alylward told Financial Times that there was a huge back and forth between WHO and PRC regarding what should be included in the report. He gave an example that PRC refused to describe the current status of the epidemics was dangerous. They also did not allow mentioning anything about the possibility of second wave of outbreak. (Please refer to the news report by the Financial Times on the 20 Feb.) In regard to this, it is not surprised that the report did not point out CCP covered up the outbreak of the epidemics and suppressed people who disclosed the truth of the reality. The report divided the epidemics into three stages. However in the first phase description (between 8 December 2019 to 19 January 2020), it did not mention anything that CCP had been systematically concealing details of epidemic breakouts. The author had written down in details how CCP concealed the epidemics situation, destroyed the samples, persecuted the whistleblowers and how they enacted absurd policies in tackling the epidemics (putting politics over safety of the public’s health and science). (note: please refers to HKCNews). I don’t repeat here. The serious mistakes made by CCP at the first stage of the epidemic outbreak were important reasons for subsequent mega scale breakouts.  Yet WHO report did not mention this.

The report enlisted four time times of the developments of the epidemics in China(nationally, at Sichuan, Guangdong and Shenzhen) except Hubei Province and Wuhan city were not included. (Wuhan was the first break out place and the most severe impacted city in China)Obviously, this was not a negligence but a deliberate avoidance of Wuhan in order not to embarrass PRC.

CCP wants to make use of the authority of WHO and the report from the investigation team to legitimise their own official notion about the epidemics

1. The covid-19 is a ‘natural’ product and not ‘artificially synthesised’.WHO’s report made the following statement regarding the source of the virus: 

"It is not yet clear, but according to relevant information provided by the Chinese side, it is suggested that bat may be its host, and pangolin may be one of the intermediate hosts of the new coronavirus. Scientists are conducting further research studies to ascertain the host of the virus.” The report did not mention a word about thesuspiciousconcerns relating to P4 labat Wuhanfrom the international community andthe role of the lab in this incident.CCP aimed at downplaying international concerns through diverting public attention to the bats as source of virus through the mouths of the WHO team.

2. The virus is not mutated 

It is important as to whether there is any mutation of the virus because it implies whether somebody is developing biological weapons.Institute Pasteur of Shanghai Chinese Academy of Sciences published a thesis at National Science Review in early February. Analysis of certain family households’ infection cases in Guangdong Province revealed that 2 of the amino acids from samples collected among family members have been changed. This suggested that virus mutation.However, researchers were not sure whether the toxicity of the virus has been strengthened in the process. If it is confirmed that there is virus mutation, then what Dr Francis Boyle of Harvard University mentioned at an interview with Reuters became worthy to be noted. He saidthat“Wuhan BSL-4 was the source of the new coronavirus. I guess they are studying SARS virus to further weaponize it through functional mutation, which means it may be more lethal."

WHO’s report stated that “through genome-wide sequencing of 104 new coronavirus strains isolated from different locations, the homology was confirmed to be 99.9%, indicating that the virus has not yet undergone significant mutations.”  The problem is that the strains were provided by CCP and therefore totally controlled by whatever CCP wanted to provide. And this is exactly what CCP wants to see a conclusion that there is “no evidence” of obvious virus mutation.

3.WHO helps to sell CCP propaganda of “China experience” in ‘combating’ the pandemics

WHO called on all countries to “learn” from CCP's experience in controlling the epidemic, and to stop restrictions against PRC. Alyward publicly applauded CCP in ‘controlling’ the epidemics. He urged all other countries to ‘learn from’ CCP’s experience. He also said that any measures to restrict trades and travels would “impede” the ability of the world to address the new coronavirus pneumonia.  Any restrictive measure imposed on PRC by any country that is more than recommended by the International Health Regulations should be restored because “China risk” is “lowering” whereas the “contributions” that could be brought by PRC is ‘increasing’. 

The “investigation” envoy has wiped out the crime of CCP in causing great harms to the world by concealing the epidemics in their white washing report.CCP’s radical disastrous measures in ‘tackling’ the epidemics become a ‘model’.CCP is making ‘great efforts’ to ‘buy time’ for the world, and “therefore” greatly contributed’ to the fight against the pandemics. The WHO delegation crowned CCP by putting cosmetics on their faces. In the process, they do not only ruin their own reputation, they have become an accomplice of the pandemics.


1) The head of the investigation group Bruce Aylward who made a slip on his tongue at the press conference on 25th March in admitting that the WHO group did not go to the dirty areas (referring to risky areas such as hospitals.)

2) See my writing: CCP’s mistakes lead to global disasters (Part 1) (https://bit.ly/3b2zXkH) published by HKCNews 2020-03-22

Excerpt: HKCNews, (4 Mar, updated on 4 Apr)


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